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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 25th, '17, 13:19    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet

After her statement about the food, Nelya had sat back silently, watching the conversation flowing around the table and enjoying the rest of her meatloaf in silence. She was looking forward to the dessert, and smiled as Minny went to do the frosting. There would definitely not be too little of it.
When the scream and the alarm sounded from above, she jumped up, surprised. Had she misjudged the calm surroundings earlier? She felt responsible, so she suppressed the urge to flee and hide in favour of rushing out. She was the lookout after all, it was her duty to report on any approaching danger. She did not follow Louis to the main deck however, she instead used the internal stairs to her post. She had access to a communication device and better overview from there, so this was probably the most useful place for her, no matter what was happening. And if it came to it, she had a crossbow tucked away in a secure compartment there as well, just in case.
Even though her wings aided her in getting up the stairs quickly, catching her when she was stumbling on the steps, Louis had already emerged to the main deck when she reached her post. His reaction had been much quicker, not waiting for the alarm and without any hesitation. She admired the speed of it. He was standing next to the alarm together with Barnes, who must have been still on deck smoking. Maybe it even was him who sounded the alarm. She was relieved to see no fighting on deck, but had a hard time making out where the scream had come from. She glanced across the surrounding forests quickly, but they still looked calm and dark as before. Only when she lifted her gaze to the sky she saw something unusual - what was that dark thing approaching in front of the moon? It almost looked like dark smoke, but there was too much movement.
She set the communication to broadcast to the dining room, figuring the captain might still be there. "Something is approaching in the sky. Dark. Fast. Looks very odd." Hesitating a moment, she added "Cannot make out source of scream yet."

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 26th, '17, 16:32    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
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The captain stood up calmly as he heard the sounds of commotion echoing down from the deck, he was briefly surprised by his vice captain's more erratic actions, but his mind quickly focused on more important matters.
He made a quick surveillance of the crew members in the mess deck, cursing inwardly as he noted that it was only a couple of the ship's more inexperienced harpooners who had been left on deck. The alarm sounded and an already agitated crew started to panic, plates clattering and voices raising as they scrambled to their feet.
"ALLAY!" Laslo boomed above the ruckus, calling for quiet. The room fell mostly silent - aside from the blaring alarm - and there was a tangible tension in the air as they all looked to Laslo for orders.

"Something is approaching in the sky. Dark. Fast. Looks very odd. Cannot make out source of scream yet."

Ignoring the nervous chattering that the broadcast caused, Laslo turned to the cannon master first, "It seems we might be being attacked from the air, round up your harpooners and cannoniers, take defensive positions."
The cannon master nodded curtly and began following the given orders.
Laslo then jumped onto the table in front of him and addressed the room at large.
"Anyone trained in combat, get your gear ready and assemble on deck, once there await further orders or act according to the situation. Non-combatants, ready your gliding gear for the worst case scenario. If we need to abandon ship, try and-" His speech faltered as he noticed a certain red-headed mechanic bolting up the stairs towards deck.
"MINNY! STAY BELOW-" but she was already gone.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Laslo took a moment to regain his composure before continuing addressing the rest of the crew, "As I said, non-combatants are to stay below deck. You will be alerted further instructions as needed. Stick together."
With the end of instructions, crew members were scattering to their various tasks. Laslo jumped off of the table and fell into a powerful stride, chasing after Minny whilst checking his equipment and calling out over his shoulder to his third in command,
"Felix. With me."

At hearing of the alarm, Minny panicked. Her thoughts immediately flying to her sole remaining family member. Heart in her mouth, she dropped the frosting bowl that she had been holding -its contents splattering up the side of the kitchen counter- and fled up towards deck, vaguely aware of someone shouting her name, but ignoring it just the same.

She threaded her way through other crew members, and pushed her way out into the night air.

Barnes stayed his position by the mast, fists clenched at his sides. He wasn't sure what they'd be able to do against something airborn, but hell if he was letting anything attack his ship without some kind of retribution.
His tension eased slightly as he noticed the vice captain's approach. Good, the crew was responding quickly to the alarm.
"I'm not sure what it is we're looking at, but it doesn't look good." He said pointing up at the monster.

