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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 25th, '12, 01:46    


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Kyle turned around, looking towards the bathroom door as Helena began to speak. He wasn't sure what problem she could be having, until she opened the door. Kyle began to blush the second she came into sight, covering his face with his hand as he looked up in a very bad attempt to hide his reddening cheeks. "I- I don't believe there are any robes in the house." He managed, his ears beginning to heat as his blush spread. "I've never used them much myself." A decision he was now beginning to regret. Now he was also almost wishing he had listened to his brother's discussions about their interactions with women, because he was sorely unprepared for anything beyond the most basic conversation.

His mother had always had a good eye for clothes, in fact, most of his own suits had been chosen by her. His mother's eye for colors and cuts seemed to give her the ability to look at someone and instantly recognize what would fit them best. Damning her innate ability as he tried to figure out what to do he couldn't help but glance at Helena again. It did fit her well, the fabric was just thin enough to display her silhouette in the light but thick enough to be no more revealing. This glance however pushed him over the edge and he actually had to turn around to avoid showing his now tomato red face, though his red ears were probably still visible should she choose to look at him.

"I- You can use one of my night shirts." He stammered, opening the drawers once again to look at the now quite necessary items. "They are quite... a bit thicker." He said, looking down into the drawer in an attempt to avoid thinking about anything else. He pulled out the smallest one he could find, which would still dwarf her. "I-If you want too anyway..." Kyle gripped the shirt and held it out behind him, still trying to avoid turning her direction. His embarrassment, if not clear from the flushed color in his face, was probably clear from the unsure tone currently inhabiting his voice. This was really going beyond anything he had expected for today.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 25th, '12, 02:43    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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At Kyle's stammering Helena finally looked up, just in time to see the other stare at her, and turn away, face beat red. Helena felt a bit happier knowing how big of an effect she actually had on the other, seeing as she normally was the one being played with. It was still embarrassing, true, but it was worth it. When he handed her his shirt she reached out and took it. She unbottoned it and put it on, leaving the sleeping gown underneath. It was big, too big for her small body, but it was comfortable. It actually smelled like Kyle, and that, oddly enough, brought her a lot of comfort.

She looked at Kyle, and noticed he still hadn't turned to look at him. Then she looked at the bed. It was big enough for three people, if you asked her, and she actually felt a little bad about asking Kyle to sleep on the floor, when he had been forced to sleep in the study this past year. He deserved to sleep in a proper bed tonight. "so ... Ready to bed?" she asked, standing there in Kyle's cloth, and a slight blush on her cheek.

"if you want, you can sleep in the bed too, I mean ... There is a lot of room, right?" she didn't want to act all worried and stuff. She didn't need for him to know that part of her, a very very small part that almost wasn't there, actually wanted to have him next to her. No, she was too proud, her parents would say stuporn to admit, or say that to Kyle.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 25th, '12, 03:15    


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Kyle felt the tug of the fabric as Helena took the shirt from his hand. He heard some rustling but still didn't turn around. His control over his facial expressions and the heavy blush still over his face made him decide against it. He continued to face the drawers, staring into the night shirts. Plus, he wasn't sure if it was safe to turn around or not, considering Helena wasn't actually saying anything.

When she did start speaking it actually startled him, causing him to jump a bit. He accidentally pushed down really hard on the drawer he was leaning on, causing the clothes inside to shift around awkwardly. Kyle, visibly embarrassed by his reaction, quickly shoved the shirts back inside the drawer before glancing in her direction. His face was still a bit flushed, though not as bad as before. That was quickly remedied upon seeing Helena wearing his night shirt. For some reason, she looked better to him in that then in her thin nightgown, which in and of itself was a way more embarrassing situation.

Kyle glanced over at the bed, once again looking over the size. While it could probably hold three people Helena's size, he himself tended to take up at least half of the bed. It would have been even more awkward if Helena was not so much smaller then him, as that would actually allow for some space though the amount would be small. He looked down at the covers. He hadn't slept in a bed in a while, which in and of itself of tempting. Sleeping in a bed with her... he decided to stop thinking about that.

