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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 3rd, '23, 04:25    


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well its true what they say: the older you get, the more childish you can become. it doesn't help that your mom is sick and she probably feels lonely and doesn't want to be alone.

lol i dunno how much i spent on the new oran items. xD;; i feel like i spun the wheel over.....100 times maybe. i do the 10x spins and i feel like i did that like 10 or more times. xD;; i have extra plus over that. xD;; and that was only enough to 2 of the new oran pet. im hatching one now and have an extra but that's probably about as much as i feel like spending. xD;; AND i also got the new spring pet so, yeah that was a looooooooot of oran spins. QnQ

i'm getting a week off this month as well! march break hyeaaaaaaah! like, i dunno if i said it already but like we could also "volunteer" to work but i'm like NUH UH, i need to sleep like a WEEK lol. xD so next next week, which i think is the actual march break? yeah that week is off lol. woooooh. i can't wait!
but yesssssss, time to kick her OUTTT. XD

goshhh wasting food. 8u aren't you glad she'll be leaving soon? XD;; srs, if she's so damn picky, she should buy and make her own food, not have you do it. 8u

buy it off the market? but then what about the badge? xD;; i like those cute little animated things.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 3rd, '23, 16:14    


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Yeah, but every time I see her I notice something she can do with more ease than she was able to do than the last time I saw her. You should have seen her face when I got excited she could lift her bad leg up on the standing thing without her using her hands to help it up on it.
Still, I just can't imagine how much different things could have gone. For a while there it looked like she wouldn't ever get better.

It's annoying cuz if I had read the announcement all the way through and not go "OMG NEW PETS!" I would have realized I needed the 5 for the hatching item I wouldn't be like "gotta do these quests fo sho now" I would only need 3 more spins. Sigh. Oh well, the new spring pet is cute.
Also threw a full set of the oran items up in market just to see if anyone would buy but, nope, lololol. I bet everyone has way more than enough of these items.

Oh yeah, you did say that lol. WOOHOO! Got any fun plans or just being a bum. Like I said, I wanna get housework, yardwork, and watching as many shows as I can that week. LOL Hopefully my mom will be out of the nursing home so she won't need visitors daily by then. Cuz I love you mom, but omg, I'd like to have days where I don't need to go anywhere.

She does buy her own food, but then she gets lazy to cook and then either ends up getting fast food or whatever. It's annoying.

PFFT It's just was not a good time tbh. If it was this month I'd be all over it.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 6th, '23, 16:44    


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That’s great, slow and steady is good, you wouldn’t want to rush things.

Yeaaah its pretty bad. Its gotten to the point where its nigh impossible to sell the oran items for this month. I’ve literally just stuffed all my oran items into storage. I WAS able to sell two random orans for 7.5k but thats like….ridiculous because even one spin is 9k. 8u so like…yeah oran this month is terrible.

Just be a bum tbh. These past few weeks have just been one headache after another. The company is gearing up to open a new store in the city this week (maybe lol) and the opening has been pushed back and back and back because this and that hasn’t been done and there was this whole THING where they invited the previous designers of the current store to Canada from ITALY BARCELONA and i was like thinking “like wtfff, why are we doing this, we can probably do a cheaper alternative here in CANADA but NO you have to INVITE someone from ANOTHER COUNTRY, paying expensive airfare and hotel stays for them” like i don’t understanddd and then there’s all this ordering this and that and everyone is in a rush and i’m the type who can only really do one thing at a time and then they’re throwing me to order stuff and i have to talk on emails and the phone and i really CANT do that nor do i have that forceful nature that makes people DO things because i’m the type of person who takes things at my own slow pace and all this fast pace stuff is just making my head spin and there’s people calling me for this and that and like job inquiries and i’m like “there’s an online site, do it online, NO DONT JUST WALK IN FOR AN INTERVIEW you need an appointment GARGHHH”.

Anways, i need that week lol. XD;; like TODAY. XD;;

Wow. That’s. Wow. I mean, i don’t like cooking either but like…if i buy something/ingredients, i’m gonna use them, not leave them around to go bad. That’s…more my sister lol. XD;; she’d buy something, use it once, then not use it again. XD;;

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 8th, '23, 23:06    


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Sigh, okay, I didn't wanna retype my reply because I forgot to post it and closed the tab. sigh. here we go lol.

