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Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 21st, '19, 12:31
by memoriam
I haven't gotten any vaccine for a long time. I think last was in highschool maybe, so at least 6 years ago if not more.

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 21st, '19, 18:21
by MissNikki
Hey all, hope you have a happy bunny day!!


Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 21st, '19, 21:49
by MoodyBats
I have to get one very soon.
Once we can afford it. :mcheh:

The last one I had was back when I did homeschooling I think??

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 22nd, '19, 02:55
by MissNikki
I hope everyone had a great day. My mom brought some Easter candies for me and Jay, and he also went out and got a new BBQ so he is super happy. LoL.

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 22nd, '19, 17:03
by memoriam
The holidays went fine for me. Except for the awkward moment when my mom's bf asked me to be the maid of honor on their wedding while he still hadn't even asked her to marry him :mcsweat: so i was like.... You know, there's some chronology about the whole ordeal :mcheh:
Today we went to my dad and his mom's place and it was pretty nice so I'm happy :mchappy: Also, I got a food baby now, of course :mcargh:

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 22nd, '19, 17:19
by MissNikki
That is very strange, Mem. LoL. I guess he is planning on asking your mom to marry him? Was your mom surprised as well or does she kinda know he wants to get married? Oh and what kinda food baby are you having? :mclaugh: :mclaugh:

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 23rd, '19, 18:55
by memoriam
He is planning and my mom is well aware, but it's not because he's actually asked her. He's just kind of decided on his own... He wants her to get money after he dies (kind of his retirement money, or something) which is nice for sure, but on the other hand they don't want to join their properties and so they'd want to sign a prenup, BUT I think it's quite logical that this way she won't actually get his retirement money after he dies so.... it's really pointless.
Not to mention my mom isn't very sure about him.
And I don't like him, he's got the crazy eyes and he doesn't understand the meaning of the word "no". He's really annoying. Like, he has this habit (old courtesy) to kiss a woman's hand and I HATE that, it's disgusting, too much proximity and I fucking ugh NO blergh don't go kissing my hand. And I've told him that on numerous occassions by now and every time he keeps on dragging my hand by force to his mouth and says it's how a man shows respect to a lady. And doesn't get that I don't WANT him to kiss my fucking hand. I've never liked it, so it's not really about him.
But also, it's effing weird that the first time he mentioned something about marriage was to grandma IN FRONT OF MOM, but not directly to her, and if I remember correctly he said "when we get married" and not "IF". And mind you, that was the first time he ever mentioned it. And mom told him then, that he should ask her first. He still hasn't to this day, but keeps on planning some shit. And I don't like that at all.

Haha, it was a cabbage roll food baby XD My paternal grandma handmaid them, they're so good <3 Although I have no idea how she managed to make them since she's kind of really sick after the stroke and heart attack :mcheh:

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 23rd, '19, 19:45
by MissNikki
Hopefully your mom is not just "settling" for this guy. Sounds like a bit of a creeper. And it is NOT respectful to kiss a woman's hand if that woman does NOT want you to kiss it. Ew. I would not be okay with that either!! Has he been married before? Maybe he is the type of guy that just feels he needs the security of being married to whoever he is with. Have they been together long?

The cabbage roll baby sounds delicious, LoL

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 23rd, '19, 22:26
by memoriam
I feel like she's been "settling" for her whole life, not just with men :mcheh:
Yes, he's been married before (no idea how that happened, lol). I mean, I think he means well with everything but the ay he goes about it just isn't okay with me, not even when it's about treating me/respecting my wishes, but especially with treating mom and respecting HER wishes. He just doesn't seem to listen to anyone, no compromises and that's one of the worst qualities if you ask me. She needs to be heared out and not forced to do things somebody else's way. She prefers to do things on her own and I feel, as much as he may actually care for her etc., that he isn't a good match for her.
I'm a bit worried about the whole situation.

Oh, it was... :mclove:

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Apr 24th, '19, 07:33
by MissNikki
Well I'm glad she has you to look out for her. Do you talk to her at all about your concerns?