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Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 2nd, '14, 21:16
by shadami
i have yet to read terry pratchett but i have the wee free men series. and i've seen his movie, and played a board game.

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 2nd, '14, 21:46
by Dream-Baby
Love Terry Pratchett. A friend of a friend has all the books and I know I could borrow them whenever I feel like asking for them. I just never know if I can have enough time for them. :}


Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 3rd, '14, 06:30
by Nin
Hello! I Hope everyone had a great Halloween.

I have updated the found books list as well as added links to the resources Saloiq has found for us.

I have never read any books by Terry Pratchett either, but I might give it a try if they are worth it ^^. Are his books a series, or stand-alone? In other words, which book would I start with?

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 3rd, '14, 16:59
by shadami
i believe its various series all set in the same world.
like the wee free men is a series of three books and I'm pretty sure they're set in disc world.

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 3rd, '14, 19:51
by Saloiq
@Dream-Baby - Man, 15 years?! I'm so glad you found your book. :D

On Terry Pratchett:
My favorite Terry Pratchett book is Going Postal. <3 And the books with Captain Vimes are always fun. :B

Start with Going Postal! XD And then its sequel, Making Money. Men At Arms is a nice Capt. Vimes book, and Small Gods and Thief of Time are nice stand-alone book (still set in Discworld though).

The Wee Free Men arc is chronological, more so than the Night Watch books, so if you want some order, you can start with The Wee Free Men and go in a nice line all the way to I Shall Wear Midnight. C: I think this arc is aimed at a younger audience than the rest of his books though - like a younger young adult? xD

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 4th, '14, 00:28
by shadami
i was gifted the three years ago, just haven't gotten around to reading them yet.

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Dec 28th, '14, 19:46
by zrofyre
I read this book in middle school-

A group of kids with troubled home lives meet / know each other from their neighborhood - two of the kids are siblings / live in the same house ( maybe twins can't be sure ). I think there were four kids - one girl, two boys ( related ), and one other boy ( I think younger and a different race ) but I cannot be sure.

Anyway they all gather one day and are sitting under this big tree with their backs to it and they either fall asleep and have a joint dream / experience or are transported to another world ( that has more problems than theirs ).

They would wake / return from this world all still under the tree - although time would pass while they were gone it wasn't the same amount.

They kept meeting back at the tree and returning to the other world(s).

I believe it was a trilogy and they were all fairly sizable books in the young adult section. In knife it's not the Seven Sleepers Series but along the same guidelines.

If you can remember / find it that would be amazing - I've been searching for over 10 years!

Thanks so much for your help!

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Dec 30th, '14, 01:14
by Saloiq
Sorry, I haven't read this series! :< Could I post your question on /r/tipofmytongue?

If you borrowed it from your library, maybe try searching "trilogy" in the library catalog?
Any guess for when it was published?
Do you remember any words from the title?
Do you remember anything about the publisher? (For example, if it had a penguin symbol, it might be published by Penguin Books)

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Dec 30th, '14, 05:29
by zrofyre
Not a problem - can't know every book out there ; )

I'm fine with you posting this elsewhere- doesn't bother me any.

Published would be 80's or 90's I think - don't know more than that - its been at least 15 years since I read it.

I have a dim recollection of the dustjacket of one book having a large backlit tree faded out over sunset like browns and yellows and oranges - but this could also be my imagination painting pictures from the book.

I'm sorry I don't know more

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Dec 30th, '14, 06:31
by itsu-datte

Would it happen to be Search for Senna/The Everworld series?

If not, good luck in your search!