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Re: *Collector's Corner * Modern Sailor Contest*

Posted: Jun 9th, '20, 10:52
by CharstarWishes
I’ll leave it at your discretion if you’d like to run it another week.

Re: *Collector's Corner * Modern Sailor Contest*

Posted: Jun 9th, '20, 17:56
by Eva
Well it's already tuesday so I'll leave it.
I'll have to try and find ways to draw folks in!

Re: *Collector's Corner * Modern Sailor Contest*

Posted: Jun 12th, '20, 18:46
by Eva
You'd think with everyone home, that kofk would be more active.

Re: *Collector's Corner * Modern Sailor Contest*

Posted: Jun 13th, '20, 21:14
by Julie

Re: Collector's Corner

Posted: Jun 16th, '20, 22:35
by Eva
Contest Corner
Anyone may enter any contest!
There is no thread membership required
to enter the contests.
All are welcome!

Contest Entries- Key: (in white) Click Spoiler below to see.
16-... 17-... 18-...

Contest runs through Sunday Night . Entries may be adjusted or accepted anytime before the current host judges the contest.


Click Spoiler to read the contest rules!

Please use the Full size image from your Wardrobe & Dream Avatar Creator
**Save wardrobe images off site or with Dream Avatar Creator**
Unless host requests otherwise.
Do not use images from the shops they are not the correct size.
You may change your entry during the week up until the entries are judged, by editing the original entry post.
One entry per person per contest, please state if you are using your mule.

In this Contest you must use the item/theme shown in your entry some way.
Please do not use entries that have already won other contests on Kofk, either the main contest, other threads or this contest.

You may adjust your entry if desired.
If you win please do not delete your winning entry ever!
Your winning entry goes into our Hall of Fame (HOF)
If you break any of these rules you may be disqualified.

Your Current Host is: Eva
Wearing: Sweet Bennette Dress (Sapphire) and more!

Item/Theme: Modern Sailor
Please create a modern sailor inspired character in the theme of Sailor Moon or the other planetary superheroes! Be creative but remember key elements like bows/ribbons, flowy hair, and a weapon of some kind!

(Only 1 Prize is required)
1st place: Sailorloli Dress color of your choice
2nd place: Sailorloli Dress color of your choice
3rd place: Sailorloli Dress color of your choice


Contest Entries

Weekly Winners
Modern Sailor Contest
Hosted by Eva

1st Place: CharstarWishes -Prize: Sailorloli Dress color of your choice +5k because I love it :mcwink:

2nd Place: Death Candy -Prize: Sailorloli Dress color of your choice

3rd Place: Julie -Prize: Sailorloli Dress color of your choice

4th Place: redk5 -Prize: Sailorloli Dress color of your choice


Re: *Collector's Corner * Modern Sailor Contest*

Posted: Jun 17th, '20, 01:09
by Death Candy
Congrats to the other winners! I'd like the Sailorloli dress in sky blue please.

Re: *Collector's Corner * Comeback Contest*

Posted: Jun 17th, '20, 05:11
by CharstarWishes
Eva thank you & congratulations to all the winners.
This weeks contest is coming up shortly.

Re: *Collector's Corner * Comeback Contest*

Posted: Jun 17th, '20, 05:28
by CharstarWishes
Your Current Host is: CharstarWishes
Wearing: Uchiwa - Light Pink

Item/Theme: Comeback Contest
What are some items you would comeback for if you could get any item for free.

(Only 1 Prize is required)
1st place: 3000 FP
2nd place: 2000 FP
3rd place: 1000 FP

Re: *Collector's Corner * Comeback Contest*

Posted: Jun 17th, '20, 09:37
by Bramblelegs

Wearing: elegant uchiwa - Black

I would really love to see the Elegant Uchiwa's again!

Re: *Collector's Corner * Comeback Contest*

Posted: Jun 17th, '20, 18:42
by Death Candy
@Eva: Wrong color, but I like it anyways so it's all good. :) Unless that was meant for another user than I understand switching. If you made a mistake and bought me the wrong color it's fine. I like light blue too. I'm easy.

@CharstarWishes: Oh sure make me think. XD