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Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 6th, '20, 14:23
by memoriam
I tend to check the reviews and if they're overwhelmingly bad and I'm not that interested in the book, I'll pass. If I'm still interested, I'll check it out anyways. I'll usually want to read a book if it has mixed reviews and I'm interested in it. But with Cassandra Clare I just don't feel that interest and the reviews are either bad or meh and judging just by the worldbuilding and plot I can tell it's really a whole different story from mine (again, I wanted to read it because I wanted to make sure I don't copy any ideas or anything) and there would be no comparison and I'd probably just be frustrated with the main character.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 9th, '20, 20:35
by memoriam
Forgive my double posting but I finished readng Rithmatist yesterday (geezus effin' crisp, gimme more). Today began reading Yerofeyev's Pnk Mouse and I have no clue what's going on xD The narrative is so messed up and mingled, even for a "fairytale" (although it's more so for adults). I'm only a few pages in. I love the voices of the characters but he just jumps from one point of view and narrative to another in one scene and it's hella confusing. One piece is first person present tense, then it's third person past tense, then it's first person past tense, then back to first person present and it's all in one fragment xD
Oh, those Russians... :mcargh:

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 10th, '20, 00:39
by jacobgrey
I just read the Penguin mini version of Darwin's diaries to get a quick book ticked off. It was hella confusing for a non-biologist XD

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 10th, '20, 01:51
by Sanssouci
I'm almost done with Mystery of the Dead Police. I don't care for it, so I'm eager to finish it!

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 10th, '20, 15:07
by Rubie
I'm almost halfway through my book, Dawn of Wonder (if I ever mentioned the title yet), and geez, why must the author go into such detail of something that will never be visited again. 10 pages here of useless info, 10 pages there of useless info. I'm probably nitpicking it as well since I'm just so annoyed at the useless descriptors and useless random info that adds nothing to the story. The pacing is also all over the place. I have not nitpicked a book so bad since I read the Waking Land last year.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 14th, '20, 09:02
by LittleJulez
Unnecessary details are annoying, indeed.

I never read reviews intentionally. When I buy a book at the book store they sometimes have reviews in the newest and best selling books, I might read one or two. But that's it.

I am not really progressing as I am concentrating on my master thesis. I don't count the books I read for the thesis, just the ones in my "free time", but there is no news to report. I think I read a few pages here and there though.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 14th, '20, 15:58
by jacobgrey
I managed to get about halfway through Demons before having to stop for another break again. I'm wondering whether it's Dostoyevsky's style being different in this one, like I thought, or whether it's actually just the characters. I was describing to J why I'm struggling with it and I realised the description I gave was exactly the same reasons why I loved The Brothers Karamazov, so. I don't know. Maybe I just can't stand the protagonists?

Anyway, we only just finished the Shadowhunters TV series so instead of going right into the books again like I wanted to I'm doing one quick palette cleanser. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides, which I've seen around a lot so I wanted to try it.
(so far it's a bit twee and predictable. I always thought it was bad writing when someone would say "if I had known how bad things would get, I wouldn't have taken the job" or that kind of other clumsy foreshadowing that stuff is going to get interesting later on, but it seems like publishers really love that kind of text in thrillers right now. I've read it so many times. Maybe I'm the only one who rolls my eyes at it)

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 15th, '20, 01:32
by Sanssouci
I needed something extra light, so I am reading George's Marvelous Medicine.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 15th, '20, 12:14
by LittleJulez
"extra light" xD

jacob, maybe you should also go for a light read? :D

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 15th, '20, 16:30
by jacobgrey
The Silent Patient was pretty light, I finished it already haha. Now full steam ahead on the Shadowhunters. I'm going to try and do one book, then read as much of Demons as I can stomach, then one more book, and so on. I'm not letting this one defeat me XD