"I'm not sure how much room there will be between us. I- I can get in first, so we can see how we want to do this..." He said, trailing off as he began pulling back the covers. Pulling off his shoes, which were the only thing he was still wearing he couldn't sleep in as he'd taken of his coat earlier. Kyle had spent most of the day simply wearing a simple button up shirt and a nice pair of pants, which were surprisingly comfortable for sleeping in. He generally didn't button up his shirt all the way to the neck unless he needed too, as he disliked the feeling. He sat down on the edge of the bed. Awkwardly Kyle shifted under the covers, as close to the edge as possible. He laid down, glancing over at the space next to him. There wasn't a lot. Even with him this close to the edge there would only be about a hand or two of space between them.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 25th, '12, 05:46    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Location: Back home .... With a need to sleep :3
Helena had actually wanted to giggle upon seeing the other's reaction to her idea. Maybe she wasn't the one that felt most embarrassed about this situation after all. It made her wonder just how much contact with women Kyle had had before he had been engaged to her. Her guess was that he had had few casual talks, but never spent much time wih then in private. It actually made her a little happy. When Kyle looked at her she looked down though. She still were a bit intimidated by him.

His next words made her look up and she nodded and allowed him to go first. Her red orbs followed him, and this actually reminded her of the time when she had been little and couldnt sleep. She would come into her brother's bed room crying and he would invite her into his bed and hug her tightly into him telling her that nothing bad was ever going to happen. That nightmares was never real... And Helena had believed him... For a time.

She swallowed a bit when thinking of the night she had had to spent alone after her brother's death, and the few week befroe his death, where he no longer allowed her near him. Scared and crying. No longer having her gentle brother to base away her nightmares. It had been ... A nightmare. She still felt scared at times. Still wished she never had to sleep. Never had to dream.... To see things. Helena hated her visions with a passion. She hated them the most, since they almost never where good things. They were often bad, very bad.

She shook her head. She didn't want to think about that. She looked at the space given to her. It wasn't much, but some part of her actually liked that. Some part of her, a very small part she told herself, wanted Kyle close, in case a nightmare would come, which often happened when she had just foretold one's death. Helena walked over to the free space. "I think it's okay. We're just going to sleep, after all." she gave Kyle a smile. She trusted Kyle. "it not like you would do anything, if I didn't want it, right?" she jest and got herself under the covers too.

There was barely a hand between them, but Helena was determined. She had slept closer to another person and she refused to be embarrassed about this, even if the other person had been of same blood at herself. Besides she felt comfort in the knowledge that Kyle was here, and if she needed him she just had to reach out and grab his hand. So, yeah, she preferred this. "See, this it fine. I would feel bad if I made you sleep on the floor." she said and smiled at him, she could see he still was embarrassed, and being this close didn't seem to help. "good night, Kyle" she whispered and closed her eyes. She was tired. Maybe Kyle would be able to relax more when she had fallen asleep?

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 26th, '12, 03:15    


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Kyle glanced over at her as she approached the bed, there might be more room if he was laying on his side but he didn't want to risk that too much. While he'd never fallen out of bed before he did have a habit of rolling around a bit, especially when he fell asleep on his side. How many times had be woken up with his face in the pillow after falling asleep like that? Sometimes he himself was amazed at his ability to totally change position without disturbing the bed itself or falling out of it. Hopefully his movement would be limited if he was on his back, since that would require more then just a little movement.

He smiled a bit, obviously amused at her comment. "No, no I wouldn't." Kyle responded, placing his arm over his eyes. While this hid the upper part of his face his amused smile was still visible. Looks like she'd managed to turn everything around on him. What had started as teasing by him and embarrassment by her had become just the opposite. Definitively not what he had expected to come about from their initial conversation. He felt the covers over him shift as Helena climbed into bed, and felt himself getting a little nervous. His habit of shifting in his sleep was still on his mind.

Once the covers stopped moving around he knew she had gotten into the bed. He choose not to remove his arm from over his eyes, as seeing her would probably just make this ten times more awkward. It wasn't like he couldn't sense her laying right next to him, and part of him almost wanted to reach out and confirm the obvious but he held that back. After a moment she began speaking again, and he couldn't help but lift his arm a bit to take a glance. His previous assessment had been right, and their height difference was the only think keeping this from being any more awkward then it already was considering it placed her head at about his chest instead of right in front of his face. He smiled back at her as she finished, obviously still embarrassed. "Good night Helena." He replied, placing his hand over his eyes again.

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Hana-chan | Saokymo

 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 26th, '12, 08:44    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Location: Back home .... With a need to sleep :3
Helena had fallen asleep rather fast after that. It had been weird day to say the least. To be honest she had never expected something like this to happen, just by talking to him, but in any event she was glad that she had. Her ability was special this way. She couldn't see the future of people that were strangers to her. Only people she knew, even if her knowledge wasn't much, would be targeted. That meant Kyle's parents would not be targeted by her visions. True, she had met them a lot of times by now, but it had all been facades and polite conversations. As had all the precious conversations with Kyle been.

