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Re: "Let's read together..." #2?See New Poll

Posted: Jun 17th, '18, 02:03
by Ms_Zuralli
I'm sorry I've been gone so long. I was at a convention, got sick and was out of commission, then was trying to play catch up because I was out of commission. I know I have 28 chapters that I need to catch up on. Sorry about dropping off the world with no response or anything :mcsweat:

Re: "Let's read together..." #2?See New Poll

Posted: Jun 18th, '18, 13:45
by Addicay
You don't have to be sorry, that kind of things happen to everybody. Hope you feel well.

Re: "Let's read together..." #2?See New Poll

Posted: Jul 17th, '18, 11:18
by Ms_Zuralli
Hey, sorry I've been MIA for the last weeks and for the ending of the book. Life decided it wanted to get in the way and I took it like the sheep like thing I tend to be when I'm not acting thoroughly like a cat :mcsweat: . But I finished and hope going forward, if you can forgive me for not keeping with it, that I will stay on top of things and the reading.

That being said, the book was good for all the chills it gives me. If i wasn't as afraid of insects as I am, I might have even ventured to watch the movies and tv show. I still might do that and hope that it doesn't cause me to flinch at every flicker my eyes think they may see...

I was so pissed and disgusted with Chilton. I didn't know I could dislike a character like I do him. At first I felt sorry for him because he's a lonely ball of sleaze that just wanted to be loved, which turned quickly to disgust reading further into the book. Dr.Lecter would not be free if Chilton had acted like the professional he pretends to be (I actually laughed and agreed when Lecter said he wasn't actually a doctor) and not butt-hurt over the fact that Clarice had absolutely no interest in him and his sense of pride and greed. I was livid for Clarice when I read that Chilton had take Lecter to Senator Martin and was like "welp, everything's about to got to hell in a hand basket with a big red bow...", which it did; at the very least we're looking at possibly 6 people that he's killed. That man frustrates me to no end. I need to finish Red Dragon to see what happened at the end of the book, as I don't remember this man being this irritating in the first book. Prideful yes, but not a piss-ant.

Catherine had more of a backbone than I took her for having. Though I suppose if you want to survive you'll do anything. Even though in the back of my head I figured she would have lived, I'm surprised that she was left relatively unharmed. She did seem annoying though once Clarice was there to aid her. It was like all her common sense flew out the window due to escape being eminent.

I'm thoroughly surprised to find that I liked Clarice from round 'bout start to finish, since I've said in earlier discussions that lead females often disappoint me. She handled herself real well in a lot of situations she was put in, she didn't fly off the handle when the stuff with Chilton happened (as much as she wanted to), she stuck to her guns and didn't once give up. I was afraid that she would actually be seriously hurt, especially with all the blind shooting that was happening in the basement. It was pure blind luck that she ended up at Gumb's house when looking for answers and seeing that moth. It would have been sad if she had put in all this action not to prosper from it though, so I'm glad that she stumbled upon the house, even if she had no back up. I am however confused by what happened during the fight, how everyone was blinded or disoriented which lead to blind shooting and hoping for the best... I was a little suprised to see that she ended up with Pilcher in the end. I thought for sure that she wasn't going to turn him down.

I didn't like reading about Fredrica or Kimberly even though I know it was needed and useful to the case. At one time in my life I could relate to them, in fact in some ways I still can, and that makes me uncomfortable. My walls didn't like the brush. But it's cool. They're fictional characters and I feel bad for them. I also didn't like reading about Bella dying.

I swear Lecter would be the perfect gentleman if he wasn't a cannibal. And he handled everything in stride to the bitter end, using everyone to his amusement. He strung along everyone but Clarice actually. Getting information always seemed like a mini battle though, but to be fair, he played somewhat fairly as long as the other person did. When learning that the information he gave to Chilton was false I got a little amusement from it for it would have made Chilton look like a fool, which he is. That man is always several steps a head of everyone else. He knew that no one else would be as studious in making sure he was detained as Barney was. I think he even counted on the fact of Chilton trying to humiliate him in front of the guards on duty so that they would treat him lighter. He even had a pick for the cuffs already made and ready for use. The scene of his escape was horrifying though.

I thought it nice and sweet that Lecter was sending something to Barney and Clarice. He doesn't forget the people that have been nice and interesting to him. I actually laughed when at the end when he was talking about the correspondence he was going to send out, one of the letter going to Chilton about paying him a visit. I almost want to read to next book in the series to see if he does.

All in all it was a really good book.

Re: "Let's read together..." #2?See New Poll

Posted: Aug 21st, '18, 19:03
by Addicay
Sorry for not answering here. My Motivation was kind of... gone. I am reading a few books that are not listed in the poll. I think, if some of you want to give this a try, I am in, but for now I say: I read what I get in my hands.