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Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Feb 20th, '22, 22:00
by Moi

I wish I could teleport and freeze time.
Gotta go to the store - freeze time.
Don't have to deal with anyone AND I bought stuff 8u

I'm okay. My cat Sabre has been missing for about a week...
Sometimes colors are so opposite that they create harmony together 8u

Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Feb 21st, '22, 11:37
by Sunlight
Ahaha. I think most people who can do that will just take things, paying be damned. I like that you're so principled.

Oh no! I hope he's okay. Just exploring.

Oh, definitely.

Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Feb 21st, '22, 22:15
by Moi

I mean I'd probably do that too sometimes.

Well, it's been a week since he's been gone...I don't think he's coming back...
We've had four other cats who were regulars just disappear and never come back.

We had a kitten show up a few days ago. A tortie that looked just like Pepper.
She was hiding under the car and meowing a lot.
We gave her some food and water.
TOFU was molesting her later >Bu
He grabbed her by her neck and dragged her under the truck and we couldn't get to either of them.
My mom wanted to beat his ass.
We haven't seen her since.

Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Mar 8th, '22, 05:31
by Sunlight
Aw, that's so sad. Do you have a lot of wildlife where you are?

Poor baby Pepper-twin. What did you and your mom do when Tofu came back?

Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Mar 8th, '22, 21:51
by Moi

Sabre come back. He was gone for almost two weeks, but he's back.

The kitten has been hanging around too. She actually came into the house and ate yesterday.
That was a huge surprise.
My mom made a bed for her outside because it was so cold and she stayed in the bed.
She also nipped my mom when she was petting her xD

We did nothing with Tofu.
I saw him the other day sniffing something by the curb.
It was a dead black cat...Someone had ran over it...
I thought it was Poe because he had just eating cat food.
I wanted to see if it was him so I got close and looked.
It wasn't Poe - it was a black cat with a collar on...
My mom said she saw this person down the street holding a black cat with a collar on.
It honestly fucked me up xD
I still cry even though it was like 4 days ago...

Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Mar 11th, '22, 03:55
by Sunlight
Oh good for both Sabre and Pepper-twin. I hope it was a play-nip.

Aw, that's so sad. Poor cat. This is one of the reasons why I think all cats should be indoor cats.

Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Mar 11th, '22, 21:42
by Moi

Yeah, it was a little baby kitten nip.
Another kitten nipped her once and we named him Fang xD

These cats are happy being outside...They'll come in the house for a bit and want back out.
We also can't keep all of them inside.

Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Mar 12th, '22, 07:55
by Sunlight
Kitten nips can be more painful since their fangs are so much smaller and sharper.

But cars and coyotes!

Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Mar 12th, '22, 21:49
by Moi

I guess we just have tough skin then xD;
Cat bites don't hurt me that much but I've also been bitten by dogs before and those are just worse.
My sister is actually scared of feeding Hyde and Saya before she died.
She's scared Hyde will bite her.
I told her they sometimes bite you, but it's not that bad.
They don't do it on purpose xD
I've had the tips of my fingers bitten a lot by my dogs.
I used to tell Saya "Saya, that's my hand you're biting, dear Bu"
Hyde also bit me really bad one time.
He was trying to bite at Kiri and I got between them and he bit my hand in three places.
They started gushing blood and those HURT xD

We don't have coyotes this much in town. We get raccoons and opossums, though xD

Re: The ₡a$i₦o

Posted: Mar 14th, '22, 02:40
by Sunlight
How interesting! I think the worst bites and scratches came from cats in my experience. But I don't have much experience with the animals to begin with so maybe it's just that cats are easier to piss off than dogs and people don't generally let their dogs loose especially if they tend to be bitey.

Are cats safe with those? We get coyotes and bears. Bears tend to be pretty safe since they're pretty cowardly but the coyotes will absolutely take small cats and dogs right off the leash. It's maddening how many people just let their cats roam around during the night.