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Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 7th, '18, 15:41
by memoriam
*mumbles to self* Oops, I think I scared the newbie :mcshock:
Don't be scared, I'm just awkward :mclol:

I wish all the best for the kitty! :qh:
I miss having a cat, but can't have any right now. ;/

Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 7th, '18, 15:52
by Sanssouci
Oh no! My dog had a really bad reaction to a lepto vaccine once. Now she has "NO LEPTO" written across the top of her chart at the vet!

Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 8th, '18, 13:50
by jacobgrey
Yeah, I think it's more impressive that I eventually remembered XD

Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 9th, '18, 02:59
by Vlad Bloodhaven
If you don't mind me ranting real quick. I'll get to all the replies after. So I was on the crosswalk in Walgreens's parking lot heading to my car when someone comes speeding around the corner and almost hits me! I narrowly missed getting hit by sprinting back towards the entrance to Walgreens. You'd think it would be common sense to not hit pedestrians on the crosswalks and to not speed like maniacs in parking lots! :mcargh:

memoriam: Heh heh, o-okay.
Huh, why?

Sanssouci: Oh no, poor doggie. : (
He seems to be recovering well from it so it doesn't seem to be that bad. He's gotten his energy mostly back and his stomach problems are mostly gone. It still hasn't been 14 days though so I'm just hoping nothing else happens.

Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 9th, '18, 11:47
by memoriam
Whoah, what an idiot! :mcangry: Normal people drive slowly on parking lots :mcmeh: Good you had the reflex! Who knows, if they hit you maybe they'd just shrug and drive away :mcdead:

I can't really have cats, because I'm living with my grandma and she has that stupid logic of "I don't want any pets because they don't live long and when they will die I'll be sad and crying" and I'm like..... With that logic no one should ever have pets. Or even close family and friends because if you get too attached, you're gonna miss them when they're gone :mcmeh: Stupid logic. She'd be much happier with some doggie or kitty, but nope. Well, okay, so bf and I got rats :mclol:
I definitely want dogs and cats in the future but right now I have to respect my grandma's will (at least to some extent, lol).
I used to have a cat back when I lived with mum, but then we argued, I moved to granny's and mom said "don't you dare take the cat away from me" so... now it's her cat :mcsweat: She's a bit of a aurotic, oner cat, but still, cat in the house is happiness :mcsquee:
Wow, I talk a lot XD

Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 9th, '18, 14:17
by jacobgrey
Some people don't have enough common sense to have a driving license. Our old road we used to live on had cars parked along both sides so you could only drive one car down the middle at a time, and yet people would drive so fast in both directions. Nearly got hit multiple times because they were going to fast to avoid me by the time they could see I was already halfway across the road in front of them.

Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 9th, '18, 23:19
by memoriam
That's literally crazy x.x

Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 10th, '18, 04:42
by Vlad Bloodhaven
@memoriam :... Honestly, probably. People where I live are not really keen on helping the injured. They'd rather walk away than dial a simple emergency number. It's actually happened to me once. It involved a scooter accident, a broken arm, and a small group of people literally a foot away who saw the accident and did nothing except walk away. I don't like most people where I live because of these things. :|

I grew up with cats so I do know the feelings tied to losing them. But being with them feels a lot better than not having a furry, little companion. And their companionship helps the bad feelings of loss go away. And, yeah, everyone and everything dies at some point. That's why it's best to enjoy them while they last! Though I do know that some people have trouble handling losing something they love.
Rats are cute though, too.

jacobgrey: I agree! There really are too many people who just don't seem like they should be driving. It's like they've not retained anything from traffic school. It makes you wonder how they even passed and got their license in the first place.
That's actually illegal where I live. You have to park in the driveway or else you'd get fined. But people still do it. Is it illegal there? You could report them if it is. It really is such a safety hazard, not just for people walking, but also cars could hit the parked cars if their not careful.
That's insane. Why would they do that? It really is a lack of common sense. That's all I can think of or just a general not caring who gets hurt. :mcdead:

Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 10th, '18, 11:19
by jacobgrey
We don't have driveways XD Sometimes in residential areas they will paint double yellow lines along the road, which makes it illegal to park there. But in ours there was no choice, and actually they painted parking spaces along both sides of the road on purpose. There were always more cars than parking spaces though, too.

Re: A Wild Newb Appears. What Will You Do?

Posted: Jan 10th, '18, 15:31
by memoriam
Wow, what apathy, they saw the accident and did nothing? :mcomg: I don't think that's possible in here, someone always calls the ambulance and police. But I've never been in an accident or never saw one, so I don't know, maybe it's the people who actually suffered in the accident call. If they're capable of doing it... Makes you wonder, you can't really count on other people, even when something like that happens :(

Exactly! And my sister forced granny to keep her 2 cats for some time (it scarred my previous rat, btw, I told them I don't agree, but nobody listened to me and she was always scared to go out since then...), one was her first cat, old sick bud, the other one is young and naughty as hell. And granny really enjoyed having the cats! Even though she wasn't happy about the young one destroying her plants, she was still very happy with good old Marcel. Until he passed away... ;/ But she seemed fine after a relatively short while, so I think she's just lazy to take care of any pets xD

They are! But so naughty, those two! x.x
And I just realized some ridiculous typos in my previous post, oh well XD The cat was supposed to be neurotic and a loner XD

I don't ever plan to get a drivers license, because I'm a bit of a scatter brain and I think I'd be dangerous to others and myself, but that's the lesser factor, the igger one is, I don't trust other people to be reasonable drivers x.x I'm much safer in a plane than in a car so, that tells you something.