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Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 11th, '11, 18:26
by Lady Lissalynn
Me and him made up thankfully. There's talk about me coming back now soon too...

I'm depressed and sad. I really miss him.

Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 12th, '11, 17:27
by KaiKalani
Good that you're back together - it was very sad to see something like that finished.
Comming back sounds good. Maybe these time for good?
Did everyone in your home missed you much? How was the welcoming and all?

Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 12th, '11, 17:32
by Lady Lissalynn
Yes. I was very upset when we broke up :(
Hopefully this time when I'm able to come back it will be for good. They [him and his parents] were talking about me coming back really soon. So I'm happy about that.

My lil brother who's taller then me gave me a great big hug and everyone else was really happy to see me. But I'm sad because the only place I want to be is in Scotland with him.

Of Course I missed my family and friends...but being away from him like this just hurts the most because of how much I care about him. I'm willing to leave them for him and they know this. And I know he wants me to come back because he loves me as much or more then I love him. So it's a hard time right now. I was talking to him last night on msn and I found it really hard to talk to him without wanting to cry.

Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 13th, '11, 20:44
by KaiKalani
I think I know what you mean.
I love my Hun as much even if sometimes it's not that great between us.

Being unable to hug the person you love is realy painful - I know that. I wish you to be with him soon so you will feel better.

Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 14th, '11, 03:24
by Lady Lissalynn
Thanks alot. it's hard right now. For the both of us. He came home really stressed from work yesterday and I was helpless. I couldn't do anything to make him better.

Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 15th, '11, 12:58
by KaiKalani
Yeah the distance is realy big and it makes it worst i think.

Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 18th, '11, 08:03
by Lady Lissalynn
Yeah the distance now is hard on us because we were able to meet. We're be ok tho. because we're be together again in no time :)

Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 18th, '11, 11:01
by KaiKalani
Are you planning to go for permanent now? :qcute:

Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 19th, '11, 03:14
by Lady Lissalynn
Hopefully this time yes

Re: Underwater Den

Posted: May 19th, '11, 19:34
by KaiKalani
Wow that would be very nice, and exciting I think :qcute: