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Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jul 25th, '22, 21:40
by Amura
Calibre is just an e-book manager.

Have in mind that it will work only with books that have no DMR.
There are workarounds around this, of course, but the main program does not remove DMR.

Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jul 25th, '22, 23:06
by Rubie
I will probably start using this...once I either get my laptop out or finally invest in a new one (I've had one picked out, just haven't made the purchase yet). My laptop is super old so it takes years to even get to where I can use it.

I have no clue what DMR is because google brings up a ton of stuff lol.

Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jul 26th, '22, 10:10
by Amura
DMR is a feature to avoid piracy. So you can't actually copy DVDs or ebooks or any digital document which is protected by DMR.

For example books bought at Amazon have it. But plenty of smaller indie publishers don't bother with it.
You library books may or may not be protected by DMR.

Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jul 26th, '22, 13:57
by Sanssouci
I'm very close to being done with House of Many Ways now. I've been enjoying it.

Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jul 26th, '22, 15:28
by Rubie
Ah okay. I guess I'll find out if I get around to it. Didn't get a chance to pull my laptop out last night. But not like I can borrow the ebook yet.

Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Jul 30th, '22, 17:17
by memoriam
New update. I finished the Children of Virtue and Vengeance. For the first half I was pissed at the main character, while rooting for the other main character. Half through I actually wanted to read more because the tension finally peaked and then I got confused with the second character's decision. But I guess I get it. Anyways, I don't know what I'll read next. I'm thinking I can up my goal to 10 books. I don't know with which books yet. I'm thinking one fiction and one something else. But I kind of already read a lot of non-fiction books this year. I'll have to think about it.
Spoiler: TBR update6
1. E. N. Aron The Highly Sensitive Person <PL-T>
2. T. Adeyemi Children of Virtue and Vengeance <EN>
3. B. Baranowski W kręgu upiorów i wilkołaków. Demonologia słowiańska <PL>
4. Y. Boland Moonology: Working with the Magic of Lunar Cycles <PL-T>
5. D. Morrison Everyday Sun Magic: Spells & Rituals for Radiant Living <PL-T>
6. A. Edelman Sny. Czego możemy się z nich dowiedzieć? <PL>
7. P. Bucki, W. Pączek Złap równowagę <PL>
8. C.S. Lewis The Screwtape Letters <PL-T>
9. ? <>
10. ? <>

Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Aug 16th, '22, 16:55
by Rubie
Well I finally got to borrow House of Earth and Blood again (I missed my borrow period last time because the library bought more digital copies of it so it really jumped up the wait time). So hopefully have it finished by the end of next week =) I got myself on the waitlist for the second book in the series so hopefully I can read that soon too.

Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Aug 16th, '22, 23:34
by Sanssouci
I finished House of Many Ways. Haven't done much reading since. My goal was a low one this year, and I'm still falling behind!

Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Aug 19th, '22, 15:06
by Rubie
So I finished House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas last night. Apparently only needed 3 more reading days on it. The last 300 or so pages went by so fast. If the second book had been available to borrow I would have done so and started it right away. It honestly had no right being as good as it is.

While I wait for the second book to be ready for borrowing, I will read something off of my list next. Not sure exactly which one.

Re: The 2022 Reading Challenge

Posted: Aug 19th, '22, 16:45
by memoriam
I'm still reading the Moonology book. I haven't been able to read in a while. Not because of the lack of time. I'm just mentally not doing well and all I can basically do is scroll on YT shorts...