That had been the other big reason she had wished to ignore Kyle. Knowing meant that she would see his future, and the first vision was always bad, but how could she not want to get to know him? They were going to get married. She wasn't to blame for wanting that! Kyle could have died up until now. Helena always had had the opinion that the future wasn't something you should play around with, and now here she was, again trying to make her vision wrong. She would do that.

But This wasn't the big problem. Helena had a way of creating nightmares every time she had seen a bad vision. This time was no different, or so she had thought, but then nothing. She felt safe and suddenly she could sleep peacefully again.

When Helena woke she felt something warm against her. She made a small smile and snuggled closer.

Brother ....

Her tired mind told her, even though it was impossible, but her logic still hadn't kicked in yet. She opened her sleepy eyes and moved her head up to give his brother the morning kiss on his cheek, she always gave him, but when she was a few inches away she noticed it. The sleepy muttering wasnt somehing her brother did. His brother was this tall either. This was Kyle. Helena yelped and darted backward, forcing herself out of Kyle's embrace rather violently. Had she... She had just been...

Helena felt her hand loose contact with the bed and she let out another startled cry as she lost her balance and fell onto the floor. Helena was beat red in her face. Why had this happened to her? He he been awake? She couldnt even remember at this time. Helena felt herself heat up even more, she had been sleeping clinging to Kyle and had almost kissed his cheek. Kyle must have been the reason no nightmare had appeared but still. Helena shook her head.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 26th, '12, 11:05    


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Kyle had fallen asleep surprisingly quickly despite the situation, and while he felt like he might have woken up a bit during the night it didn't seem like that big of a deal. He had shifted in his sleep, like normal, but there was not problem there. This position was comfortable, and he could feel warmth against his chest as he held... held?

Helena's yelp yanked him from sleep as she wrenched herself from his grip, which caused her to fall off the bed. Kyle threw himself forward, landing on his stomach over the bed as he reached out to grab her. He managed to get one arm around her waist and grab her arm with the other. While this didn't save her from her tumble off the bed, it did stop her from hitting the floor. Her blushing face certainly didn't help the situation, and his face soon followed suit.

Gently but quickly pulling her back onto the bed he released her as he moved into a sitting position, stuttering something for a moment. Kyle's heart felt like it would beat out of his chest, and not just because of the shock he'd gotten upon waking up. His memory from last night had suddenly come rushing back, and it caused his face to burn as his blush reached all the way to his ears. He had shifted in his sleep, though at that point it had simply been turning to face Helena though that movement had placed him much closer to her. Her nightmare had woken him slightly and in his half asleep state he had wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to calm her down. It had worked and he'd immediately fallen asleep again.

"I-I'm sorry." He stammered, finally managing to get a coherent word out. "I- I was half asleep and-" Kyle was looking down, his arms resting on his knees as his legs were positioned under his body. "You didn't get hurt did you? I didn't mean to grab you so hard, it just surprised me when you suddenly fell off the bed." He asked, glancing up at her, looking very awkward. "Though I guess that's my fault, for grabbing you in my sleep. Sorry." He added, apologizing yet again. Kyle was trying very hard to slow his racing heart, and it didn't seem to want to.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 26th, '12, 13:16    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Helena couldn't calm herself. Her heartbeat was racing and the memories of her brother had hit her so hard. She knew what was going to happen. "get out." she said, not more than a whisper. "get out, get out, get out!" her command got louder and louder until she nearly screamed it into his face. She yelled at him every time he tried to explain himself. She didn't want to hear it. She wanted him to be gone. To not be here. She wanted to be alone.

When she had kicked Kyle out, her anger vanished, and tears started to fall down her face. She was going to lose it. Her brother was going to make her crazy. Helena buried her head in the sheet and started to cry. She didn't want Kaito to see her like this, to see just how broken she was. Helena had been so depended by her brother, must have been 400 years, it literally broke her when he was no longer here to help her. She would hate people and loaf herself. She would absolutely refuse company and she would never cry.

Yet here she was crying like she had done when she was 400. She felt like a little kid again, and all she wanted was for her brother to come over and hug her telling her everything was going to be alright... Except her brother... Which by now only was a shadow in her memories, was replaced. A much warmer much gentler image, that Helena fought to keep out. Kyle...

