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Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 31st, '20, 04:26
by Rosamond
Aww, poor raccoon. XD It looks like it learned at the end of the video since it was eating it and not putting it in the water. :mclove:

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 31st, '20, 04:35
by Moi

I know xD
It's so cute but I felt bad xD

I saw a wasp look that confused once.
It was building a nest and it flew away and my aunt destroyed the nest.
The wasp flew back right after and was looking around.
It knew the nest was there, but didn't see it and was just looking around frantically.
It was the funniest thing I'd seen in a long while xD

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 31st, '20, 07:15
by Rosamond
Tfw you go to the store and come back to find your home is gone. :qshock: :mclaugh:

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: May 31st, '20, 20:33
by Moi

I felt bad for it xD
It was the most confused I've ever seen an insect .__.
I bet it had to go to therapy 8u

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: Jun 1st, '20, 01:04
by Rosamond
It never was the same again. :mclaugh:

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: Jun 1st, '20, 01:50
by Moi

I don't like killing them, but we do.
Chances are it built another one and died 8u

I got the cats addicted to snacks xD
They go gaga for them o_O
Especially Momo.
She knows the sound of the treat bag now.
I can't sneak them around at all.
I got Hyde some treats and opened the bag and Momo ran at me, meowing.
I told her "These are dog treats, Momo >8u" and she just stared at me.

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: Jun 1st, '20, 04:22
by Rosamond
You can't fool her!

My cats got used to the sound of the bowls I get to give them canned food.

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: Jun 1st, '20, 20:37
by Moi

Yeah, she's too smart for her own good Bu

She was in the house when my dad came over and he looked at her and said "Why are YOU in the house >8U" and she ran out xD

He actually brought up a good point.
We told him we were trying to fatten up Casper and Samson and he said they might have worms.
And that never cross my mind o_O
Casper did have ear mites.
We're gonna worm them 8u
You see, we don't have a litter box because they're strays so I can't see their poop.
So I never thought about worms.

Aww x3
It's cool they memorize things like we do.
SAYA memorized that when my hand was behind my back, I was going to put medicine on her or bathe her xD
I could not catch her by surprise.
Hyde remained so trusting and I felt so bad xD

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: Jun 1st, '20, 22:06
by Rosamond
That is a possibility. If they have tapeworms then you will be able to tell by checking their butts. XD; Another sign is if you find rice looking droppings where the cats lay.

Hyde is never sus. :mccute:

Re: ♡ Kowai Desu ♡

Posted: Jun 1st, '20, 22:36
by Moi

I'll have to check.
I had gotten some dewormer for Kiri because I thought she had worms, but she didn't.
So I already have some medicine.

I feel so bad for him.
I'll be like "Hyyyyde~ Come here~ 8D"
And he'll come running with that dopey look on his face 8P
And I'll be like "Time for medicine/shampoo >8D"