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Re: Anatomy

Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 18:24
by Nekomata
"A big problem of mine has always been hands and feet."
Like me... It's difficult for me to drawing hands and feet...

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 22:22
by Stuart Pot
What's ya problem with hands, Nekomata?

I find it difficult to draw feet >A<
and boobs... XD
I draw exclusively male characters or young females without boobs >A<''

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Oct 27th, '16, 19:38
by Smollskull
oh man...i used to be so awfull at anatomy...i wouldnt even draw noses. Side faces would be just basicly a round L xD I wouldnt even draw ears and would avoid feet at any costs...still do xD

But i've learned a lot and improved a lot.

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Aug 12th, '17, 21:27
by Afanasei
i'm fairly okay with anatomy, it's posing it that's my real issue >:I except for hands, i'm terrible at hands. hecking hands, why do they gotta be so complicated >:I