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Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jun 23rd, '19, 22:09
by Popodoki
Ha I actually have thin silk shorts to sleep in c':

I need a new pair though, to have some variety

Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jun 23rd, '19, 22:14
by Audriella
They are quite nice. I don’t wear my favorites outdoors, as most have holes in the seams. The waistbands are elastic, which is a must for me. I think I have five to ten pairs opened.

I don’t care about variety anymore. Shopping is a pain.

Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jun 23rd, '19, 22:21
by Popodoki
I ordered mine online in a set with matching loose tank top, button up shirt, sleeping mask and a lil bag to put everything in to travel with. I really need to find out where I got them from, I forgot the site as its been a while and I order from so many places...

Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jul 11th, '19, 12:25
by light_sucks
-cries- I haven't been on in forever. I'm sorry y'all. Life is still crazy stressful.

We got told we're getting kicked out of our current house on August 1st because the asshole land lords (my husband's aunt and uncle, btw) have already rented it out. The paperwork for our new house is probably not going to be done by then so we will have to squat there. It's so stressful.

Back to boobs talk. My boobs are around a 44K in American sizes. I have found exactly one brand who carries that size of bra, and only in one style. Though it did come in a few colors. I have black, bright pink, blue, and snakeskin. They don't fit me perfectly, but they are the best fitting bras I have ever had in my entire life.

I sleep in the nude unless it's winter.

Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jul 15th, '19, 22:44
by Popodoki can they do that to their own family?? That's heartless! I'm so sorry Light, I hope your situation improves big time and soon :c <3

I used to be sleep with full pyjamas on, now I can't understand how I managed that c':

Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jul 20th, '19, 03:59
by light_sucks
I know right? They are awful. I'm angry about it.

Thanks hun. I hope things improve soon as well.

We're getting things packed. We have a rented dumpster (that Kevin's grandparents paid for) that way we can get rid of all our broken ass furniture.

Literally all of our couches are broken. lol. Thankfully there is one couch at the new home that is in working order. Otherwise we'd be screwed.

I think that I did too when I was young. Mostly nightgowns. Ain't nobody got time for that anymore.

Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jul 21st, '19, 13:18
by Popodoki
I hope they get the karma they deserve for that. God is patient!

is a lot of your furniture broken? Or do you still have a bit that's useful and you can take with you?

I love the look of those vintage lacy nightgowns and even own one but I literally haven't worn it yet cause I don't think I'll actually sleep comfortably in it c':

Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jul 22nd, '19, 07:10
by light_sucks
Yeah, me too. Oh well. Nothing that I can do about it.

Yeah, actually. lol. We have 2 couches and a love seat. They are all varying levels of broken. It sucks. lol. And to make matters worse our bed popped yesterday. lol. It finally gave out on us. It lasted a really long time though. Like 15+ years. My husband lost his virginity on that bed. To me. Mwahahaha.

They are really pretty. I feel like they wouldn't be very comfortable. Lace rarely is.

Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jul 22nd, '19, 14:37
by Popodoki
when you do get into your new place will it have any furniture already there or do you have to bring everything yourself?

Re: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥

Posted: Jul 22nd, '19, 22:11
by light_sucks
There will be a lot of stuff there because it was his late mother's house. So everything that people didn't want is going to be there. lol.

Thankfully there's a big ole bed too. Yay! Giant bed!