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Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 19th, '19, 21:40
by Hotarla
a little bat? you mean the living empire one? C: so do I actually...xD but it only gives you 150 bats.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 19th, '19, 21:51
by Demonskid
those 150's add up! ovo

Mom is really milking the whole 'im sick so do stuff for me' shtick =A= refuses to get something 1 foot from her >:x

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 20th, '19, 00:05
by Hotarla
not that much lol...xD at least, not in my opinion...xD;;
like a drop in the ocean.

oh wow...D:

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 20th, '19, 00:34
by Demonskid
Yea... =A=
makes me wonder how she survived earlier when I took a 2 hour nap.. she kept waking me up this morning >;x

I don't think my little pepper seeds are doing well.. the water gets murky fast, like minutes of me changing out the water it starts getting cloudy ono I don't see any growth either..

My vine though.. it's got a nice big root on the bottom there >:D

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 20th, '19, 01:09
by Hotarla
loool well when you gotta do something.........xD;;

hm....well you don't put a lot of water in it, do you? maybe try not to submerge them, even plants can die from drowning lol. like put them in a container with a very thin layer of water, or on top of a wet paper napkin. if all else fails....well you can always say a little prayer and throw them in a planter with soil and hope for the best...^^;;

well that's good! different plants need to grow in different conditions. like when I was planting my lotus, I had to buy a special aquatic soil with clay in it, then cover the soil with gravel so that the soil wouldn't float up when I poured water in.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 20th, '19, 02:37
by Demonskid
I'll try a moist paper towel next time. o3o I think these ones are doomeded

The doctor called yesterday, he had done a high contrast CT of her lungs and there is a spot he doesn't know what it is so she goes to a lung specialist. =A=

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 20th, '19, 02:53
by Hotarla
Well even if you think they're doomed...xD try throwing them in a pot anyway. You never know, you might get lucky...XD

woooow, today's task was like...too easy lol. just a riddle and that's it?

uh oh. well I hope its nothing...;-;

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 20th, '19, 03:34
by Demonskid
Riddle was easy o3o

I hope it's nothing as well ono
I'm hoping its just some food she accidentally choked in.

I was gonna get some dirts with what was left over so I could plant stuff, but mom's nebulizer took the rest of the money =A= I'll try again later.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 20th, '19, 04:04
by Hotarla
too easy. like dangg.

or maybe scarring? like my grandmother, she uses oxygen because of something similar to that.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 20th, '19, 06:38
by Demonskid
The doctor did mention she has scarring on her lungs from smoking. but there was something there he didn't recognize. Lung specialist she goes...

I'm worried she was there watching me put down the diatomaceous earth and breathed some of it in and that's whats caused it. =A=

I mean she was perfectly fine one day and had issues breathing the next.