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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 28th, '23, 03:32    


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i don't think i've ever slept with my parents on the same bed. my younger sister, at hotels, perhaps. xD;; we'd fight over the blankets in the middle of the night pft. xP

yeah i only really interact here tbh. but i also know people who have joined other sites and although i don't talk to them there, i talk to them elsewhere. its weird lol.

oh that's good to hear.

i remember there was a news article some weeks ago, some poor canadian lady was on vacation with family in.......dominican republic or something? and she was going down this water slide and someone from behind crashed into her and broke her neck or damaged her spine or something. she became paralyzed and couldn't even move to eat. the entire family wanted someone from canada to approve a medical copter or plane to fly her back to canada but it took literal weeks, maybe even months, i dunno, just to find someone to get her and her fam back home. so she was stuck in a hospital in a foreign country with people who could barely speak english, just waiting for a medically assisted plane from a hospital who had approved the transfer to get her back to canada where she could get better care.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 28th, '23, 03:46    


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Pfft. I remember this family vacation we took to Colorado, we would rotate who shares a bed with who. One night it would be my brother and I, another, my sister and I, then another would be my mom and I. That was such a great vacation. In general. Lol.

That is very true. That reminds me I got into dragon cave again and I need to go put my eggs on a clicker site thing. It's been a few days. I randomly got on it, got eggs, and promptly forgot about that until now. Lol.

Yeah. Omg today I asked her if she missed me and she said "no. Haha" lol (she can't really laugh and talking is like uuuuuhhhh an effort kind of, like her mind is there, but the drugs confuse her at times

Oh god. That would be my nightmare. And yeah, just being from another country can make it worse. I remember when I went to Japan, I had to get like travelers insurance for medical and stuff.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 28th, '23, 21:51    


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Lol we’ve never done that before. XD

I’ve never gotten into those egg clicker sites. The only one I did briefly was a Pokémon one. XD

Pft she got sick and tired of seeing you all the time. I hope her pain wears off soon and she can get better instead of eating drugs all the time. My moms BP meds, sometimes she gets dizzy and nauseous eating them. I dunno if it’s a sign that they’re too strong or not strong enough. 8u

Yeah it does sound like a nightmare. Gosh. I wouldn’t know how to deal with that kinda stuff.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 28th, '23, 22:56    


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Those egg clicker sites is how I found kofk.

Yeah my mom was soooo hungry she wanted two sandwiches. She only ate like 5 bites. But it is still am improvement. She told me I talk a mile a minute cuz I was telling her it was a good thing I went and painted her toes last Thursday (she don't like naked toes, but she can't really bend over cuz of her RA to it herself and since chemo, she can't go to a nail salon like she usually does)

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 29th, '23, 01:36    


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yeaaaaaaaah i don't remember how i came here...Gaia? Roliana? some other site? 8u i don't remember anymore. xD;;

well at least she's eating...i guess? xD;; guess you can finish her leftovers.
and i'm usually pretty quiet. so i'd be staring awkwardly into space if i wasn't playing a mobile game or reading.
i don't like painting my nails. and i have a nervous habit of biting my fingernails too.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 30th, '23, 17:02    


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I was big into dragon cave, magistream, and one other I cannot remember right now lol. I would go on them clicker sites to get clicks. It's also how I got a virus so I stopped really using them tbh. Cuz someone put a link up that was a dl for a virus. So I learned to mistrust them.

Yeah. She told me yesterday all the food was bland, but she's also on a low sodium diet and chemo cuz mess with your tastebuds so that's probably why.
I brought my tablet to read yesterday and by the time she was getting sleepy my brother and his wife showed up so my mom woke up again.

Oh I usually just wait until they start breaking to clip them lol. I haven't painted my nails in almost a year. I went with my mom around my birthday last year to get my toes done lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 30th, '23, 17:16    


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Yeah i only did it briefly, like i’d put those signature bbcodes wherever i posted so that people would click on them and i’d get eggs hatched faster. But then it just got annoying having to change signatures and codes and so i stopped.

Oh. Yeah the only time my tastebuds got messed around with was when i got covid. On like one or two of the earlier days, i literally could not taste anything. It was veryyyy strange. 8u like getting sick AND not being able to enjoy food. Ugh.

Yeaaaahhh i keep my nails painfully short lol. Not just because i bite my fingernails as a nervous habit, but also because i HATE getting stuff stuck underneath my nails. 8u its just so nastyyy. So i just keep them short to the point where there’s practically no nail. As for my toenails, i clip them every few weeks or so, just because sometimes they’ll start catching on my socks bc they’re getting longer. That and i had a….first cousin? Second cousin once or twice removed? Anyways, he didn’t cut his toenails, and they became ingrown and stabbed into his toes. 8u had to get it specially removed. So i never keep my nails long. XD;;

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 30th, '23, 18:16    


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Oh yeah I used to do that a lot too. You know it's funny, I went to update my signature like a long time ago lol, but it's telling me an image is too big. So I'm just sticking to what I have since it's just wishlist and two links in my signature lol.

I never got that with covid. I had like a terrible cough that hurt my chest a whole heck of a lot. And I couldn't talk without coughing for like 4 days. Then I was fine, but still testing positive.

Oh I hate getting stuff under my nails, but I hate clipping them even more. Ever since a kid, I hated cutting my nails. Ugh I just had my first ingrown toenail over christmas. It's probably because I don't cut them, I rip them off lol. My brother showed me how to get the ingrown out (he gets them all the time). It was so painful, but it healed without getting an infection. I have since bought a ingrown toenail kit to numb it the next time it happens. Hopefully never.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 30th, '23, 20:53    


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Oh yeah that happens frequently. Which is why, if that ever happens to me, i upload the image privately to imgur and then resize it there. If i REALLY want to post it on a signature. XD

I did lol. At least, i think it was a symptom of covid, i mean, it did say that one of the symptoms was loss of taste or smell. And i think that happened to me. 8u i remember trying to eat something that was cured or something and literally, tasted absolutely NOTHING. Its hard, when you’re sick and then you can’t even eat properly because you have no appetite after everything you eat tastes like…nothing. XD;;

Oh nooo, i have to cut my nails or i chew them off. I still chew them off but then sometimes, if the nail gets long enough, i’ll cut it properly. XD;;
And after i heard about that cousin getting an ingrown toenail bad enough to land him in the hospital, i’ve cut my toenails every few weeks. 8u i do NOT want that happening to me.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 30th, '23, 22:30    


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Oh I never realized you could resize. Granted I don't think I've been on imgur in years lol.

Yeah I know a few people who lost their taste with covid. I would be so sad if I permanently lost my sense of taste. Like maybe I wouldn't be so fat if I couldn't taste anything lolol.

Speaking of, one my fingernails ripped and I had to go clip it so finally cut my fingernails in the first time in like 3 weeks lol.
Yeah I don't blame you. My little one was painful enough as it was. To the point I couldn't walk without immense pain.

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