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Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 1st, '22, 23:33
by Moi

I got on Facebook a few years ago to two people telling me that a friend we met on here had died in a car accident.
Mouse probably remembers her but I don't know if you do Lunar.
Her username on here is LilChaosKitten.
If I remember right, she was stopped at a red light, minding her own business, when a drunk driver hit her. She was pinned inside her car for who knows how long before she died.
I didn't talk to her as much after she left this site, but she was a friend on Facebook and I always looked at the pictures and stuff she'd post.
So full of life only for some piece of shit to steal it from her =_=
She lived in Texas too and I mentioned going to San Antonio and I think she lived there.
She told me I could stop by and we could hang out.
I didn't do it because I was shy and my aunt wouldn't have stopped to let me see her anyways >>

Any time someone who posts on here disappears for a bit, it makes me worry about them.
I know they're probably busy or lost interest but Chaos dying really fucked me up xD

Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 2nd, '22, 16:07
by Mouse
OMG I do remember her! I DID NOT EVEN SEE THIS. Ugh that's tragic.

I still talk to a handful of folks, but there were like a whole assortment of people here that I miss. But to be fair, it was a really hard time for me with the coming out stuff and the family reacting, etc. etc etc. I remember it used to be like you, Mika, me, Jamberry Icecream, and a handful of other folks and we'd be all over this forum :mcheh:

Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 2nd, '22, 20:30
by lunar_eclipse66
Oh my God!! LilChaosKitten died?! I do remember her. She was super active and we often ran into each other in forums. That's so upsetting that she got hit by a drunk driver.

Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 2nd, '22, 23:36
by Moi

Yeah, she died. I have her little memorial thing if you guys want it:
I did not expect her death to hit me as hard as it did but it hurt me a lot.
I still think about her and cry.

Jamby is on Facebook. I don't talk to her a whole lot, though.
Not talked to Mika in a longass time. I hope she's okay.
I had a soft crush on her for the longest time xD

Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 3rd, '22, 06:41
by Mouse
Yeah! I sometimes message Jamby here and there. Of course I keep up with Cassie now and again too. I just had a flashback to when we all played flyff? That was us right?! Oh the late 2000s.

Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 3rd, '22, 23:41
by Moi

I see Cassie post her little baby on Facebook a lot. I don't talk to her like I used to but I'm happy she found a great guy and has a baby now. I met her when she was like 16 or 17 on Gaia and now she has her own kid xD

Yeah, we played Flyff. Those are good memories x3

Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 4th, '22, 00:22
by lunar_eclipse66
Wow I'd never seen her face in real life before. She was such a sweet heart and to be honest figuring out she died 4 years ago is hitting me hard a bit too so I couldn't even imagine the pain you felt when it happened.

It kind of reminds me of a quote I saw a while back on a comic, "The internet is filled with ghosts"

Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 4th, '22, 23:17
by Moi

I'm sorry I made you guys sad by telling you ;; -hugs-
I made a lot of art for her and it was so bad but she loved it.

She even made knuffel based on some of us.
She asked me what kind of monster girl I wanted to be so I said a Jiangshi and I made a little doodle for her to use.
Mine: [x]
Her Knuffel: [x]

That is a nice but sad quote. I still go on Gaia and play games and dress my avatar but nearly all my friends haven't logged in in years...

Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 5th, '22, 03:05
by lunar_eclipse66
Don't be sorry! I'm more sad that I didn't get to talk to her more before she left and that her life was cut short. At least with me knowing I can make my peace with it.

That wild knuffel is adorable!

Re: • • D a r k † S o c i e t y • • (Everyone is Welcome!)

Posted: Dec 5th, '22, 23:18
by Moi

That is true. If anyone else from this site died, I'd like to know instead of not knowing.

She made really cute knuffel -nods-
I actually need to make more knuffel...
It's been a while 8u;