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Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Mar 29th, '21, 15:17
by Rubie
@Lunar: you worked in healthcare right? No worries. I understand how life can get.

I sometimes have too much time. Especially at work. I'll do everything I have and then get told they'll teach me stuff, then never do, then complain when I'm not doing more! Make up your mind! At least in the summer I'll be busier with more bills. (sometimes I'm tempted to bring my knitting to work, but that might be too much, so I usually read online if I have absolutely nothing to do as opposed to just reading stuff during lunch)

Totally didn't hunt for eggs over the weekend. I was busy. Friday night I had my brother, his gf, their new puppy, my sister, my nephew, and my sister's dog over to watch falcon and the winter soldier. Saturday was my nephew's birthday party so I just stayed over until 10 at night. Sunday I finished taking down the playset and I had zero motivation to work on the other projects I needed to do after that.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Mar 30th, '21, 17:59
by lunar_eclipse66
Yeah I still work in healthcare but instead of working in the main hospital pharmacy, I work in Oncology as a technician. Basically they trust me enough to reconstitute and mix chemo.

@Rubie That sounded like a busy day with that many people over.

@mynah: Yhe spam thread is a good idea.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Mar 30th, '21, 19:25
by Rubie
Is that difficult to do? I wouldn't trust myself enough to do that, which is a good thing I don't work there.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Mar 30th, '21, 22:20
by lunar_eclipse66
It requires a lot of math and an understanding of the medications you’re making. There’s training programs and a certification process but its not like its something that requires a degree.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Mar 31st, '21, 15:00
by Rubie
Ooh, I'd probably do good on the math part. I would probably fail the medications part. I think getting a certification is still a good achievement because it lets people know you know what you're doing. (but I can see how people won't think that's a good enough reason because Karens exist)

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 1st, '21, 01:14
by lunar_eclipse66
Well the good thing is if you work in a hospital as part of the inpatient pharmacy, you don’t deal with the general public. You see people when you’re delivering meds but you typically bring them to the nurse or unit clerk. Its just stressful sometimes because if you have a lot of people coding or in need of stat meds, you need to be quick and in your game. I still occasionally work for inpatient when oncology has slow days and cath lab calls are a nightmare. They are basically the highest stat priority and you have to drop everything you’re doing when they call because they typically need the med in 5-8mins.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 1st, '21, 15:19
by Rubie
That's good. When I worked at a bank, we weren't that busy, but I swear, we had some of the rudest customers ever. This dude would literally yell at us because his rounding up didn't match what he had in his bank. Oh and someone forgot to tell him he withdrew money from the ATM (THAT HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN HE DID) and literally yelled at me because of it. I once answered the phone 5 minutes before my lunch and it was him and I audibly sighed into the phone when he said his name. Whoops. I spent over 20 minutes on the phone because his total didn't match what we had because, you know, he rounds. He knew he was an ass though.

I don't think I could handle that. That would stress me out so much. I would be so afraid that I'd make a mistake.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 2nd, '21, 00:43
by lunar_eclipse66
Oh god. People are so mean. The general public terrifies me. I have no idea how you survived working at a bank. People get defensive over their money.

Its stressful, but before covid it wasn’t too bad. Plus its rewarding. I feel like I’m doing something important.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 2nd, '21, 15:19
by Rubie
I worked at a grocery store twice for short periods of time (summer between colleges when I didn't have a babysitting gig and after college when I could not find a job for the life of me besides there) and I did have some rude customers there, but most of them were on the nicer side. The bank, there were so many rude people. I called some people self-important because it's like you get old and think you are so important you can treat people like poop.

Re: The Gem Room

Posted: Apr 3rd, '21, 00:02
by lunar_eclipse66
I’ve always found people who are part of my parents’ generation and older to be the worst. Most of them act like you owe them something when you deal with them while working in retail. I’ve also met a good number of them who don’t understand boundaries and are touchy. Like ma’am there us no reason why you should be putting your hand in my shoulder.