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Re: Quarintine

Posted: Oct 16th, '21, 18:59
by Tiffbue
I don’t mind it actually I do like it I mean I like it I mean I like it I mean

Re: Quarintine

Posted: Oct 17th, '21, 07:29
by AutobotDen
I got vaccinated for COVID back in April. Gonna be arranging a flu shot soon, probably sometime this coming week. I normally wear my mask when going out in public, but forgot one time (I was in a not-very-good mindset, having gone from therapy straight to grocery shopping, when I probably should've just gone home instead), and felt guilty about forgetting.

Re: Quarintine

Posted: Nov 3rd, '21, 05:03
by Moon Star
I work from home, which is yay! but I'm always doing (unpaid) overtime (yes, still), which gets a big boo! from me. I also feel an awful lot more lonely (I live with my parents, sure, but its very different to being able to see your friends whenever you want to, y'know?) and tired all the time. So yeah, it has its ups and its downs, though a lot more downs than ups, if you ask me.

Re: Quarintine

Posted: Dec 10th, '21, 09:50
by GrimDaeva
Not much has changed since I rarely left the house before.
I've been fully vaccinated and got my booster just recently so I'm feeling much better than before, when there was no vaccine protection at all.
Still, not a reason to let my guard down of course.

I have an Autoimmune disorder so I feel like I have to be extra careful.
It leaves me unable to work atm so I do housewife duties which is fine.

I do get a bit depressed staying in too much so going out to shop for groceries, or get food has been nice.

I'm ok shopping as long as it's not too crowded, if it is I just leave or plan to go back on an off day.
I try and buy what I can online, but I don't live in the US (I'm in a US Territory) so it's hard to get things shipped here sometimes.

Re: Quarintine

Posted: Mar 13th, '22, 13:58
by PotterLady87
I am fortunate enough to say I don't have to worry about going to work in this pandemic. I am an at risk individual because of my past with cancer, heart attacks, weight, and diabetes. So basically I have been cooped up in my home since the beginning of 2020 and have literally only been out maybe a handful of times. This is absolutely nuts. I did venture out and get the vaccine though, so that's good. What bothers me the most is the people that don't take it seriously. Like, I had family members die because they didn't take it seriously either. It hurts my soul to see humans so unwilling to help others and protect their loved ones.