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Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Sep 5th, '22, 20:32
by Natsuyuki
It was exciting!! I was able to meet some interesting new people, and the classes and workshops were all really intense but useful :mclove:

It's gonna be a super busy year of classes and the in-school practicum, but I'm really looking forward to it :DDD

Ahh I like rose gold quite a bit myself so it made me excited ahaha~
But yes the pikes are the perfect mix of cute and dramatic!!

It's great to hear that your son is having relaxed and happy dental experiences! Hopefully you and your hubby won't have to go through too much medical troubles either :mcsad:

Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Sep 13th, '22, 08:51
by Amura

Oh, I've been away for a while, haven't I?
Life has been quite busy - work mostly, nothing health/family related to worry about.
I wanted to make sure to log in every day to collect my troth tokens, but I did not even manage that :mcheh:

Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Sep 13th, '22, 19:16
by Miranda
Hey Amura (and everyone else as well of course :mctongue: )
How are you? I don't know if you remember me and my name but we were quite active together some years ago. I just got back to Kofk due to my semester holidays.
I had a lot of time and well, here I am again. Not sure how active I will be though since I usually have a lot to do.

Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Sep 14th, '22, 08:37
by Amura
Hello, Miranda! Welcome back! Of course I do remember you!! Nice to see more "faces" I know around again :mccute:
I also was on a long hiatus myself, I think I returned to KofK one year ago, because I did miss the good times here. And I've stayed ever since.
Well, I go from being an hyper-active poster for a while to not post at all because life gets hectic and now forum-time is the first thing I give up. Funny how it used to be the other way around.
So don't worry, just enjoy the warm feeling of being back! :mccool:

And how has been your life these past few years?

Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Sep 14th, '22, 09:49
by Miranda
Thanks for the warm "welcome" :mccute:
I imagine everyone needs a little comfort after the last years and the world somehow turning upside down. So it's no wonder we're returning back to Kofk where everything somehow feels familiar and safe again :mchappy:

To be honest, I think it'll be the same with me: Being super active or at least visiting Kofk daily to being absent for a while again. But well, with getting older priorities change as well.

My life has been a rollercoaster, to be honest. I'm still studying Social Work because I was unable to study for a few years due to health issues. Lot of heartbreaks happened (not just love related, but friendships ended, family losses, etc.) and new dear people came into my life. I'm working in an afterschool-care of an elementary school 3 times a week now with a great team. If I'm lucky I can even work there after I finished university.
So, all in all I can say: Life happened and I matured a lot :mccute:

How about you?

Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Sep 17th, '22, 15:56
by Amura
Yes, I think it's comforting knowing that there is a place where you can go, and see familiar people, and talk about your life quite freely.
But life keeps getting in the way xD

Whoa, seems like you had quite a lot going on. It's great that you are seeing the bright side - sometimes it's so hard! - and that you have such good prospectives about your future.

I did quite well too. When I left my son was a baby, now he's 7 years old and I have a little more time to myself.
Found out that I had some health-related issues which became aggravated by pregnancy, but right now I'm checking up regulary and so far no procedure was required.
But most of the time I'm exhausted. Makes me feel quite old ^^;

If you feel like posting, now that the Candy Caravan mini-event is going there will be more people around. Probably.

Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Sep 20th, '22, 08:06
by Amura
Well I'm so exhausted.
This is definetely not normal, but I can't pinpoint the reason...
And I know doctors won't pay any attention to my tiredness anyway :/

Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Sep 25th, '22, 05:16
by chuunibyou
:( i'm sorry you're suffering from exhaustion. is it like persistent fatigue? is there anything you've noticed contributing to it (like stress for example)?

Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Sep 26th, '22, 14:29
by PastelWitch
I also suffer from constant tiredness; I know doctors aren't going to take it seriously so am trying everything before contacting them.

Currently I'm on a "no caffeine" week.

Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?

Posted: Oct 1st, '22, 08:23
by Amura
That was exactly the problem, PastelWitch, doctors don't pay much attention to this kind of stuff :/
A few years ago I decide I had to find out what was the problem and I decided (on my own) to get some blood tests done. Almost everything was ok or was unrelated, but I found out I have hypothyroidsm.

Once you find out the problem they start paying you (some) attention. But hey, it should be them the ones finding it, not me :mcmeh:
Well, anyway, I've been feeling better since I started on my medication.
But lately not so much... I'm sluggish again. I'm having problems to keep concentrated.
I suppose I should get another blood test done soon and see if I need to adjust my medication; I was originally planning to wait until november - when I also have an appointment for an ultrasound - so I could make a complete check up, but now I think it's better to get it done asap.
Just that I keep forgetting to call. Because my brain is so foggy. Oh, well.

I do notice stress have such an impact on my fatigue, but currently I'm not much stressed.
I'm sleeping poorly though, cause my uterine fibroid is feeling funny. I had it checked up this summer so there should not be a serious issue, but it's hurting at night and I can't sleep well.

Oh, well, nothing too awful, but I don't feel like doing anything, not even coming to a forum and post.
Work, spending some time with my son, then try to sleep. Repeat again.

Btw Pastel, I would also recommend you quitting sugar and refined flour products for a while. I notice the difference when I do!
This kind of quick-energy foods make you feel better the moment you eat them... but after a while you feel MORE fatigued. Which sucks.