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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 20th, '22, 23:25    


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Loool no more wrapping paper dangit! Unless you intend to wrap your house in wrapping paper lol.

Yeah i dunno if i could do that. Like working even on weekends. XD;; i already hate waking up early, now you want me to do that over the weekend? No thankssss dudeee.

Iunno? Somewhere near the tropics? Maybe south of france? I hear its nice there? I dunno lol.

Yeah i wasn’t really IN to yugioh, just liked to collect pretty cards. XD;; but the hobby is too expensive so i stopped.

I’m too cheap usually to buy food outside. XD;; if i can cook, if i’m not tired, i’ll do that instead. And my mom is home so she usually does the cooking over the weekdays. We’ll occasionally order pizza over the weekends if we don’t want to cook or whatnot. Or if my mom is too tired or she feels sick that day, we may call for chinese takeout. Or they’ll buy ready to eat hot food from the chinese supermarket and i’ll just be in charge of making rice or something green/vegs and stuff.

Yeahh i dont even bother with KS stuff. XD;; i wasn’t there, i don’t feel like im missing out (apart from the pets) so i don’t care. Pft. As for store items, i collect them when i collect them xP

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 20th, '22, 23:42    


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I got enough to last for years tbh. LOL

Yeah. That was such a soul sucking job. I was always tired. Went to bed early every night cuz I Was always so tired. lol.

I guess I got to go visit to find out lol. I don't know if I can live in France. Language is hard to learn and I ain't got time for that lol.

I was way more into the yu-gi-oh anime. lol and pokemon was life for me around that time too, so it got pushed to the side.

Yeah weekends is for lazy days. Frozen pizza or takeout. Mostly frozen pizza cuz it's cheaper lol But the brand that's was always the cheapest is now getting pricey. $5 for frozen pizza or $10 for take out pizza. hmmmmmm. Mostly depends on my laziness lol.

I still want the dragon! But I know that is just a dream.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 21st, '22, 03:59    


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yuppp def wrap the house. and everything else. the car. a streetlamp. your dogs. 8u i dunno. XD

yeaaah as i said, can't do it. xD;; so no to weekends. xD;; and like back to back jobs. gosh that would be like AFFFFFFFF.

i had to learn french from.....grade 4 or 5? its like....mandatory in canada since we have quebec and its like a second language. xD;; granted, i don't think i ever can speak full on french though. xD;; i feel like i learned nothing in french class. pft.

i watched a bit of the anime. and then i just stopped. stopped watching much tv as well. pft. i don't even know what's good on tv anymore. xD;;

we rarely buy frozen pizza. my sister might buy those frozen meals and then we'd heat those up. XD or those large meat pies.

oh yeah that dragon is pretty. i wish they would re-release them or something. even if it requires for it to be like........a donation/paid perk or something. 8u

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 21st, '22, 16:27    


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Hey, the only street light on my street is in my yard so maybe I should =O!

Yeah. I refuse to ever have to work another weekend again. OR! if worked a weekend, have more days off during the week. Like ya'll gotta balance it out. Not everyone is in love with working.

I took Spanish in high school. All I can remember is basic terms and "how do you say ... in spanish" (como si dice en espanol) because I had to ask that a lot lololol. I tried to learn japanese. Never got around to mastering hiragana.

I think Saturday I had time to kill so I was watched actual tv for once. I like actual tv cuz I can watch reruns on the old shows I like, but meh, I really need to call and cancel my cable cuz it's not worth the price and I stream 98% of the time. The only other time I watch tv is in bed.

Oh yeah, I sometimes get the all you have to do is heat them up in the over kind of meals. Usually get like one or two and then make them on the nights I'm super lazy to make an actual meal.

I was waiting for the charity donation pet to come around again cuz that just ended when I joined. And kicking myself not buying the hatching item when I saw it for dirt cheap. sigh. Someday. Also they could re release it, but maybe have it a new color to differentiate them from the KS ones.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 22nd, '22, 04:01    


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pfthahahah, make it all festive! XD

yeah it really needs to get balanced out. like i think there's a law or rule, if you work this many hours, you need at least i dunno how many hours of a break, if you don't want to pay overtime.

i suppose i can say a few simple things in french. not enough to have entire conversations lol. i also know a bit of spanish too but like.......only a few words or so. although...if you want to learn spanish, i guess you could always watch something like dora the explorer or something. XD

oh...yeah i MAY watch some tv over the weekend, but like you i always watch reruns of those casefic crime scene shows. XD

yeah we only get it when its on sale. xD or sometimes my sister gets them herself and then we all share it anyway.

just got a peonybun! >w< the creator was sending out hatches today so i'm hatching that now. C:

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 22nd, '22, 04:45    


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Sooooo my computer at work randomly deleted it's Bluetooth drivers? I gotta email the IT company we use to see if they can fix it. I don't know what happened. All I can think is it somehow got effed up when theater completely froze my computer, made my screen went black, and I had to do a hard reset and somehow in the process it messed it up (I don't want to explain that to the IT person though cuz lol I be calling myself out on that)

Omg okay speaking of festive, I had a Dr Appt today and it's on the other side of the city so I stopped at a craft store on my way home, it was a lil crazy out (legit couldn't turn cuz people blocking the intersection), to get the rest of the stuff I need to finish making a Christmas present. And then I went to Walmart in a different city. And this one stop light I had to wait through 4 cycles go get through, then the turn to get into the Walmart parking lot, sat there for 3 cycles. It was crazy. I can't tell if it's because we are supposed to have a blizzard tomorrow or last minute Christmas shopping or both. It was crazy. Shelves were empty. Luckily I was able to get everything I needed. I wouldn't haven't even bothered if I wasn't already out and about. (Okay I really don't know how I combined that with festive lol)

Some people don't actually get paid overtime. Because I dunno. I like to browse the anti-work subreddit and the stuff people post is insane. Like wth how do employees get away with some of these things.

