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Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 20th, '19, 07:41
by Lady River
Melbourne breakfast from t2 tea

Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 20th, '19, 08:03
by light_sucks
Sounds good.

I haven't had tea in quite a while. I want some now. Have you ever had southern sweet tea?

Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 20th, '19, 12:21
by Lady River
It is nice.

I have not. What's it like?

Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 20th, '19, 12:30
by light_sucks
It's a whole lot different than regular tea. For one, you drink it cold. I am pretty picky about how mine is prepared so I prefer the kind that's home made.

Generally you make a large batch. Like a pitcher. So around a gallon, maybe more. Not sure what that is in metric, sorry.

You get a pot on the stove, boil the water, boil the tea bags, let it steep for a while. Then you get a ton of sugar, if you want it sweet, mix that into the pitcher with the tea. Then fill the pitcher the rest of the way with cold water. Add ice cubes if you like, then refrigerate.

The goal is to make it very strong since you're gonna water it down. Lots of people make it waaaay too weak. And then there are a ton of people who steep it too long and it gets bitter. Gross.

Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 20th, '19, 18:23
by lunar_eclipse66
I love tea! Southern sweet tea is good. I used to make it all the time in the summer by the jug.

Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 21st, '19, 00:32
by light_sucks
I love lots of different teas. I used to have a tea subscription box. It was awesome. I got to try all kinds of different kinds. The only one that I and my husband consistently hated was roibos. I don't know how to spell it and google ain't helping. But it had this weird aftertaste that we didn't like at all.

Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 21st, '19, 01:30
by lunar_eclipse66
I’ve found very few teas i didn’t like. Right now i have a mango ginger, chocolate mint, lime, and cinnamon and clove tea at home.

Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 21st, '19, 01:37
by light_sucks
Well those sound nice. All herbal?

Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 21st, '19, 01:52
by lunar_eclipse66
Most of them. The chocolate mint one isn’t though.

Re: Fairy Coin Charity ~ Anyone can enter! {Weekly Raffle}

Posted: Jul 21st, '19, 11:01
by Chrizine
I had a tea advent calendar once, that was similarly nice for trying different teas :)
But I agree with you, I didn't like any of the rooibos variants either.