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Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Oct 25th, '20, 16:03
by ambrosyne
While temping , I think I'd have to pass.

Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Oct 27th, '20, 00:31
by IceAddict
I would probably say yes :mcheh:

Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Dec 2nd, '20, 12:04
by CrystalOwl
Jokes on you, I already have nightmares every night

Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Dec 14th, '20, 07:48
by Antique Angel
If it were a much shorter amount of time for maybe a fraction of the wealth, I'd absolutely go for, but I feel like nightmares for a whole year would take a huge toll on my mental health, so I'd have to say no.

Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Dec 14th, '20, 17:35
by Lady Lissalynn
I would probably go for it if I could get a substantial amount.
I hope they would give the money weekly or monthly. That would completely help out.

Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Jun 15th, '21, 05:17
by Queen Tenma
Give me a million dollars per night mare per night. Then yes i'm in.

Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Jun 24th, '21, 16:54
by AncientFyre
Good sleep is an essential part of people's health. After one year of nightmares a person would be insane (if they're very lucky) or dead. So, I have to say pass.

Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Nov 5th, '21, 04:48
by Moon Star
The money, pls. Doesn't matter what kind of nightmare I get, I can probably find a way to make a story out of it, or simply ignore/forget it lol. I'll manage to sleep regardless!

Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Nov 5th, '21, 04:50
by Akili Li
I feel like this would be a good deal to people who have access to a decent hypnotist, who could implant the suggestion to forget the nightmares as soon as being woken up, or to people who are good at meditating, when they could recover some mental stamina that way.
Myself, I'd probably give it a pass because the thought of someone able to influence my dreams that much freaks me out and money is not enough to give them permission to start messing with my mind. Oh, sure, the deal might be for nightmares for a year, but once they have access to my mind like that, who knows what else they'd do!
The implications are far scarier than the surface question, in my view!

Re: Paid Nightmares

Posted: Nov 5th, '21, 16:14
by Amura
Err... No.
I sleep poorly enough as it is.
And I live comfortably enough to not be tempted by richness.