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Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 13th, '22, 01:34
by GoldenAltaira
Gallbladder removal, never fun. :mcdead: glad he is ok.

and thanks :] yeah my mom healed pretty fast I was very happy XD I could sleep in peace lol

Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 13th, '22, 02:11
by Moi

It's weird too because they found a lot of blood just sitting in his abdomen ._.
Doctor said he couldn't find where the blood came from either.
So I guess at some point, my dad got hurt and bled a lot and the wound closed ._.

Only surgery I ever had was my wisdom teeth cut out 8u

Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 13th, '22, 03:06
by GoldenAltaira
Dang! thats scary, sounds like he was one lucky man.

same, only surgery I have ever had was a root canal. (if that's even considered a surgery anyways lol) I think I got lucky with my wisdom teeth though, I have them all grown in but 1 and they have never given me issues.

Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 13th, '22, 07:16
by Amura
Oh, Altaira, I hope both you and your mom are feeling better already!
*sends virtual hugs*

Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 13th, '22, 21:04
by Moi

Yeah, the doctor told us and we told him and he just shrugged.
No idea where the blood could have come from and no telling how long it was there ._.

I got the surgery and I was moving my bed closer to the computer so I could lie down and be on the computer.
My mom scolded me for lifting something heavy because I just had surgery.
I told her I wasn't moving it with my mouth xD

Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 13th, '22, 21:26
by GoldenAltaira
@ Amura: aww thanks, *hugs back*

@Moi: LOL And ah he sounds a lot like my grandpa, he would have the same response if he was told that after/during surgery. lol

Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 14th, '22, 01:42
by Moi

I mean, I get what she meant - I had stitches and I could have hurt myself by straining but I was probably okay?
I was tired but I needed my computer friends \>8u/

Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 15th, '22, 00:09
by GoldenAltaira
completely understandable x3

Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 15th, '22, 21:15
by Moi

My dad had to get stints put in his legs recently and I don't know what he was doing, but he caused himself to bleed so my mom had to go help him.
He was supposed to stay in bed for a while xD

Re: Dream Avi

Posted: Apr 18th, '22, 20:05
by GoldenAltaira
Moi wrote:

My dad had to get stints put in his legs recently and I don't know what he was doing, but he caused himself to bleed so my mom had to go help him.
He was supposed to stay in bed for a while xD
It's a dad thing. They never want to stay put xD my grandpa had heart surgery and he couldn't stay down either so they had to stich him back up when he opened them