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Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 26th, '24, 20:52
by Hotarla
is it? i dunno my terms lol. xD i got my little turtles when i was just a little girl at chinese aquatic plants and fish stores. my parents thought at the time that a turtle would be an easy pet to care for. xD

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 26th, '24, 22:30
by Akili Li
Well, compared to some, I guess they are?
How did you find it? Difficult or easy?

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 26th, '24, 22:31
by Hotarla
i dunno? i just change the water and feed it lol. xD;;

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 26th, '24, 22:38
by Akili Li
I'm actually working on getting my first water-based care thing soon.
Which is a fancy name for a stock tank full of water in the yard, that I'm going to see if I can grow cattails in.
I've never even had an aquarium before.
So I have no idea how much work it will be, or if I have to figure out how to change the water on it, or if it'll be easier or harder to grow plants outdoors than it would be to keep an aquatic pet indoors.
I'll find out!

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 27th, '24, 03:39
by Hotarla
we used to have fish too. but it was too much work changing and cleaning stuff. i've tried and still failed to grow lotus flowers. leaves, i get plenty. no flowers tho lol. maybe i should use an old fish tank and try there. but i feel like cleaning would be the same as for when we had fish. ugh.

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 27th, '24, 05:06
by Akili Li
Aren't lotus plants HUGE? How are you growing them in an aquarium??

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 27th, '24, 05:25
by Kitalpha Hart
We had fish (one was a carnival prize, the others leftovers from a school dissection) that made it into their teens despite never being properly taken care of. Irregular tank cleanings, random water changes, cats drank the water, puked into it, the whole nine yards of "how are you still alive"

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 27th, '24, 05:30
by Akili Li
Those are some impressively tough fish.
Cat puked in tank, fish are just "Oh, new food?"
My mental image of these fish are replete with tough-guy tattoos, cigars, low-slung fedoras, and mafia-style armaments.
In a fish tank.
I'm totally blaming this ridiculous image on your fish, mind you. It has nothing to do with my cliche-laden mind. Nope, this is all on your Tough Guy Fish.

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 27th, '24, 09:30
by Kitalpha Hart
4 of them
Four fat overfed fuckers
Their tank was a storage bin
Then dad introduced a cleaning shrimp and it had some sickness on it that killed the goldfish

Somehow no eggs or guppies ever happened

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: Apr 27th, '24, 22:45
by Hotarla
ive seen some people grow lotus in aquariums. maybe there's some small versions of lotus i think.