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Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 12th, '18, 23:28
by GoGo Ghosty
haha, I try Moi. Sometimes it's more like "thrashing to the beat of my own drum"

That's true. But even our mental health care system needs to make up lost ground, in comparison to certain European countries xp

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 13th, '18, 02:23
by Moi

I think I heard they like...used to flail people around to fix their mental disorder.
I love learning about treatments and stuff in general from the 1800s.
I also heard a story where this person was disabled and they were kept in their family's attic because they were embarrassed.
Friends didn't even know they had another child.

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 13th, '18, 05:10
by GoGo Ghosty
I love learning about that too. It's like a morbid curiosity.
Maybe it was flailing them, like whipping?

I've heard stories like that. It's awful :c

In a weird tangential way, it reminds me of the Paris Green wall paper. Like, it was so toxic it drove people crazy, and it was jus there in their house

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 13th, '18, 22:24
by Moi

Ah, no, they like....shook them around really hard so they could fix their brains.
Their brain was jumbled, so shaking them may put it back in the rightful position.
I don't know if that's true or not. I heard it once in a video.

I remember seeing ads for cocaine as a regular medicine.
"Got a headache, have some cocaine 8D/"

It's interesting how all these things were toxic, and no one knew that at the time.
But it's also sad xD

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 14th, '18, 01:09
by GoGo Ghosty
What!? That's so crazy! x3 That just sounds like a good way to cause brain trauma.

Yeah, I remember that too. A lot of really harmful drugs/substances were used a medicine. Like mercury pills to treat syphilis.

It is sad. To be fair, though, it was hard for them to tell what was toxic without constant exposure to people. There's still a bunch of materials that are revealed to be toxic after a long period of use nowadays. Like asbestos- they didn't really figure that one out util relatively recently. I bet there's still a bunch of materials/medicines that are actually super harmful but we don't know it yet

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 14th, '18, 02:05
by Moi

It probably did. I think they had an apparatus they used to do it too.

There was also a gynecologist that operated on black women without any painkillers because the color of their skin made them not feel as much pain.
And I got so angry at that that I asked how anyone would ever believe something like that.
They told me "Well, people didn't know that then!"
But that seems like racism was the only reason.

They also used to give liquor to babies and little kids, right?
Or is that an old wives' tale u8

Right. It's really cool but also really sad.
I think I heard these trading cards that came out after 2000 that had lead in them.
Supposedly when people complained, the producers didn't do much of anything xD

I know I'm allergic to penicillin.
I never really knew what it did until the past few years.

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 14th, '18, 18:23
by GoGo Ghosty
The gynecologist thing just sounds like racism to me too. A lot of people blame stuff like that on "they just didn't know", but its more like "they did't care to find out because racism".

I think they did to calm them down , but like low amounts.

I didn't hear about the cards, but it doesn't surprise me.

aw, that sucks. I don't know if I'm allergic to anything like that

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 23rd, '18, 21:41
by Moi

Right right.

It's the only thing I know of that I'm allergic to.
Unless it stopped...bothering me.
I've been told allergies can come and go.

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 26th, '18, 17:20
by GoGo Ghosty
I've heard that too. Or you can develop new allergies over time.

Re: ♡ ❀ K A W A I I ❀ ♡

Posted: Mar 26th, '18, 20:42
by Moi

I've been bitten by ants and stung by wasps and bees a lot, so I assumed I'd never be allergic, but apparently I still can be xD

Stupid nature >8U

I wore sandals to the cemetery once and stepped right into a large ant pile.
All these ants were biting me and it hurt xD