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Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Apr 10th, '12, 22:16
by Maiumaora
Markus Zusak is a great author. I've enjoyed all of his books that I've read. Especially "I am the Messenger."

Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Apr 11th, '12, 12:30
by Maroon Surreal
My faves are James Patterson and Paulo Coelho.

With Mr. Patterson, I like how entertaining his way of telling stories is, adventurous and exciting. With Mr. Coelho I like how he sees life and leaves good lessons in his books.

Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Apr 14th, '12, 05:56
by IcyRiver
My favorite author would have to be Alyxandra Harvey since her books are really interesting and a bit romantic but the characters are so well written it's as if you actually know them. :mcblush: :mccool:

Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Jun 7th, '12, 22:09
by eldrei
I really like C. J. Cherryh. In particular, her Foreigner series is addicting :D

Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 02:11
by Kingsfoil
Hard to say, since I tend to swap styles according to mood, and I haven't devoted much to any one author (besides R A Salvatore) to really know, and i wouldn't say Salvatore is my favouruite, though I like him well enough, but I stopped reading his stuff a while ago.

Haven't read any Stephen King or Michael Chrighton or any of the author's listed besides Rowling I think. I wouldnt' even call Tolkein my favourite author. His writing style is not entirely my thing.

I'm investigating G G Kay right now, after just finishing Ysabel. Right now I'm plowing my way though all the undread books I have so I won't be getting to another of his books right away, though I am deciding which on I might look at next. There are a few contenders and I might start searching used stores to see what they have.

Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Jun 24th, '12, 15:14
by LadyCatherine
I really love Anne Rice.
Especially the Vampire Chronicles and the Mayfair Witches.

Sometimes I like to read Pauline Gedge.

And severeal years ago I read a lot from Charles Dickens.

Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Jun 29th, '12, 06:56
by Tiamatsan
Tamora Pierce, I love her books! I love how she writes all of the different but strong female leads and how her characters interact with each other. I love how she know when to stop a series and yet continue it in a way that both satisfies and interest people. For example, her The Lioness series focuses in Alanna trying to become a knight. After that she wrote the Wild Magic series that focused in on Daine trying to learn how to control her wild magic and helping save the kingdom that Alanna is protecting. Finally there's the Trickster series that focuses in on Alanna's daughter, Alys, and what happens when she becomes a spy. Each series has a totally new ain character and yet it just builds on each other to create this fully fleshed out world.

Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Jun 30th, '12, 16:58
by AlleyKat666
I am in love with Erin Hunter! She is four different people who work together to write the Warriors series.

I also love Brandon Mull, Cornelia Funke, J. K. Rowling, Vivian Vande Velde, and many others.

Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Jul 3rd, '12, 23:46
by Heine_Ram
Christopher Paolini.
Read his books and you will have no questions.
Great writer and not to mention he writes about my favorite creatures ever created; Dragons!

Re: Who is/are your favourite authors and why...???

Posted: Dec 26th, '12, 19:32
by Duzell Visalia
John Green. Any author who can make you sob while also dying of laughter is fantastic in my book. My favorite book by him has got to be Looking For Alaska