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Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 11:38
by T-Angelika
I don't want lost my knuffel Saito.I feed him from monday and friday for 100 % but with last 2 days it's different.So please don't lost my knuffel.

Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 11:39
by Kimbo
Therefore, in about a week, we will delete all Knuffel that were purchased on Gaia that have not been fed or played with for one year!


Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 14:13
by T-Angelika
Kimbo wrote:@T-Angelika:
Therefore, in about a week, we will delete all Knuffel that were purchased on Gaia that have not been fed or played with for one year!


Thank you "mchappy"

Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 19:13
by Alora
Okiies- Thanks CharstarWishes!~
I have fed it within a year so I should be safe anyways. ^__^

Alora. ^^

Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 19:36
by inarion
Thanks :qh: I was waiting for the new Knuffels from a long time! I`m sure that the other citizens of the Kingdom too :qt:

Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 19:41
by qt stripes
yay, can't wait to have my very own knuffle <333

Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 21:37
by sheepish 92
yay! can't wait 4 the new knuffels! :qlol: :qsq: thanxs 4 the hard work :qw:

Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 22:08
by Toki no Yuushi
This's awesome. All've your hard work's greatly appreciate as always.
I feed my old knuffel and such, just in case. ;]

Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 6th, '09, 04:21
by MllePimpernel
I'm pretty...well, not "excited", but...eager? I was wondering why there weren't any Knuffels in the shop. They're adorable and I want one! :mctongue:

Re: Preparing for new Knuffel

Posted: Nov 6th, '09, 16:50
by Kasumi
I can't wait to see it.