It was gaining momentum now, close enough to the ship to make out its rough form, It seemed to be... A giant raven? With glowing red eyes and maw.
But it's form was bubbling weirdly, as if it's very flesh wash boiling - and the sounds. It was clear now that the screaming noises were coming from within the beast, a cacophony of pain.
As it drew within firing distance, the harpooners already on deck made faltering attempts to hit the creature. Their first few shots missing, but as the beast drew moments away from colliding with the Dusk Bringer, one finally hit home, sinking into one of the colossal wings and.. Flying out of the other side, beast seemingly unharmed?
Barnes squinted at the falling clumps of black feathers that the harpoon had dislodged, suddenly realizing that they weren't feathers at all but writhing balls of black ravens. In fact, the whole beast seemed to be made up of these screeching smaller versions of itself - stitched together with malevolent magic.

Turning to Louis to point out his discovery, he was caught off balance as the creature landed on the side of the ship, rocking it dangerously on its legs, the writhing masses that were its talons clutching round the balustrade and morphing around the wood, cementing it in place.
The giant raven roared, a sound both shrill and booming as it was made up of thousands of other calls, and opened it's glowing maw, firing out a stream of flaming ravens - the poor creatures screaming in pain as they aimed their claws and beaks for eyes and other soft places. The flaming volley aimed first for the harpooners, who cried out and abandoned their posts, before swerving round and heading straight for Barnes and Louis.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 26th, '17, 21:37    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
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Phoenix heard Nelya's announcement over the Captain's communicator and balled her fists, as she waited for the Captain to finish giving his orders. However, Minny apparently didn't have the patience to wait. Her cries of protest ("MINNY, WAIT!") were mingled with the Captain's, but to no avail; her friend had already run up on deck. Phoenix considered running after her, but she knew that would be a stupid move. She had no combat experience at all and would end up being a liability if she did get up there.

When the instructions were given, she nodded her head, said a whispered "Yes, Captain," and went into the kitchen and shut the door. After taking a few deep breaths, she readied her gliding gear as instructed, before cleaning up the mess created when Minny had dropped the frosting vessel on the floor. Mopping vigorously, she tried her best to keep her mind off the fear that was growing in her. She then remade the chocolate frosting and resolved to focus on the faces of her crew members when they returned victorious from the fight and saw the cake ready for their consumption. She had to focus on the possibility of a positive outcome, or else she would probably get paralyzed with fear. This was her first time encountering something dangerous while on the ship.

God, I hope nothing happens to them, she thought.

A split second after she had that thought, however, something happened and she was suddenly thrown to the other side of the kitchen. She yelled out in pain as she collided rather painfully with the kitchen counter. The collision had hurt her rib cage badly, but it didn't seem to be broken. She looked at the vessel of frosting in her hands and gave a weak smile. None of it had been spilled. But even the smile was short-lived as the scream she heard soon after made her wince. She took another deep breath before steeling herself and getting back to work.

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Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 27th, '17, 21:04    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet

Alarmed by the speed at which the dark thing approached, Nelya focused her eyes intently on it, trying to make out any kind of useful information about what it was. As it got closer, she realized it had the shape of a giant bird, but it clearly was no bird. It did not seem to be one solid object at all. Not only was there a lot of small movement visible on the surface of it - Nelya focused on the area that resembled the tip of a wing and noticed she could actually glimpse moonlight through numerous little crevices. This thing was made of thousands of smaller parts, whatever they were.
She contacted the captains communication crystal directly now.
"It's not one solid object. It consists of some small, moving parts that shape a bird together."
She then focused on the parts that a bird might use as weapons, figuring this thing - whatever it really was - might behave similarly. She didn't notice anything odd about the claws, they seemed to consist of the same smaller units as the wings. The beak however was more interesting. She could see a red glow coming from it. Please don't let it spew fire... She hastily turned the communicator on again. "The beak area is glowing. Expect possible ranged attacks, maybe fire."
Only now did she realize the screaming. It was quite clearly coming from the thing itself. She allowed herself a momentary relief at that. At least it had not been an injured crew member they'd heard from below.
She rushed to get her crossbow out of its compartment, not knowing if it would help at all, but wanting to be prepared. When she looked at the beast again, it had come noticeably closer and now she could tell what it was made of - countless ravens, that seemed to be held in place by some external force, screaming and writhing in agony.
"It's birds, captain! Thousands of them, held together somehow. Most likely magic."
By now the thing had reached the ship, smashing into the balustrade. Nelya had seen the impact coming and not knowing what exactly to expect, lifted herself into the air to not be subject to it. The ship shook under her and the giant bird seemed perched on the side of the ship just like any normal bird. It was a weird sight, all these smaller birds moving in unison to form the movement of the talons.
When the fire ravens came out, Nelya desperately aimed her crossbow at them, hoping to shoot some down before they'd hit the harpooners. But there were so many, it seemed to basically make no difference. She had no way of firing fast enough. She stopped, not wanting to waste all her bolts in a futile effort and looking to see what Barnes and Louis would try to do. Maybe once she observed their strategy, there would be a way to assist them. Or the captain might have orders for her.

