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Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 15th, '21, 23:26
by Hotarla
wellll...... Shakespearean isn't THAT bad lol.

its april fools for a reason lol. that's why it try to avoid reading anything on april fools day lol.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 16th, '21, 01:27
by Demonskid
But.. that one chapter for Saint I read recently, not on april fools day! D8

o-o... It is when people take it too far. It's.. evil... >x>

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 16th, '21, 06:50
by Hotarla
It was probably posted on April fools but other sites got it at different time lol. Most likely they didn’t check the content before posting it on another site.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 16th, '21, 11:49
by Demonskid
You get what you get... just gotta stop forgetting people change the story for april fools.

... QAQ
bed bugs are back... like COLONIES of them on my blankets and I JUST washed these! HOW?! -over does it with bug killer stuff-

Now I gotta re-wash EVERYTHING on my bed, and spray the bed down again... AND add more DE to the bed after everything dries..

Why is this happening now? where'd they come from?! I haven't gotten anything new (or old) at all.... QnQ I bet they were hiding in the walls after the incident in 2019 and made their way to my room. I gotta check mom's room too...

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 16th, '21, 20:35
by Hotarla
yeah especially if they're aggregator sites, in other words, a site that reloads/reposts the manga/novel from the main/official site without care. so you get what you get lol.

i'm sorry....D: i hope you can get rid of them.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 16th, '21, 22:25
by Demonskid
Shoved the blankets that had them into garbage bags, drenched them with bed bug killer, then left them like that while I went to the eye doc (eyes got worse.. yeeeey) came back and threw them in the washer and dryer, using the hottest settings available to me.

While the bed was tore apart, I drenched the bed with the spray as well... >-> like.. i check everything once a week because of my paranoia and I never saw anything.. then Boooom... Colonies appear out of no where. >:x was so gross....

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 17th, '21, 01:54
by Hotarla
i don't think i've ever seen......well no i don't want to say anything now because i don't want to jinx it. still, i hope you can get rid of that infestation.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 17th, '21, 20:04
by Demonskid
x-x -flops over-

Last night my ibs acted up sooo bad, i had to take a laxative.. that helped a little but my stomach was still hurting this morning.. and well.. you know the rest x-x

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 17th, '21, 20:57
by Hotarla
i'm sorry you felt that way. and i hope your mom feels better soon.

going back to talking about FR....have you checked out the new dragons yet?

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jun 17th, '21, 23:54
by Demonskid
I just looked. I took a nap x'D

They kinda look like foo dogs o3o kinda

the one I got from the statue thingy from the event. =/ gonna need color changes.