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Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 15:10
by Death Candy
I vaguely remember a Warner Bros. cartoon where this wife/mother was telling her jerk of a husband what she did all day when he complained that she didn't have something done or dinner ready something like that. And I feel like her doing all that work at once. lol

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 16:45
by Demonskid
Doesn't ring a bell with me ono

My counselor is leaving me in january! QAQ Ima be switched to someone else...

-hates change..-

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 18:32
by demonajay
Found some other stuff to do and family needed me quite a bit for awhile. I don't remember what happened for the last while. Memories are fuzzy as hell. Been getting headaches that make me lose pieces of time. Gotten pretty bad, stress levels are higher I guess and problems have come back that had gone away in less stressful times. I went through a period where I couldn't drink a drop of anything at all. Apparently I can't handle cold drinks anymore. Drank my first bottle of water in a month yesterday. Blood work was a nightmare. Prepared to get the doctor lecture but at least I have my whole family and the blood work lady on my side about the water. Drinking cold water is actually common apparently and I'm not the best at drinking water but I do my best for blood draws she knows it. She's the only one who can get my blood for the last couple years.

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 18:41
by Demonskid
ouch... I was worried that you were sick in the hospital

hope things get better for you. it's holiday season.

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 18:59
by demonajay
oh sorry, That was almost true but you know other people come before me in my house so passing out was least I think that's where my missing time went. Whatever.
Thanks hope you have a good holiday too.

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 19:10
by Demonskid
So far my holiday has started off great ovo

I got to order that K-On Boxset! I freaked out when the purchase details said "Not Available" .. I called Rightstuf and they were all "No your good! You got the last one!"

It shipped last night >w<

other than mom's insurance being fucked up... dude is here now .. they fixed some of it, now she's on Part A!!! (like why would they leave that one out.. it's the one that pays the family doctors!! DX)

My counselor is leaving.. i'ma be switched to someone new.. bleh

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 19:18
by demonajay
I relate to new counselor, I've had like 5 in a year. I stopped having them because getting a new one all the time doesn't help. It just fuels my fear of people.

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 19:22
by Demonskid
i been with erin for 2 years... I DUN LIKES THIS!!!

she's trying to find someone that fits my personality =w=
I told her how when I was a preteen and i was happy and told the counselor i had then that I got a boyfriend and how he treated me over it... =A= need open minded people...

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 20:04
by demonajay
geez. People are horrible

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Dec 5th, '19, 22:21
by Demonskid
got mom on a medicare advantage plan -falls over-

i think her insurance stuff is fixededed -dies-