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Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 28th, '17, 22:19    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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Louis had followed Barnes' arm to see what had caused the man to sound the alarm. Louis was fascinated by the form and it took him quite some time to realize how fast the threat had already come closer. Shock and fascination were stopped right in their tracks as the giant bird's crash into the ship brought Louis back into the harsh reality. "Barnes, below deck, NOW! Warm her up for flight, we need to be gone before as soon as the captain orders it!" His eyes remain focused on the raven throughout his short speech. Looks of rage and disgust cross louis' face as he watches the fiery flock flying out of the raven's mouth. It seems to make short work of the harpooners, and is now coming for him and Barnes! "GO!" he shouts in Barnes' direction, hoping the man is already gone.

In a desperate attempt to stop the attack, Louis launches a volley of throwing knives into the flames. Sparks shoot off into all directions, but the flock doesn't slow down. He darts away, right before the flock would hit him. That way the flock would need the most time to change their course if they still go after him, buying Louis the precious time he needs so much now. With a few swings and jumps, Louis is airborne and darts across the rafters like a trapeze artist, never losing sight of the flock. He makes as many tight corners as he can, getting rid of the birds by sending them crashing into the ropework or masts.

Maybe he could find a way to send the flock back to it's origin? Send it crashing into the raven and see if it would do some harm? His eyes shoot across the deck to find out the crew has started to mobilize. The captain is also there. Damnit! He should have awaited orders! But going down and explaining is not an option right now. There is still an angry flock behind him and going down will only make things worse. He focuses his sight on the path he makes across the rafters. Any mistake may prove lethal right now. He can only hope Barnes heeded his orders and made his way safely below deck.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 30th, '17, 16:06    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet

Watching intently, Nelya kept her crossbow poised to shoot while she watched in amazement as Louis danced away from the fiery birds like a rabbit on a chase. The large beast did not seem coordinated enough to follow his twists and turns and he managed to keep the things focused on following him even though they collided with parts of the ship instead. She loosed off a few single bolts to shoot down the lucky ones that got close to him, but they were far fewer than Nelya would have expected.
The downside of Louis' strategy became apparent to Nelya quickly though - where a mass of burning birds hit ropes, some of them were starting to catch fire. She didn't take her eyes off Louis as she shouted a quick "Fire in the ropework!" into her communicator. The captain would probably see it himself soon enough, but every split second of advantage she could give him would be useful. Then she continued aiding Louis in his dance as best she could, paying no mind to what was going on down on the main deck. If there was anything she could do for the people there, she trusted the captain would give her the order.

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My personal Quest thread:

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My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 30th, '17, 20:26    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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Louis starts to feel a warm glow near the side of his face. He curses shortly, they are getting close! a sudden sound ends the bird and turns it into a rain of sparks. He lets out a little sigh of relief, Nelya is watching his back. Around him, tiny fires have been starting to form wherever the birds flew into the ropes. He can't pay too much heed to it, for he must focus on his own way across the rafters. If he get's tangled, he'll end up as bird food. The idea of what might happen distracts him for a second as he grabs for the next rope. The rope is on fire and gives away as soon louis' hand grabs it.

His heart stops for a second as his course through the rafters isn't altered and he starts falling down. He spreads his arms and embraces the fall, only to wrap them around him violently, causing him to turn around in mid air. A grappling hook is retrieved from his belt and he launches it towards the nearest mast. The hook catches hold and Louis' fall gradually turns into a swing. He is still not safe though, as he realizes too late that his track leads him straight into the flock of birds. They formed a nice looping while following Louis, but they are heading straight into a collision course now.

Louis stretches his legs forward, lets go of the rope and disappears feet first into the flock. The birds start crashing into each other, since most of them were following Louis at high pace. Sparks fly off into all directions as the entire mass of birds and Louis starts crashing towards the deck of the ship.

((sorry if i overpost a little, this all happens in a matter of seconds. So take your time to write your own responses :mccute: ))

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 10th, '17, 04:49    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
Minny arrived on deck just as the creature landed, the motion it caused making her stumble forwards. She looked up at the great beast, momentarily struck still by fear, before scrambling forwards towards her uncle.

