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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 23rd, '23, 03:27    


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pfthahaha. i think i might have enough saved up for next month's chest. xD;; it depends on how its being priced pft.

nahh no special compensation, just normal regular pay. xD

yeee donuts! sometimes i skip down to the retail kitchen and see if they have samples to try lollolll. sometimes i get lucky and they made something new to sample and i get to secretly sample. hahahah. xD today i got a got a piece of bread/proscuitto/cheese/balsamic vinegar munchie and then two small slices of cake. pfttttttttttttttt. XD i might not like working in a kitchen EVER but it beats having to bring lunch every day since they just eat what they make if it turns out wrong or just can't be sold. XD like yesterday, i had a dud cinnamon bun, they couldn't sell the ones that came out smaller. pft.

lol i see. well i hope you can get some rest after this. and i hope your mom continues to get better.

well if we get any shirts or pants or face towels or whatnot that get too holey, we just use them as rags. xD

booo. well you could also submit an interesting description for the teacup faun. only that one doesn't have a participation reward. xD;; but i checked the list and woooh i'm already on it. :> so i'll get a free faun when it comes out. yayy for not having to pay. xD;;
i stopped spinning the silvie ones after i got.....quite a few of the new items. just gave up after lol. xD;; luckily for me, i still have like...800k out of the bank......and quite a bit in the bank. xD;; if i pick up my interest, its like 1k more potatoes a day. woooooh~ and i'm not even doing theatre fully (only enough to fill the bar) and i'm not always completing daily bonuses and doing only enough npc tasks to do daily bonuses. xD;;
then again, if i don't save up this much, i wouldn't be able to afford customs. QuQ

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 23rd, '23, 16:20    


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Yeah I got like enough for 1/3 of the price lololol.

Oh, yeah, if I didn't need the money I would so take the week off lolol.

OMG that sounds so good. I get a feeling I would get really fat(ter) if I worked there cuz it would be hard for me to resist eating and trying new yummy food. lolol.

Yeah I hope so too. Just need to get through the next hurdle and hopefully it'll be up from there.

Oh then, not going to waste my brain power on that. I'll get them someday lol. I wish I could get my own custom so I can have it for custom trading lol.
I haven't bothered with theater. I really need to just save again tbh. I haven't had a bunch of potatoes saved since I got the prism pup.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 23rd, '23, 23:52    


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Lol well i guess you’d have to get more. XD;; unless you can buy it with potatoes. XD;;

I totally need the money. But i also TOTALLY need the break soooo…xD;; break it is.

And lol guess what? I’m getting free mac and cheese today because there weren’t enough customers today and so they still have a lot of mac and cheese left. It really pays to be close with the kitchen staff/manager lol. XD the current kitchen manager started working shortly after i started working here so we’ve known each for at least a year. And i try to make an effort to greet people in the morning when i come in, even though i hateee interacting with people. XD so all the kitchen staff we have now are like all newer hires who only started after i started working. XD its nice because sometimes i’ll drop in and the pastry/bread chef is like “oh i just made something new, wanna try?” Or the kitchen manager would say something, like today with the mac and cheese. XD its only a day old so its still fresh but apparently “can’t be sold to customers anymore”. Which makes sense since they should get fresh stuff. But hey, if everything is nicely packed away and refrigerated, i’m not going to say no to free food. XD

Good luck and i hope everything goes well!

Well it might be set up for public sale once its released but its still nice to get it for free. XD i mean, i didn’t really draw all that much, i literally just used my work ipad, got a piece of white paper and traced the sample image of the teacup faun the custom owner. Then i just lined it and colored it. The main thing was only the coloring, because the custom owner wanted to see some color combinations and get some mock ups for their custom.
I’m doing theatre so i can get my free monthly god/goddess item thing. The potatoes are a plus. XD

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 24th, '23, 16:24    


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LOL I probably will. Sigh. I'm going to save up potatoes for a while if I stop spending them. So I can just buy a bunch of customs at once.

LOL I got the week of March 20th off. MY sister should be out on the 10th. Hopefully. She told me she's not taking all of her shit with her. I told her that sucks. I told my mom and and she said "we" are taking it to the curb. I look at my step dad and said "you know when she said we she means you." lol. But she has furniture, stuff she PROMISED she would go through when she moved in, a shitton of purchases, etc. just everywhere. I would like it out so I can clean. cuz oh my god, the one room that has 99% of her shit is so freaking gross. Hasn't been cleaned since right before she moved in.

Oh man yeah, that sounds good. I can see how they can't sell day old stuff. I think the deli at the grocery store is the same. I don't usually get food there since I always am there when the deli is starting to close. lol. But the employees must take the leftovers home. Which is a nice little perk of the job tbh.

OOH forgot about those items. Sigh. I forgot to do Ravan's quest too. OH well, I got next year lololol.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 24th, '23, 22:38    


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I don’t normally spend potatoes anyway, unless its for the stores. Mainly like Oran and, maybe a gacha spin from the other shops.

Nicee. Hopefully she does completely vacate, along with all her junk. And if she doesn’t take her furniture, i say toss it to the curb. 8u actually, i think i might have that week off too although i can’t be sure. I need to double check. XD

Yeah my mom thought the pasta mac and cheese was a bit dry and not enough sauce but they DO have to keep it on a heated plate the entire day and then i used the conventional oven to heat it up as well so its not surprising that whatever moisture there was is gone. XD;;
Anyways, i got to try some in-house made tiramisu and i literally can NOT resist tiramisu. The new sweets/pastry chef who helps the other pastry/more bread chef made it all, including the madeleines/lady fingers inside the cake. It was SO GOOD UGH. Even the cream was like light and fluffy and not oily or greasy which is why i usually hate cream. GUH.

