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Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 21st, '19, 05:05
by Kitalpha Hart
First year of foreign language for high school actually started in middle
I had Spanish that year. The teacher was very nice but oh my god you didn't have to do squat to do well in that class
Even the final, where we were supposed to memorize a speech of some sort, she would guide you through and not ding you for it
Then the next school year I took ASL at the local college and was done a year before my peers
I think because of that my high school schedule was a bit different from most

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 21st, '19, 10:22
by Nankuii
Oh wow :o Sounds super lenient.

I wish we had ASL class as a foreign language in my high school. or even middle school. I tried taking online (free) classes in high school, but I gave up pretty quick lol

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 21st, '19, 19:59
by Kitalpha Hart
The superintendent was against it
The principal did the "officially I can't help but you need this info" gig
Ducks were put in order
Superintendent had to give way because even the law said it was okay

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 22nd, '19, 23:26
by Moi

Nan: My dad's like half Native American and half Mexican, but there's like a little spot of German in him too. My mom's mostly Native American and Irish (that we know of) so I'd be about half Mexican 8u

We had a Spanish class, but these Mexican guys said no one speaks like that in real life so xD

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 23rd, '19, 00:06
by Kitalpha Hart
No one talks like the books teach, really
The books are really stilted and artificial

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 24th, '19, 08:05
by Nankuii
Kit: Oh dang ><

Moi: Ahhh I see lol You have an interesting heritage haha

That's what the actual Spanish speakers say in my class too!!

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 24th, '19, 21:04
by Moi

They need to hire actual Spanish speakers to teach Spanish instead of these textbooks 8u

My mom said people were like "She's mixed, isn't she 8u" talking about me.
So I guess you can tell I'm mixed by just looking at me.
I never took that into consideration.
I've always just looked like me xD

My mom always told me that I had olive skin and I tan instead of get sunburned.
And I never understood what that meant until I Googled it not long ago.
It said it's tan skin with a golden/greenish tint to it and I looked at my arm and was like "Huh. It IS golden/greenish 8U"
And I noticed I do tan easily.
I don't get out much, so I'm usually decently pale - but when I do go out in the sun I tan xD
I got a nice tan on my arm just from having my arm resting on the window in the car when we'd go pick my sister up ._.

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 24th, '19, 22:02
by Kitalpha Hart
Meanwhile if I'm in the sun for too long I become an overripe tomato

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 25th, '19, 00:42
by Moi

That happens to me too sometimes.
We went to a water park without sunscreen once.
I got sunburn on my face and it was itchy so I decided to put lotion on it.
You know, because lotion is cool and moisturizing.
It was neither of those. It burned like my face was lit on fire.


Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 25th, '19, 02:15
by Kitalpha Hart
Maybe next time use one with aloe?