Then the fire came.
A great volley soared across the deck, heading straight for Barnes, and... There was nothing she could do. She was frozen solid with panic, the sight and smell of so much fire awakening a primal fear within her. Thankfully, the fire swerved mid-air to pursue the vice captain, narrowly missing the short engine master.
Wait, it swerved? Was the monster controlling its path some how? Minny felt that if she examined the flames more closely she might be able to pick out something within them - but she couldn't bring herself to look. She felt sick and found herself dropping to all fours on the deck, she could hear the sounds of the rest of the crew, the rest of her friends fighting around her, but she found it hard to focus on anything other than a rising feeling of nausea - a horrible mix of overwhelming fear and shame at her own cowardice.

C'mon, get it together Minny.

Minny willed herself to gulp down her nausea and try to control her breathing. As she began to feel like she might be able to stand, she also realised that she could feel a growing heat and hear someone calling her name.
Snapping her head up away from the decking was a decision Minny regretted immediately.
Heading straight for her was a new column of shrieking fire - a sight made only more horrifying by the realisation that the flames contained burning birds, the smell of their scorching flesh proceeding the fire's terrible heat. Unable get her muscles to respond properly, Minny fell back onto her ass and screamed.

Barnes had been about to rattle off a gruff lesson in how the engine system needed quite a bit more than just 'warming up' to lift off from their current position - when the beast let out the stream of flaming ravens. Barnes readied himself, fists raised, wishing more than ever that he knew more than just how to use his fists. His pride kept him from scuttling away below deck, even though it was more than likely where he'd be most useful.
The birds drew closer, their speed gaining as they seemed angered by the vice captain's attack. The engine master gulped, glad that he had a skilled fighter by his side, but when he glanced across at him - he was gone!
The short man craned his neck upwards to see Louis climbing the great mast. The screeching getting louder caused Barnes to whip his attention back to the approaching horde. He was startled by how close they had gotten and brought his fists up to shield his face, bracing himself for the onslaught - but it never came.
Peering between his arms, Barnes saw the fiery mass shoot up over his head, the birds' path bending barely a foot in front of his face. Taking a step back, he watched thier pursuit of Louis, trying to figure out what he could do to help the man when a fresh red glow from the larger raven caught his attention.

He turned just in time to see it firing another volley towards the stern of the ship, where the cannon master had begun to organise more harpooners and ranged attackers to attack the beast. Other crew scattered out of the path of the flaming ravens, but one person hadn't moved, seemingly unaware of the imminent danger.
Barnes would recognise that messy tuft of red hair anywhere, and his heart leapt into his mouth as he sprinted towards her - flat cap flying off of his head as he skidded across to wedge himself between her and the flames. Her scream echoed in his ears, giving him a renewed strength - he'd wear his fists right down to the bones before he let any bastard hell-spawn of a bird hurt his niece.

Laslo's mouth set in a firm line as his feet landed on deck and he surveyed the situation.  The deck was monstrous chaos, crew running around with no direction, flames licking along the polished wood and various barrels and crates still on deck.  Mind rushing to think of the best strategy to protect his crew, Laslo focused his attention on the creature, involuntarily taking a sharp breath as he took in its grotesque form. He'd heard Nelya's report on his way up to deck but he hadn't expected...this.
His mid-section throbbed somewhat painfully as he looked at the creature, a sure a sign as any that magic was at work here - and something was oddly familiar about the taste of this magic. And the birds.. They were ravens... Could it be...?

Laslo was snapped back to the situation at hand by Felix's question - this wasn't the time for speculation, it was the time for action. Nodding at his quartermaster, Laslo replied, "Even though we are caught off-guard, plan A is still the best course, retreat would be difficult as things are." As he spoke, the captain drew his sword and used it to point out problem areas of the ship, "The crew needs organizing. You take control of melee fighters - focus on stopping damage from fire volleys. I'll work with the cannon master to focus our ranged attacks on the main body of the beast - with magic like this there's usually an anchor point, if we can find - "
He was interrupted by a crackle from his communicator. Listening carefully to Nelya's report, Laslo's eyes shot up to the rigging. The solar sails were, thankfully, rolled up at that time, as they were only really necessary to help power the secondary engine in emergencies - but that was only a minor relief.
Those sails were heavy and if too many of the ropes failed they could cause massive damage to both ship and personnel.