Yeah, I bet I could pick up Spanish again if I actually went back to learning it. It seems a lot more simpler to learn than french tbh. I see that one guy who makes shorts on YouTube that can speak multiple language, he has a French series and omg, so confusing.

God I love those ghost hunting shows and paranormal shows so much. Then on the other end I can watch reruns of the golden girls for hours and not get sick of it. Lol. RIP Betty White. You were my favorite

Omg speaking of that, my sisters was supposed to be in charge of supper tonight. She didn't. So I made a frozen pizza I picked up. She got mad cuz I didn't want to share (she has done it a few times where she didn't want to cook and just made a frozen pizza for her and my nephew and I legit had nothing plan cuz I was expecting her to make something) but this bish still ate my pizza.

Woohoo! I'm moving up on the list. I think I'm like 50 lines away from getting a grant.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 22nd, '22, 05:27    


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ohhh i hope you can get that fixed!

wow thats crazy, whats with all those wait times lol, just getting anywhere. xD;;

i think japan has this term called "black companies" which do that. like death marches and other such terms about bad companies.

i think french and spanish are kinda similar. xD;; at least, when i was doing that one spanish elective, my french teacher kept saying my french pronunciation was wrong lol. XD

only ghost type series i've ever watched is Ghost Whisperer. XD

gosh how rude. and how inconsiderate. 8u i can't wait til she leaves....xD;; doesn't she leave next year or something? she's not staying permanently, is she? XD

yayyyyyy i hope you get yours soon!

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 22nd, '22, 17:04    


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Yeah me too cuz I listen to stuff in the background all the time soooooo my days will be a lot more boring not being able to listen to true crime podcasts lol. (Granted I legit need headphones to listen to training program required by the state so I have an excuse as to why I need this issue fixed lol)

It was insane. It doesn't help it was around the time most people got off of work. It was crazy.

Oh yeah I've heard of that. Like no ty. I rather not work so much I die.

I think it is, but I dunno the spellings for French just seems confusing to me. It's like they add random letters and say it's pronounced one way. I can't wrap my head around that lol.
Lol yeah I'm so bad at pronouncing words. I either over pronounce (thank you speech problem I had as a kid when I couldn't speak more than 5 words and had to take a lot of speech therapy as a kid) or slur my words together (an effect from my speech problem).

Ooh I think I've watched that one. My favorite is the OG Ghost Hunters and back in the day there was a show called the haunted collector (iirc) where this team would go collected haunted objects, but they also did the whole set up cameras to catch activity around the object to see if it was truly haunted. I remember there was an episode with a doll. Not spooky at all lol.

Uuuuuggggghhhh I'm hoping by the end of January. I've been putting off a call to get my.fireplace checked out cuz I don't want them coming into the disaster I call my house (I got after her last night because she kept putting recycling on the counter and not taking it out to the bin and I'm so annoyed cuz she'll just leave it until I do it. And that's just a tiny bit of her mess)

Me too! They are so cute.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 22nd, '22, 18:47    


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Sometimes i can’t concentrate on what i’m doing if i’m listening to something. The most i do is put on a playlist. And then after awhile, i get annoyed and turn it off. Pft.

Yeah sounds pretty insane. XD;;

Pft and yet i keep reading all these mangas about people transmigrating to another world after dying from overwork. Pfthahaha.

Yeah another language is always going to be confusing. It does seem weird, some of pronunciations. Like “name” in Spanish is “llamo”. Like if you didn’t know spanish, you’d pronunciate that with an L. But two Ls become a Y sound. 8u or Js and Ns sounding like Ys, Cs sounding like Ss because of the accents. XD ugh.

Pfthahaha. Yeah Ghost Whisperer was like this fictional casefic show about a woman who could see spirits. At one point, her beloved husband dies and he lingers around in spirit form til he finds a new body and possesses it. It was craaaay. And kinda spooky at times because some of the spirits she met were def not friendly and died in very bad ways.

Well here’s hoping they don’t apply for an extended stay. XD
Didn’t know you had a fireplace, a fireplace sounds cool.

They are! I just hatched mine today and ahhh, adorable. XD now 2 habitats of customs lol. XD

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Dec 22nd, '22, 19:16    


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Lmao the IT person that was trying to fix the Bluetooth couldn't figure it out. Someone else will be working on it.
I like background noise. Sometimes I'll specifically put on white noise.

Omg there is a YouTuber I watch that lives in Japan. He literally got hit by a truck and ruined his arm (he's a professional shamisen player). And anyway I was reading the comments in his video when he was letting people know and I literally cackled at the comment that went something like"you almost got isekaid to another world."

Oh gosh I never did understood the accents tbh. Whenever I saw them I just always messed them up. I guess I just grew up knowing more Spanish than any other language. Probably cuz dora the explorer did come out when I was a kid. I didn't like it, but I still watched it and reacted to the show when they told you to repeat after them.

That sounds like a wild ride tbh. I need to find a new show to watch that I don't mind people always freaking talking over. I've been putting off some shows cuz I literally can't watch anything without being annoyed.

Yeah it's an electric start gas fireplace. The electric start just stopped working sadly

Oh nice. Look at miss fancy pants over here.

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