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Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 11th, '12, 03:32
by lunar_eclipse66
My friend and i in a conversation have gone from talking about her dog to sorbing which is a sport where you get in i giant ball and roll yourself downhill. I'm not sure how we did it.

I'd kill my parents if they didn't tell me until the day of. Traveling out of the country is fun but its crazy. I want to go somewhere in Europe. I'm not sure where though.

My mom killed my goldfish when I was a kid too, and my bird.
Now we have 2 cats and a dog.

I love this thing! Its so cute. It is definitely going in my college dorm room. I hope my roommate isn't afraid of octopi.

Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 11th, '12, 05:12
by Hari_Auvry-rahel
I've never had any fish or birds...we've always had cats and/or dogs. Currently, we have two dogs: Cassie and Murphy, and two cats. My fur-babies, Jack and Kira. My friends and I used to accidently make up teleplathic.

Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 11th, '12, 10:05
by Eilzhaise
-pops in- Hi, uh... crazies? I don't know if people say this a lot or not when they come into the thread, but I had no idea that you could put a YouTube video into a poll!

I think we're talking about animals, so um... I'm unfortunately quite notorious in the Goldfish Kingdom. Basically public enemy number 1. I keep thinking I'll do better with every new fish, but they all leave me.

Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 11th, '12, 17:55
by Hari_Auvry-rahel
Hello Eilzhaise!

lol Crazies is what I call my friends/RP buddies on Gaia (specifically the ones in my Kingdom Hearts rp). I think it's a great nickname for us too. I just imagined a little Wanted poster of you, E. The reward was 5 Million Bubbles.


Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 11th, '12, 23:02
by Springflora
I've been to Canada a few times, once for a wedding, and a few times for a visit XD all those cousins, and second nieces and nephews and aunts and uncles oh and that old lady (grandmom) I'd actually want to go to Australia and Ireland O_O next year I'm going to China though >,> Ooh, now that you mention Italy, I wanna go there too >,>

O_O Never knew there was a sport like that, I want to try it though XD We were going to her house from my house which is about 10-15 min, I talk alot >,>

I want a dog, not really cats though :( My friend has...2 bird now I think, her other bird died and she misses it.

Well if it's cute, no one could ever be afraid of it XD

Crazies @_@ I'm already called that sometimes >,> But I think my friends earn that title a bit more than I do... 5 million bubbles is a lot O_O is that like 5 million dollars cause I'll go capture you and get that money, kind of short on it right now >,>

Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 12th, '12, 03:49
by Eilzhaise
I could use that money too! Think I could somehow get it if I turn myself in to the fishies?

I would actually love to have two dogs and name them Huck and Sawyer. Anyone see where the names are from? :qt:

Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 15th, '12, 20:59
by Springflora
What I could do with that money $_$. I think you could, but I'll be the one standing by to collect the reward... XD You know, following her home if she chooses you, then maybe catching her and getting that lovely reward... hopefully there's a money converter person that can covert the bubbles to USD XD

Ooh I see, I never read those books though ^^' didn't have to... yet.v I want a pug XD the black ones are the cutest *_* *starts daydreaming* ooh and a husky. Don't know what I would name them though >,>

Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 16th, '12, 04:54
by Eilzhaise
You can name your dog after an actual person! Then you can say things like, "Robert Pattinson, no, that's not a toilet!" :D Heck, maybe even someone you know personally! That won't be weird.

What if the bubble to USD conversion goes a million to one?

Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 18th, '12, 03:29
by Springflora
Oh my O_O If I was talking to that person, then was calling my dog... who knows what mess I could get into... like them trying to kill me because I was telling them weird stuff... I think I'll stick to... uhm... dog names XD ooh or it could be someone I hate, that got me thinking there >:D

Well then, I'll buy anything I want in fish world, hope the prices are the same as in the human world >,> like 2 bubbles for a pack of gum XD

Re: We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside... Story Time (7/29

Posted: Aug 18th, '12, 17:31
by lunar_eclipse66
Sorry everyone I haven't been on for a while. I was hampton beach for the week and the place we were at didn't have any wifi. I still brought my computer anyways so I did get some story done and I'll post a chapter shortly.

Welcome Eilzhaise! I get called crazy every once and a while, mostly by friends.

i wish my currency was bubbles. They'd probably be worth more than the USD Dollar.

I finally found out who my college roommate is!