His eyes tracked Louis movements as he unclipped his communicator and brought it to his lips, thumbing the device's crystal into the receiving position.

"Copy that, Nelya - try to put out some of those fires and secure the sails. We're in enough trouble already without bits of the ship falling on us."

Laslo had already started moving forwards as he flipped the crystal and briskly stowed the device back onto his belt - it looked like Louis was in trouble.
"Look after the rest of the crew!" He called back over his shoulder to Felix, his brisk pace turning into a sprint as he saw his vice captain falling through the air whilst still being pursued by a mass of fiery ravens.

He reached the central mast just as the mass of fire with Louis at its center crashed into the deck in front of him. A number of the birds clearly died on impact, their bodies splattering outward from the main mass like dark, smoking splodges of ink - others flapped about the deck feebly, broken and only half aflame. The majority, however, still swirled around his vice captain - their continued onslaught hopefully meaning that the man inside was still alive. Although Laslo wasn't sure how much time anyone could survive such an attack, the heat reaching him on the outside was sweltering enough.

Lashing out with his blade, Laslo attempted to thin the scourge. The thin metal easily separated heads from bodies and wings from shoulders, but he was hesitant to carve too deeply into the flock. He still couldn't see Louis through the throng of fire and feathers and didn't want to risk injuring the man further.
A few of the flock started to peel away and focus thier attention on thier new assailant. Taking advantage of the thinning of the birds around Louis, Laslo tried desperately to see if he could spot the man whilst absently fighting off the ravens attacking him. A struggling hand became visible for a moment and Laslo jumped towards it - only to be beaten back by a raven that had managed to evade his sword and clawed at his face, the deep scratches missing his eye by an inch. Grunting with pain, Laslo grabbed the bird with his free hand, trying his best to ignore the fresh pain as fire seared his skin, and threw it away from himself.
Obstacle gone, the captain plunged his arm into the writhing mass where the blonde haired man's hand had been, hoping that he could yank him out before his own arm got too badly burnt.

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 10th, '17, 05:32    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
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Battering into other ravens, a small group of six of the fiery birds became separated from their pursuit of the long haired assailant. They were confused, away from the rest of the flock, and clawed through the air blindly. Trying to find a new target.


The group wheeled round the ship, attacking without direction. They fell upon one broad enemy, clawing and pecking at the soft parts, making the enemy cry out in pain and flail wildly at the ravens. One clumsy blow from the enemy's elbow caught one of the six and sent it sailing down a long black hole.
Not wanting to be further separated, the birds abandoned their prey and chased after their brethren into the dark. Half flying, half falling, they skittered down the hole's smooth surface crashing round a couple of tight bends before bursting through a grate into a more well lit area.

It was a strange, small area without a sky and smelled strongly of food.


The ravens screeched in pain and anger. No time for food, they had to kill the enemy.
The small group of birds crashed noisily around the room, looking for prey, before noticing a short, slender enemy holding an oddly shaped weapon.

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 10th, '17, 19:16    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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It was a weird sensation of relief when hundreds of birds broke Louis' fall and softened the main deck. Blazing Fire was all around him
and took the oxygen right out of the air. That, in combination with the stench of burning hair and feathers made breathing plain impossible. Louis was fighting for his life.
He had dropped his rapier for it was mainly for stabbing opponents at a distance. His dagger proved more successful, but still seemed useless to the flocking mass around him.

All of a sudden his cheek was grazed by something other than flaming talons or beaks. Cold steel seemed to make his way through the mass, yet seemed to fail in removing the majority of the birds. Louis started fighting with renewed vigor, yet his attempts to reach the outsider seemed futile. His vision was becoming blurry and blacking out around the edges. The birds were everywhere and Louis was fighting a losing battle.

In a last desperate attempt, he tried to reach the person. Only to get his hand beaten away by an angry flock of birds. Stretching out his arm caused his face to be less protected. The birds seemed to focus their attack again.
Louis couldn't handle any more, and collapsed right there in the writhing mass of birds.

Yet, one voice seemed to pierce right through the mass. His captain was shouting his name. Louis couldn't utter a sound, his lungs had been empty long ago. Instead, he lifted his dagger and slammed the hilt into the floorboards beneath him. Time and again he lifted it, and hit the floor in the rhythm that the captain would understand. It was the rhythm of the only sound Louis still heard. It was the rhythm of his own heartbeat.

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