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Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Sep 30th, '22, 10:09
by Rakuyo
congarts! he is really smooth in the test-run.

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Sep 30th, '22, 15:45
by AlkseeyaKC
LOL he is smooth. XD

I did this in my teapot:
I've been having fun sense the they updated it :qh:

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Sep 30th, '22, 21:32
by Rakuyo
what a pretty furnishing with hanging flowers!
Is it from remarkable chest?
I was trying to get all of them but feels like there's still so many missing on my list.

Does the new no-clipping works inside the house too?
I've got patience to clip stuff outside but inside it was too much haha.

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Oct 3rd, '22, 19:28
by AlkseeyaKC
It was from some event, I don't remember what one.

I haven't tried the inside of my house yet. I want to get the fish tank and I was going to mess with the inside.

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Oct 3rd, '22, 21:00
by Rakuyo
Fish tank actually takes up almost the entire room!
I totally didn't expect it to be so huge. Still looks cool though.

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Oct 5th, '22, 16:22
by AlkseeyaKC
Yeah, I kind of like that for the main area. But then again it might take away from how many characters I can fit in a room. But maybe I should decorate all the rooms and spread them out. lol

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Oct 10th, '22, 04:43
by Moon Star
My Serenitea Pot is a mess, lol. I suck at designing spaces and houses (as my Sims would attest), so I try, but it does not look that great, lmao. Let's just say it's passable, tho.

@Rakuyo, Absolutely true that Dehya is too detailed to be an NPC, but Signora was pretty damn important and she's unlikely to ever be playable, soooo. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And isn't Albedo canonically much taller in his official art, lol. WHY ARE YOU A TEEN, 'BEDO.

@AlkseeyaKC, Congrats on Cyno!! He's so cute, I love him. And the bird is adorable, I also don't usually run around with them but it's really great compared to the Seelies, so I like it. And it does a little dance when you find a chest~

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Oct 10th, '22, 17:02
by AlkseeyaKC
I couldn't sleep last night so I played most of the night. Max leveled Kuki, found waypoints in the desert, found some beetles for Cyno, leveled him up a bit, worked on his weapon, and unlocked some stuff in the Casem. :mcheh:

I don't think the height thing means: Kid, Teen, Adult. Some of them are just really short.

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Oct 12th, '22, 04:11
by Moon Star
I know, but Albedo still looks much taller in his official art, which is what makes him having the teen size very funny, lol.

And hopefully you'll be able to sleep tonight!

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Oct 12th, '22, 10:17
by Rakuyo
Albedo is in two days!
I hope he'll come home and my geo family will be complete <3
Along with Beidou's constellations much needed. (and not the other two 4*)