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Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 1st, '20, 19:57
by Demonskid
-ish twirled- "<(owo)>"

i hate food shopping.. but.. I got toilet paper this month! a nice big bundle~! owo

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 1st, '20, 20:41
by Moi

We have to go get cat food and I talked my mom into making stew.
I LOVE stew, but we usually wait until cooler weather.
But I'm tired of waiting >8u

If I go to the store hungry, I overspend on snacks.
If I go to the store not hungry, I don't buy much to eat.

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 2nd, '20, 01:01
by Demonskid
We needed cat food too.. mom keeps feeding the cats outside so we're out >:x

I have to shop for the whole month so I have to think "are we gonna eat this at all? will she eat this? I'm hungry for this..." so on so forth.

I was hungry for my bell peppers and beef stirfry at the end of last month.. mom got me the wrong meats >:o
So what did I do? I stocked up on the right meat and forgot to get the bell peppers >->,

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 2nd, '20, 02:12
by Tam I am
Moi, there are videos on YouTube where people colour colouring books and put in shading and stuff.

*just went to the farmers market today* Didn't get much though because it's the end of the month. Had saskatoon ice cream, though.

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 2nd, '20, 03:16
by Moi

We were supposed to buy canned cat food to fatten Casper and Samson up, but we feed every cat now.
Cocoa is a pig and eats hers and everyone else's xD
We also got this white and brown cat that's slowly getting used to us and lets us pet him sometimes 8u
Then Sabre's mean ass keeps attacking him and the other cats >Bu

We just buy little bits at a time and keep going back to the store to get more stuff.
My mom and aunt like getting a lot of ice creams and I don't care as much for ice cream xD

What meats did you want 8u
Yup, that's how it goes 8u
Go to the store to get cereal and milk and just get cereal u8

Tam: Really? I should look at those. I tried to do it, but I'm not that good at coloring traditionally xD

Is that a shop or something?

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 2nd, '20, 13:47
by Demonskid
farmer markets are nice... wish we had one close to us.

I kinda wish the Amish would set up shop close to us too. their cheese and bologna are tasties.. oxo

Hiro is notorious on eating other kitties foods... =A= Caught him at Kuromi's food dish that's in my bedroom for her dinners.

Zeke will eat Hiro's food at times too... >x>

I wanted Beef.. Stir Fry Cut Beefs >:x long and thin.

she got .. beef.. bars for Stroganoff? o3o 2x4 beefs (only way i can explain it)

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 2nd, '20, 21:38
by Moi

We used to have some farmer markets, but it was at the fair grounds.

I have never seen an Amish in real life 8u
I don't see how they can survive the heat here xD

Cocoa is a FAT cat. She's the fattest one here. And she's heavy.
So I don't like feeding her can food, but I also feel bad not feeding her.
Especially since she has the tiniest and cutest little meow xD

Do you have issues with your cats thinking the other cat is getting something different or better when you're giving them the same thing?
The cats always think I'm giving the other something better to eat so they run over and try to eat that too.

Ah. Long and thin. xD
I assume that for stir fry, you need thin cuts and the stroganoff was thick, yeah?
We're supposed to get some stuff for stew.
We'll need chunks of beef for it.
It's one of my favorite dishes.
You got beef, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, onions...
I only eat the meat and potatoes mostly.
I don't like cooked carrots and definitely hate onions.
But all of that combined is what makes it good.
Especially since my mom seasons the meat first.
And when the potatoes are slightly sweet, it's soooo good.
I actually love it so much that I refer to it when I talk about racism.
The world needs all kinds of people in it because that's what makes the world good.
So it's like stew.

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 2nd, '20, 22:57
by Demonskid
i'm allergic to carrots.. you can keeps them (they nasty cooked anyway >:o)

i'll eat the onminz (onions >w> I made a new word for them one day as I was cutting them... i bit my tongue some how and ended up saying onminz)

Hiro totally thinks others are getting something different even though he see's it's coming from the same damn container >:x

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 3rd, '20, 03:33
by Tam I am
Moi wrote:
Tam: Really? I should look at those. I tried to do it, but I'm not that good at coloring traditionally xD

Is that a shop or something?
Like I say, I can't even keep in the lines. lol

You mean the farmers market?

Ohhhh, you'd probably like purple sweet potato in your stew, then.

Carrots for me! And DK can have the taters, which make ME sick.

Re: °·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.-♥ Cat Chat ♥-.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°♥°·.¸.·°

Posted: Aug 3rd, '20, 20:49
by Moi

Tam: I was talking about "saskatoon ice cream" 8u
And I wouldn't go as far as to put sweet potatoes in xD
I just like regular potatoes with a bit of sweetness.

DK: Every time I put a pile of cat food out, Sabre runs to each pile and eats a little xD

We had stew last night, but there was no stew meat at the store.
I started to get really pissed because when I go after stuff at the store, they're just randomly out of it Bu
Mom was actually going to get some beef stir fry to put in it, and I mentioned you to her xD
But she bought 4 steaks and cut them up.
The stew was sooooo good u,B
I always put a ton of pepper in mine xD
Spicy stew >8u