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Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Nov 7th, '13, 16:44
by Pernelle
I don't really care, I like both ... just when it's a book series, I want all the books to have the same kind of cover so it looks nice on the shelf ;)

Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Nov 7th, '13, 21:09
by Veronica4293
I love reading softcover books, they're just so comfy to curl up with. But lately, because of money problems I've been reading e-books because they're much cheaper.

Same thing with hardcovers here in US, (referring to the first post), hardcovers are much more expensive than the softcover books. :/

Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Nov 9th, '13, 20:17
by jocat646
Whichever one is cheaper :) I don't really like the book flap thing on hardcovers, because when you flip a page, that... thing might get stuck there and you'd have to stop reading and move it back.

Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Nov 9th, '13, 23:28
by Kyles_Angelstar07
I prefer softcover books. They take up less room than hardcover books, and I find it hard to concentrate when reading something electronically.

Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Nov 11th, '13, 04:13
by Ollieshark
Pros of a hardback:
-Good for clubbing people
-Book jackets/sleeves/whatever are good for covering blood
-No one messes with people who read hard core books
-Holds up better

Pros of a paperback:
-Easier to sleep on if you accidentally fall sleep while reading
-About five to ten dollars less expensive than hardbacks

Preference: Hardbacks.

Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Nov 13th, '13, 05:06
by mina mii
I like soft covers the best. they are cheep enough that i can buy lots and they are small enough that i can pop one into my bag and take them where ever i go. and if i lose it, no big deal, it isn't worth that much anyway.

Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Dec 1st, '13, 03:22
by Rinnaris
In terms of price I usually buy soft cover, but for special books I will always buy hardcover to keep them safe.

Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Dec 1st, '13, 09:30
by savage_rose
e-books! (just kidding...I love e-books, but actual paper books are still my favorite :) )

Hardcover when I can (often you can find a used hard cover for good prices), they are more durable. But softcovers are more portable and are better priced if you are buying them when new. And sometimes the cover art is better

Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Dec 1st, '13, 10:30
by Miura
I like Hardcovered books but I only buy them in second hand stores. Other wise I buy them softcovered ones. The hardcovered ones are usually over half of the price that the soft ones are. Also it's cheaper to by them in english than on my own language.

Re: Hardcover or softcover

Posted: Dec 1st, '13, 10:55
by Alessia
While hardcovers are more durable I prefer softcovered because I like reading in bed. If the book is very thick the hardbounds are overly heavy :/