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Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 12th, '20, 00:49
by Rosamond
Seems like Momo likes to be mean to Casper. XD It was his fault that she got scared. :mctongue:

One of my cats is a big scaredy cat. Sometimes if he sees something new for the first time he will cautiously approach it and then smack it. XD

Maybe she only wants pets?

My cats have been eating the canned food more again. I've started given them half a can at times as well since sometimes they only want to eat a little.

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 12th, '20, 01:51
by Moi

Momo's mean to everyone 8u
But Mom gets pissed when she's mean to Casper because Casper is her baby xD

My Kiri was like that.
She was easily frightened - especially with kids.

She can kiss my ass >8u
Nah, I'll pet her u,8

Momo won't eat a whole can.
Casper will eat a whole can.
Samson will eat two whole cans.

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 13th, '20, 20:00
by Rosamond
Momo is just misunderstood. :mclaugh:

I have 4 cats and before between them all they would eat one can at a time. Now they seem to not want to eat it all at once so I give them half a can and the rest later.

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 14th, '20, 22:05
by Moi

She attacked this black cat that was attacking Casper xD

I haven't seen her today, though :\

We try to feed Casper and he'll shun the food so we'll give it to another cat and then he'll go looking for it <<

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 14th, '20, 22:47
by Rosamond
She protecc! Casper is only for her to attack.

Maybe he likes taking food from other cats. XD

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 15th, '20, 23:24
by Moi

I guess so 8,u
She's a ballsy little thing xD
That black cat is like 2x her size.

I think he just likes to get catnip first u8

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 17th, '20, 18:02
by Rosamond
If he is getting catnip first then that explains it.

My cats haven't had catnip in a while.

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 17th, '20, 22:23
by Moi

He's a catnip fiend.
Like I've never seen a cat like it so much .__.
He comes to get his fix >8u

Mom got a couple videos of Momo eating with her paw.
It was really cute.
She also holds her tail with her paw so she can clean it.

Did you know snails eat cat food 8u
The dry kind.

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 18th, '20, 00:37
by Rosamond
One of my cats likes to dip her paw into the water bowl and then lick her paw. It reminds me of dunking a cookie in milk. XD

That is weird. I did not know that about snails. :qo:

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 18th, '20, 03:29
by Moi

I've seen them do that and it's cute.
But I didn't know they could eat food o_O
She's too smart for her own good >>

Yeah...I put food out for all the cats and I find snails eating it ._.
They literally crawl a mile to eat cat food 8u