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Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 4th, '20, 03:51
by Hotarla
i have a few as well but making a new account is just waaaaaay too much work lol.

yeaaaaaah well. what can you expect? xD;;

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 4th, '20, 03:56
by Demonskid
not when you need it for testing because at the time the software didn't have what was needed! xD

with today's technology and the money spent on these smartphones? the best image possible! >:o

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 4th, '20, 23:33
by Hotarla
eh. still. I'll probably eventually just make that private server lol.

i...still don't have one of those. smartphone that is. xD;;

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 4th, '20, 23:50
by Demonskid
they're only good for the games >:x the cameras suckz

o3o i accidentally sucked up my new little snail when cleaning the shrimp's 1.4g tank today. snail is alright.. was exploring a stone all day till a shrimp tossed him off.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 5th, '20, 02:33
by Hotarla
yeahhh i only really use my itouch for games lol. and reading. lots of reading lol.

aww, well i'm glad its okay lol.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 5th, '20, 03:02
by Demonskid
he needs to grow bigger, he so small i keep losing him. gotta use a magnifying glass to find him xD

Trying to get good photos of him so I can figure out if he's a Mystery Snail or a Ramshorn

-watches snail pick him up for the ump-teenth time and then toss aside because it's not food- .. o3o grow faster little dude...

i put the vacuum together today =w= yeeey....

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 8th, '20, 04:22
by Hotarla
lool well here's hoping it gets bigger then. xD;;

mystery snail hahah. and a ramshorn?

new vacuum? i remember you saying you threw the old one out?

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 8th, '20, 05:09
by Demonskid
He got strong enough to stick to the tank while the shrimp pick at him. Named him Dude.. (like the character from Rio Bravo) watch this snail turn out to be female. >A<

Mystery Snails and Ramshorn Snails are snails people like to get for their aquariums that and Nerites. I want a tiger nerite >A<

yea the motor burned out.. =w= knew I smelled something but everyone said it was fine... and that smell started after mom lent it out to the neighbors when we first got it.. so we were lucky it lasted as long as it did.

We bought a somewhat cheapish one... =A=

>:x the worms that I was told would go away... they're getting so bad its causing my Ammonia to spike! D:< I had to put some peroxide in the tank, let it sit then did a 40% water change. gonna do another tomorrow >:x

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 8th, '20, 20:35
by Hotarla
i don't know what Rio Bravo is lol but at least its getting stronger?

good job getting a new vacuum lol. i think we have like three here. two of them are lighter but the suction isn't that great, especially on carpeted floors. and the last one weights like a ton lol. soooooo heavy. work up a sweat just using it lol.

worms? you have WORMS??

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Oct 8th, '20, 22:22
by Demonskid
OAO John Wayne western Rio Bravo... it's a must watch... QAQ

Hate heavy vacuums... hate loud ones too >A<

they're a good type of worm, they help eat dead plant stuff and old food. But they can become a danger if their population explodes. >:x My plants aren't even dying yet, not even a leaf, and I had a population explosion. like wtf..

I just did another water change to try and get rid of more... and more just keep showing up >:x I hope to get a second sponge filter soon =A=