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Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Jul 9th, '09, 17:09
by Yuki5
I love to read and most books I wolf down as fast as possible :mccute:

now I have kind of two liberies, because I moved out and I leaved most of my books behind. I don't know how, but now I have as many books in my own flat as in the house of my parents... :qhehe:

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Jul 10th, '09, 21:52
by Kaiamond
So many fellow readers!!!

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 01:57
by Merrymaking
I used to read quite a lot , indeed the one book a week thing . Eragon size . But now I don't have the time for it anymore =(

Ah well , I read the whole Fantasy section of my library already .

But still .. I miss it =(

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Jul 16th, '09, 00:33
by Mahal
How often? XD Oh well, at least everyday... when I was younger I read more then 5 hours per day (minimum ;) ) Nowadays I just don'T have that much time.. but at least 1 hour I day I read...
You say read ;) you didn't ask me how much I write XD
I just say... my walls are full of books... I love owning books Oo and I wanna have an own library in my house later XD

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Jul 17th, '09, 17:39
by TSheena
Not so often anymore. Especially since school and their obligatory reading. It sucks the fun out of it DX But I like to read every evening if I have a book I like.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Jul 18th, '09, 16:08
by Hikari Namikaze
I still read fanfics, and I still like books, but there's no books that I like. D:
I keep reading the books that I have, and I've read them like 15 times. xP
So, it's a lot.
I read, but not books.
Me <3 xD

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Aug 9th, '09, 06:54
by fefa93
I only read at school. But its not because of school work, it's just something to do to distract me from school work XD
[my teacher threatened me to called my mom because I read too much in class]

Plus, it's really hard for me to read at home because my family LOVES being loud.

But I do enjoy reading though, I used to read once a week but I don't really have the time [or the attention span] to read like that anymore.
So now I only read once or twice a month.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Aug 9th, '09, 23:31
by Eliade
Well, it depends on how much time I have, how tired I am and especially how much I have to do for school.

When I'm coming back at 4pm from school, I still need to learn and have to do homeworks. Sometimes I still haven't finished with homeworks at 7pm. Then I just want to relax by listening to music or talk with my mom.
I'm too exhausted to read a book then.

But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading books!!!! Nooooo~~~!
I looove it!
In former classes I read a book in a day. But since 2 years I have to do much more for school so I don't have that time anymore.
Also I have lots of other interests and hobbies I'm taking care of.
So it depends on many things how much, often and long I read.
Sometimes I read a few books in a week, then it's only a book per month =/

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 17:02
by Aylin
I also used to read a lot... now there isn't so much time for reading anymore... but I use much of my holidays for reading! =D
I love to buy books... usually I buy more than I read! :mclaugh:

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 22:59
by Soul Reaper -Crow-
I wish I had more time and memory to read, because with more time I can enjoy them, and with a better memory I wouldn't have to have as much time, lol. But I do love reading when I get the chance