She should be off of her antibiotics now, which the drs said is what was effecting her stomach and appetite. So hopefully that will help her. OMG she went to the bathroom by herself (she's not supposed to do that yet!) and she got in trouble cuz she told the CNA LOL! (she can use a walker now, but she doesn't have the stamina to go too far with it)

I still need like 400K to get the items sigh. I don't know if I will make it. I've been adventuring on the side to get the bonus from filling up a bar, but who knows. Doing all the dailies too.
It's nice they got some extra items this month for the amount of oran items people are getting, but I wish it was trading to get potatoes back tbh.

I'm going to slowly clean and hopefully get the backyard yard work done (IDK WHY I really need to redo the landscaping. aka take out most of it cuz it's ridic how high maintenance it is and the backyard is worse than the front)
Oh god that sounds stressful. I remember when I was first applying to places is when most places were transitioning from paper to online. So half the time I'd walk in somewhere, but it's online. So wasted trip. Funny enough my bank job was in person paper, and then where I work at now, we do both paper and online. But the online is only when we really need someone in a certain position. Also the amount of phone calls and emails I have to answer now is ridic. But oh well. I feel so adult when I make more than one phone call a week lolol.

Oh man, I finally got to make this one meal I've been wanting to make in a while. But had to buy new bell peppers and I was going to be SO MAD if they went bad before I could use them because the tricolor pack was $6 and I had to get that because the individual peppers were looking so bad at the store. It's such a simple meal (chicken, peppers, and a tikka masala sauce over rice) that's really filling.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 13th, '23, 01:54    


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i was just about to make a dappervolk thread and found this ahhh lol
been looking for people to use my referral code :mcargh:

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 13th, '23, 14:57    


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LOL! I give up on anyone ever using my referral because most people I know will either not be interested or already playing it. (in general as well)

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 13th, '23, 15:10    


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It’s good that she can go to the washroom on her own altho getting in trouble…hah! But im glad she’s recovering.
Yeah sometimes meds have side effects. Like my moms high blood pressure meds. Le sigh.

I got all the monthly items so im just exchanging all my extras. It’s nice to get some extras for this month. Altho that lucky one, dunno how lucky it is, i got some prism food and like cheese and stuff. Hahahaha. Maybe I should buy another chest. I used a bit to get two new customs, the braids and the rainbow snek.

It’s not quite spring enough here to do our little yard. XD it literally just snowed again a few days ago. XP
Yeah I’m just glad THAT is over with. No more worrying about whether those Italians were staying another day or week lol. They just opened the new store so last week was hectic with trying to arrange some shuttle delivery between shops. XD;;
But yeah now I’m on break for the week so loungin in bed at 8am lol. Bc my body woke me up at the usual time pft. Even without my alarm.

Glad you could make that meal? XD

Luna. Ohey it’s you. Yeah I’ve given up on referrals lol don’t even bother. XD

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 13th, '23, 20:52    


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Oh yeah, she's a rebel. She got dressed all by herself one morning and she got in trouble for doing that lololol. I told her they probably have a note in her file about her being such a trouble maker.

I got the second oran pet. I ended up selling one of the chest I had in storage for uh, way more than I thought. I honestly just set it up at the highest price other chests were going for thinking that it wouldn't actually sell. Get on the next day and it was sold. I splurged and bought some customs as well. Now I'm hoarding the rest. But makes me wanna buy more than one extra chest every month now. I still got a crap ton of extra chests if I need more potatoes, but they are for emergency selling. (which is why I put one up to market lol)

LOL well it snowed Saturday night. Like it was raining then it SNOWED! but it was wet snow. And I had to drive home from my brother's house and it was really sketchy. Since the road was hilly and curvy. I passed someone in the ditch (with a cop there helping already) and a herd of deer on the side of the road just staring as I drove by.

YEAH GURL YOU NEED TO RELAX! I was evil laughing this morning cuz I woke up, no one else in my house. No yelling or screaming, no fighting, no attitudes. It is SO BLISSFUL! Now she just needs to get all of her shit out. Cuz I got some heavy duty cleaning to do. I've been looking at buying this like electric scrubber to help clean with. I was like omg that could be helpful. lololol. I feel so old for thinking like that. I was also looking at a wet/dry vacuum for the hard floors cuz I hate mopping and I just don't think my steam mop does a well enough job tbh.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 13th, '23, 21:37    


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:mcsweat: i understand the give up ! LOL it's not easy, it would be if people could just sign up but they want everyone to go through the first town

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Mar 13th, '23, 21:58    


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I understand they don't want people abusing the referral system with fake accounts, but I don't think if I did convince anyone to sign up, they would get that far.

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