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Re: ❄ Icey's Artsy Hangout [Giveaway Active]

Posted: Apr 3rd, '20, 21:23
by Moi

The image is her pulling apart this deer...hood...thingy and it showering her in rainbow blood (paint) and guts xD

You play Yandere Simulator too 8u?
I love playing it, but last time I tried, it just kept freezing and crashing xD

Awww x3
I used to draw everyone in hoodies xD;

Well, I would think an evil magical girl would be scary.
She has powers she can use to destroy the world.
Her interest isn't in helping humans, but destroying them.
Like how in that manga series I mentioned, one just pointed her wand at someone's head and blew their heads apart.

I've heard of it, but I have never seen it u8

Re: ❄ Icey's Artsy Hangout [Giveaway Active]

Posted: Apr 4th, '20, 17:56
by Tiffbue i got addicted. at least for today.
i hope i can play their virtualpopstar cuz there're much more to play x3

i don't have a pc, i was following yan sim back when im able to watch YouTube all night long
i miss the kubz scouts ;_ ;

i love that jeans, it's like my soul and it fits me so much
it's mostly damaged cuz i wear it for years and years
till one day my mum cut it and thrown away in front of my eyes said cuz it's broken
;`_ ; it's not even for sell anymore

I've spend the night on magical girl ore last night... °_°
magical girls' strongest power are mostly from love and unite things like that, but evil? there're juz, too many others do better than them.
of course some setting that they're strong but they rarely survive to the end so... this setting is hard to success.

jeez I've typed so much.
moi have you seen any magical girl detailed transformation like in anime but in manga??????

Re: ❄ Icey's Artsy Hangout [Giveaway Active]

Posted: Apr 4th, '20, 20:42
by Moi

It seems like the game is taking too long to finish, so people have lost interest too.

I'm short, so I have issues with jeans a lot.
They're usually too long and then I just drag the bottoms and they get torn.
I don't like rolling pants up u8

It's possible they wouldn't last long, but there's other evil people in the world and they can unite.
I think good always conquers evil, but I find it interesting 8u

They're usually not very long in manga. Or at least I haven't seen long ones 8u
I LOVE the transformations in anime. I wish I could get ready in a few seconds while being magical and cute >8u

Re: ❄ Icey's Artsy Hangout [Giveaway Active]

Posted: Oct 17th, '21, 15:06
by Tiffbue
Icey :mclol: :mclol: :mclol: pog