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Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jun 24th, '23, 12:25
by Rakuyo
I watched stream today on YT, and yeah, no archipelago is a huuuge disappointment for me. but oh well, at least we're getting Eula finally!
Hope even if I lose 50\50 will be able to farm enough on the new map.

I really liked Klee's new outfit, she finally won't look like some red blob anymore.

Good luck with both of them! <3

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jun 24th, '23, 19:38
by Moon Star
Klee's costume is sooooooo cute. But I don't own her, and now have no intention of ever pulling for her, so I'll never get to enjoy it. :(

Although the lack of an archipelago is a huge disappointment, at least that might mean less time spent exploring? I know I never managed to do everything because I just didn't play enough, and always sped-run everything last minute.

And thank you, good luck yourself with getting enough Primos for Eula!

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jun 26th, '23, 10:25
by Rakuyo
Yeah, I don't have Klee and have no intention ever pulling her.
I guess Nahida is the only 5* loli character I was ready to pull, but she's also quite special loli...
But for me it's also kind of principle - I don't spend money in games like this. I think in 2 years of playing I've only bought welkin once because characters I wanted badly were going one after anther.

There would be some kind of new map, but it looked so weird and super-childish, seeing all that in a stream - I don't even want to go there. (I mean I would probably anyway, but no sweating exploring this weird place idk)

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jun 27th, '23, 22:19
by Moon Star
Still haven't checked out what the area for the event will look like, but I just hope it'll be fun even if it's not an island!

And I don't necessarily care whether the character is or is not a loli, or male, or female, yada yada, I just need to like the character themselves and enjoy playing as them. Of course, though, if they're a husbando, there are way better chances of me pulling for them. xD

But either way, Nahida is a fantastic character lore-wise and game-wise, regardless of her appearance, which is why I pulled for her. Klee, though adorable, isn't really for me, mechanics-wise. So I skip her.

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jun 30th, '23, 09:57
by Rakuyo
On Monday should be drip of new 4.0 characters, right? (hope they're coming)
I'm very curious about what we will see.

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jul 1st, '23, 23:59
by Moon Star
I don't actually know (I really don't pay attention to these things, oops), but if so THEN I CAN'T WAIT. I love meeting new characters~

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jul 3rd, '23, 14:01
by Rakuyo
Trailer is really beautifully made, I see the quality level up.
As for the rest - seems like I will have enough time to save up for Ganyu re-run.

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jul 9th, '23, 23:15
by Moon Star
The trailer was sooo nice, and some of the characters that were presented are just so pretty. Can't wait to meet them, and hopefully pull for them! Is there anyone in the Fontaine characters that you already know you want to pull for?

Also, good luck saving for Ganyu!

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jul 10th, '23, 09:28
by Rakuyo
Unfortunately, nobody caught my eye so far on terms of design. It is all just very much not the style I like. But I hope at least some of them will have interesting personalities.
Since Xinyan's rock was inspired by Fontain I was hoping for some characters close to her style (wich I really like) But alas, we got kabare...

Did you pick some favourites from the trailer?

Re: Genshin Impact

Posted: Jul 11th, '23, 04:28
by Moon Star
I just noticed the pretty men. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But for real I'll wait until I know I can at least tolerate (if not enjoy) their personalities before pulling for them, but Freminet currently is profiling as a Hydro claymore, first of his kind, and that is VERY interesting to me. Hopefully that will be the case, and he'll be fun to play!

And this was just a trailer, so maybe we'll get characters like that eventually? Surely they have more people from there that go against the grain!