You still have a few days…XD but yeah there’s usually a new badge thingyyy which was the only reason i really did it. I did enough of the quest to get it i think. XD

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 28th, '23, 20:21    


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I did like a whole lotta nothing over the weekend. And my mom freaked out Sunday night so I spent the night with her Sunday night and I am still feeling extremely tired from that tbh. I almost had to spend last night with her too, but my brother's wife ended up doing it. I felt bad. But idk why my brother couldn't and my sister had a dr appt later in the morning and for some stupid reason that was her excuse.

RN I wanna get the new items, but I'm back to saving. Actually been doing the repeatable so I've been saving quite a bit of potatoes. lol.

Oh she better. I already told her if she doesn't have it all out I'm dumping it all out on the curb and idc what she says. There was no reason why she brought so much crap she never touched in the first place.

Oooh yeah, sometime I add like a lil bit more milk (or water tbh I live on the edge) when I reheat up mac and cheese. But mostly it's kraft mac n cheese I eat. Well rn I'm on a velveeta and shells kick lol.
I honestly don't think I've EVER had tiramisu. I think I've had it as a flavor, but never straight up tiramisu. lol

PFFT I ain't getting it lol. I completely forgot about it still lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 1st, '23, 05:40    


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Aww....well sometimes its good to do absolutely nothing. that's how i want to spend my weekends tbh. xD;; just be lazy.
i'm sorry about your mom. D: and i hope you can get some rest.

i think its become easier to save potatoes. or maybe that's just me. xD;; i seem to have a bit going around. now its just a waiting game for the new monthly. 8u

you tell her! throw that crappp out! you don't need it~

tbh, i've never had kraft mac and cheese. xD;; we've never bought it here at home. xD;;
tiramisu is SO GOOD. i loveeee tiramisu. i'd totally eat like half a cake if i could lol. i make do with a slice but gosh, i'd eat it right up if i could. xD i think we once put tiramisu in the freezer and it was like eating ice cream. xD

lol i think the new month starts march 2 so.......you might have time yet to do the seasonal. xD

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 1st, '23, 16:33    


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Next weekend I am busy. Saturday I am taking my brother's wife out to go fabric shopping cuz they are having sales next weekend and I got some coupons in the mail for it lol. And I told her I'm going to buy her lunch cuz I feel like I owe her something for how much she's done for my mom. Like the lunch isn't really a lot but it's still something. Then visit my mom. Then Sunday idk. Maybe go see my mom again. Maybe play a board game with her or something. If the weather is nice I want to do some yardwork. but the weather has been like really nice on the weekdays then nasty on the weekends.

Yeah, besides the monthly, I really don't need anything. So it's like let's save up to buy a bunch of customs at once. IDK what my goal should be before I do that lol.

Oh well she's lining people up to move furniture around next friday. SO LET'S SEE IF SHE ACTUALLY MOVES ANYTHING FROM MY HOUSE or not. Because she needs it all out cuz I have a really strong urge to deep clean the rooms her crap has overtook.

OOH Come here and I'll make you mac n cheese and hot dogs. Might get a lil wild and cut the hot dogs up and mix it in with the mac n cheese. I feel so American when I make hot dogs and mac n cheese for supper. Like a classic meal from my childhood.
OOH That sounds good with ice cream. I never did get a birthday cake this year. Maybe I'll see if a bakery nearby has any. There's a bakery near the fabric store so maybe I'll pop on in and see what they have on Saturday.

PFFT WELL I looked yesterday and went nope, I don't have enough at all and if I start now I still won't. lololololol. Let's just say January and February were not good months.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 2nd, '23, 03:25    


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I see. that's nice of you, to spend time with your sister-in-law...? xD and nice to visit your mom, i think she will benefit from all the visits, knowing that people care about her and want her to get better.

yess do thattt. that's me tooo, just spend when customs and monthlies come out. xD

she BETTER move all her stuff out of your place! D:

lol sounds delicious! xD i'd totes love to try your mac n cheese! xP with hot dogs! XD
well you should get cake! def! make it tiramisu! XD

aww that sucks. well nothing you can do about it now i guess. 8u

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 2nd, '23, 16:12    


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Yeah sil. Feels weird so like idk. Haven't had an in-law since my sister divorced and that was weird too.
Omg she didn't want me to leave last night and I'm like mom, it's passed 8:30, I would like to get home and sleep lol. I was hoping to get some reading done. Granted I read on my tablet until like 10:30 lol.

Speaking of potatoes savings, lmao at this month. I totally skipped the part you needed 5 of the oran items to get this month's limited potato pet. SIGH! And I want two. so spending all my potatoes for extras since I spent a lot to get the spring pet that I should have waited on.

OH she BETTER! I want her OUT! like that's no secret. Especially since I get a week off. But the stupid plumber won't come at all so that's really the major delay. She might not be out with me week off. That I was totally planning to do deep cleaning (that I won't be able to do if her shit is still there since it's in the kitchen, the rooms she has junked in my house, etc) and catching up on a LOT of shows (since I never get any peace and quiet or alone time to watch the shows I'm actually invested in), and yard work if it's nice and I'm not able to get out there sooner. lol.

LOL OKAY! I kind of tempted to make that for supper now. But I've been to the store so many times cuz I've stopped doing one big monthly grocery trip because most of the food went to waste cuz my sister and nephew are so damn picky so I wasn't able to make what I would like. So food goes bad or leftovers get thrown out because she insists she can't eat leftovers. It's annoying.

Nah, I can just get it next year or buy it off of the market if I really want it.

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