Helena looked up, tears still running down. Kyle probably wasn't there anymore. She bit her lower lip she needed to apologise. She walked over to the closet and picked a blue dress. Blue was a calming color, her mother had told her. Red was wild. The dress was made of silk, Helena had accepted the fact that all her cloth was going to be made of silk by now, and it was clinging perfectly to her frame she looked gorgeous in the mirror. Her big eyes and her hair, which she had let loose. She almost looked like a proper lady. Her eyes was the only thing that said she was still a kid. Now to the big problem. Apologising. Helena bit her lower lip. She took a piece of paper and wrote down an apology, saying she didn't meant to be so harsh, and told Kyle he could come back if he wanted to. They could figure out something. This wasn't all Kyle's fault.

She put it under the door, not wanting to come out, but Kyle didn't take it. He probably wasn't there. Helena bit her bottom lip. What to do? Then she knew. Her violin. She hurried back to the bed and went onto her stomach to fish the violin out for where she had hid it. Underneath the bed. She looked at it. Kyle hadn't heard her play before, since she had never dared to play in fear she might get his attention, but now... What better way to get him over here? She needed to relocate ... No wait Kyle would know it was her anyway. Helena bit her lip and decided it was irrelevant where she played, as long as Kyle got her note. And with that she started to play one of the many songs that she knew by heart. It was a warm and soft song. Almost luring. She hoped Kyle would come.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 28th, '12, 01:55    


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Kyle had been more then a little surprised when Helena had began yelling at him, and for a moment had been entirely unsure of what to do. He wasn't able to get another word out before she was practically screaming at the top of her lungs. Stumbling off the bed, he had backed towards the door. At this point there was nothing to do other then leave, so he did, glancing at Helena quickly before exiting the room. Once he'd gotten outside of the room he sighed, sliding down the door and simply sitting on the floor. Well, that hadn't gone well.

It wasn't like there was anything he could do about it now. He should have simply refused to sleep in the bed, but somehow he hadn't imagined that it would go so horribly wrong. There wasn't much he could do to avoid rolling around in his sleep, he'd been around long enough that he'd tried pretty much everything. Though there had been one thing he hadn't tried, and that was sleeping holding someone else. At least, he hadn't tried it until now and annoyingly enough it had worked as far as he could tell. Who would have thought that the one thing he had wanted to avoid would have been the one thing that worked?

Cursing himself lightly he sighed again. The room was quiet now and for a moment he thought he heard a sobbing sound, but when he stopped to listen he didn't hear anything anymore. Brushing his hair out of his face he tried to think of what he could say to apologize. He noticed her moving around the room, but didn't think much off it. It actually took him a few moments to notice that Helena had pushed a note under the door, and the only reason he'd even seen it was because he'd glanced down by happen stance. Kyle picked up the note so he could see it better.

Quickly reading over what Helena had written he was visibly revealed, and stood up brushing himself off. Adjusting his ruffled clothes he opened the door, just in time to see Helena beginning a song on her violin. He'd heard that she could play in the many discussions in which her parent's had eagerly discussed her various talents, but she had never done so in the year they'd lived together. The song was beautiful, and he could feel the emotion in it. Kyle simply stood there in the doorway, listening as Helena played through the music. When she finished he smiled. "That was quite beautiful Helena."

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 28th, '12, 08:49    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Helena made a startled noise and had nearly dropped her violin out of surprise. Then she had spun around. "you could at least, knock you fool!" she yelled at him. She hated being startled, and that seemed to be happening a lot around Kyle. Helena then remembered why she had started playing and blushed a little. She looked down at the floor. "I ... I'm sorry for my rude behaviour I wasn't really angry at you, and ... Well ..." how could she tell him she in fact didn't mind that he had held him? Would it sound too weird?

Helena was in a bit of a loss. She felt herself get more flushed and it didn't help her case. She shook her head and forced everything away and the. Looked up and smiled. "Thank you for last night, Kyle." she said and smiled. Helena had been sure she would have nightmares all night, but Kyle had prevented them with his presence. "I overreacted before. I promise it won't happen again," she looked shyly away. And put some of her hair behind her ear. "so ... Um .... Maybe we could try again?" she actually wanted Kaito to be there. She wanted to be able to trust someone again, and Kyle really was the obvious choice. Her body had already accepted him, but she needed to get through the thick layer in her mind to make her truly accept it.

Still Kyle would probably insist on sleeping on the floor this time around and Helena couldn't really blame him. She could still try to convince him to do otherwise, she had a few ideas. "I mean, we can't always sleep in two room." she smiled. "I need some time to get used to it." Helena smiled at him, before he put the violin on the bed. She looked away as she packed the violin away. She had thrown a ball, now she had to wait for Kyle to pick it up.

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