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Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 00:12
by LeannaAnne
.... I am not sure how I interpreted that the other way around...

I love the dancing so much :mcomg: Its something similar to Zumba, but way smaller. Feels more like a holistic whole because everything is very much within control.... where Zumba is just far to big and popular and everyone is doing whatever they want...

(Sorry for being a little vague, my sense of... not giving to much information online has risen a whole lot... but I'm also aware that I wasn't always like that so I'm desperatly keeping this forum away from other communities I'm in :mcheh: )

Maybe we can meet-up sometime soon... next month when I've got some spare time hopefully :mcheh:

Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 00:33
by Merrymaking
Haha fair enough! One of the reasons I ask is because I'm still looking for a kind of workout like that that works for me, so any new information about stuff that others enjoy is helpful :mctongue:
But I get why you don't want to share too much online.

Yeah I was just thinking about that, would be nice to see you again :)

Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 15:36
by LeannaAnne
Sounds like a plan! Are you still in the same city? A friend of mine gives danceclasses in that neighbourhood so I might even able to combine it :mccool:

Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 16:02
by Merrymaking
I moved a village over, but still in the same area for sure. You're not talking about de Alphense Dansschool, are you? :mclaugh:

Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 20:50
by LeannaAnne
I doubt it... They're in Nieuwkoop, Aalsmeer and Mijdrecht... maybe they're not that close :mcdead:

Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 20:52
by Merrymaking
Ah, fair enough haha. Nieuwkoop is rather close, but Aalsmeer and Mijdrecht are pretty far off for Dutch standards ;D

Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 20:58
by LeannaAnne
I really hope that I can FINALLY get my drivers license after my exam in may... that would make everything not so annoyingly far away :mcgloom:

Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 21:00
by Merrymaking
Ooof, you're doing all that without? That's harsh. I've got all my licenses by now, wouldn't know what to do without them :mcdead:

On the other hand, gives us bus drivers something to do. :mclaugh:
Good luck though! Did you pass your theoratical exam yet?

Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 21:13
by Dream-Baby
Suddenly remembering Merry is Dutch like I am. I keep forgetting that. :}

Re: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!

Posted: Feb 19th, '23, 21:17
by Merrymaking
That's because I'm really not. It says so in my passport, but that's about it. I got harshly reminded about that when I tried to make stamppot andijvie the other day :mclaugh: