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Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 11th, '21, 02:23
by Kuuki
You're simply going to become a cloud

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 11th, '21, 05:53
by Moon Star
You are fated to leave the forest you were born and raised in, to explore new horizons!

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 11th, '21, 06:06
by Akili Li
You're fated to win the international athletics competition and open a new school to nurture young talents.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 11th, '21, 06:46
by Moon Star
And you're fated to choke on your donut! Sorry. :(

Never fear, though, as you are rescued by a handsome young lad/lovely young lady for whom you fall for and then marry, sometime in the future! All for a donut lodged in the wrong pipe!

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 11th, '21, 07:10
by Kuuki
You're going to be snowed in today

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 12th, '21, 06:22
by Moon Star
You are fated to explore dozens of different planets, each light years away from each other.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 12th, '21, 07:12
by Kuuki
You're going to finish eating all the candy canes before December starts

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 13th, '21, 05:11
by Moon Star
You are fated to become revered like a god by a tiny, yet fanatical sect. Oops?

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 14th, '21, 02:24
by Kuuki
You're going to have to dress as Santa at work

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Nov 14th, '21, 04:20
by Moon Star
You're fated to spend a whole month wearing that body paint. Guess you should have made sure it was washable, huh?