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Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Nov 27th, '20, 16:38
by Demonskid
That should work! xD

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Nov 30th, '20, 05:52
by Hotarla
soo i've been watching kami-tachi and srsly, main character is always meeting like SUPER NICE PPL, like what kind of nice wholesome isekai is this? XD even the villains who were embezzling money were only mentioned, we never get to see them. i was envisioning the MC meeting a bunch of shifty noblemen lol. the series is so damn SPARKLY. XD

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Dec 1st, '20, 19:13
by Demonskid

He does meet bad guys! Unless they end up cutting them out like they cut out a whole bunch of other stuff. =w=,

I like the show, but I also hate the fact that they've changed too much. Cutting stuff out due to a low budget is one thing, but this feels more like they wanted to get to a certain point in the story and cut/changed a lot just to get there.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Dec 1st, '20, 22:36
by Hotarla
i've only watched like 5 or 6 eps but yeah so far, its all very sparkly and wholesome with no actual visual enemies and villains, apart from the monsters. XD

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Dec 1st, '20, 22:51
by Demonskid
They skipped 1 set of bad guys.. And that set was important, but they changed how that part worked out.. and that set of bad guys was a fun fight to read about.

There aren't many bad guys in general so far. Just lots of slimes! ovo

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Dec 2nd, '20, 04:34
by Hotarla
ah i see. or rather, i don't. xD since i probably haven't gotten to that part? i'm only at the part where he decides that he wants to do a laundry service lol.


Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Dec 2nd, '20, 04:40
by Demonskid
Ah yea... the first set of bad guys happens on day 1 of the Mine Extermination. Mine Extermination lasts about 5-7 days in the LN/Manga. That was all cut up and changed too. The way the goblin fight happened, doesn't actually happen like that >w> He was suppose to be with a shit ton of people closer to his age and he doesn't fight the big bad either. Literally, they are making Elia the ONLY kid he's ever around.

Second Set happens a bit after the Laundry Mat opens.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Dec 2nd, '20, 05:20
by Hotarla
yeaaaaah i didn't see any villains before the mine extermination. i mean, apart from the washroom/miasma part where they talked about those guys who were embezzling? apart from that, i have no idea.

i haven't gotten far in the laundry mat part. i'm currently at the episode where he mentions wanting to go independent.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Dec 2nd, '20, 17:22
by Demonskid
The bad guys I speak of are part of the reason he wants to go independent, but like I said, they cut them out of the anime. And it was such a good fight too.. >:x

If you're enjoying the anime, you'll enjoy the LN! ovo Or the manga.. o3o

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Dec 2nd, '20, 18:51
by Hotarla
Ohhhh. Yeah well I guess it makes sense I don’t know them since they weren’t shown in the anime lol.