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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 7th, '15, 11:08    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
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It's very hot here too but there was a sudden summer thunderstorm last night so today is unusually cool.
Good luck with your exams! :mchappy: I didn't know you made art, that's cool! :mcgrin:

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Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 15th, '15, 03:46    


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Lots of thunder storms here lately...
Thank you! :mchappy: And yes, I do draw. c:

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 27th, '15, 07:40    


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The theme of your hangout is so lovely~~ also atla is my favorite show and that was a great moment!! :D

we have been having a lot of thunderstorms where i live!!

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 28th, '15, 02:56    

Aisil Basil

Joined: Jun 17th, '15, 09:24
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I would say how I laughed at the scene of Atla, but it seems like everyone's mentioning it. c:

We haven't been having thunderstorms. Nope nope. Just a lot of sun. Lots of it. And I don't like it. I like when its cooler. I get all grumpy and sleepy when its hot out. Lol xD

Oops. I tend to ramble sometimes too.~ So, I'm sorry if I do. Ummm, maybe I should shhh now. But, how are all you guys?~

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 28th, '15, 03:09    


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hello there!! :D

seriously, dont you EVER worry about rambling, i have made posts on this site that are five + paragraphs long and i mean full 5-8 sentences paragraphs xDDD also, the point of a forum is to talk right? (: I used to always apologize too, then my friends were like SERIOUSLY STOP WE LIKE TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY . hehh. so I stopped saying sorry because i realized it wasnt a burden and i really like to read others long posts too. :3

its a great atla scene, so no wonder everyone mentions it hahaa. im sorry you dislike the heat! i think it is lovely~ but our thunderstorms havent been very cold, they are still pretty warm lol.

i am doing alright, just hanging out on kofk and flight rising. might play some games later~~ how are you?? are you new to kofk? :3

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 28th, '15, 03:16    

Aisil Basil

Joined: Jun 17th, '15, 09:24
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No, I've been on this site for a while. v.v I just keep forgetting my passwords after a while. And then I remember them. So I check up on my old accounts sometimes. xD

And I think I apologize right away, because that's how I am, but after I get to know people or get comfortable talking more often, I tend to not shut up. I love talking, especially when I'm hyper. Or in a bad mood.

The heat is okay, when I can't handle it. It's like 90°. I'm used to it raining all the time, so I'm like ugh. I like to walk/run when its sprinkling or more chilly out, until my hair gets frizzy. Lol. c:

And I'm okay. Just watching my baby brother. I'm bored. I'm thinking of either writing or doing something later. But its just so hot and I wanna lay down and watch some anime. xD

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 28th, '15, 03:32    


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I totally understand that, my best friend is the same way, always apologizing. i do like to talk though xD especially when i am excited, i wont shut up

and oh no!!! im sorry you forget your passwords haha i do that a lot too. especially now because all these places keep requiring you to have 10 character passwords with an uppercase and lowercase letter and numbers like ITS SO ANNOYING if i want to have an un-secure password then let me xDD i cant remember these complicated ones ahaha

im okay with rain if i dont have many clothes on. i hate wet clothes. FEELS AWFUL. but otherwise i dont mind the rain, and my hair is too short for anything to matter. but when i was younger it was really long and super curly so i feel ya on da frizz

then watch some anime!!! are you watching any series currently? I used to watch a ton when i was in high school, but never watched much in college. but now i have a partner who really likes anime, and we have been watching some series together. :3 right now we are watching Soul Eater. I like it so far! its pretty good~

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 28th, '15, 03:47    

Aisil Basil

Joined: Jun 17th, '15, 09:24
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Yeah, I cut my hair a few weeks ago, so it doesn't frizz that much anymore. But omgoshness, it likes to defy gravity, like kakashi's hair from naruto. xD

And I'll forget them, after I already made a new account, so I just switch between the two, but try to use my newer account a lot more. You can see my other two accounts on my profile, since I friended them. xD So I don't forget about them again. And yeah that's annoying, so I try to make my passwords all the same, so I don't forget them, but it still happens sometimes.

I'm on and off with anime. So right now I'm researching inuyasha, and naruto. And I've heard about soul eater, so I've only seen a bit of it, but it looks good. But right now my TV isn't working. It's being a butthole. So I have to watch it on my phone, but then I always get distracted on my phone. xD I've been watching Arrow lately too, I mean it's not an anime, but more of a superhero show. I like those too. c:

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 28th, '15, 04:09    


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haha yeah, i generally keep my hair pretty short now but if i let it grow out, i would first have a sort of curly afro, it definitely grows UP before it grows down lol. but it hasnt even been that long since.. bout four years ago. xP

nice! yeah this is the account i started kofk with. xP it feels like ive been around a lot longer than i actually have. i have a mule account but i almost never use it. i think id like to stay on one account because i just like to know my post count and such, idk why. just something i like to know. like on steam, i love how it records the time you spend playing a game, for some reason its very interesting to me. xD

i read the naruto manga yeaaaaaaars ago, and never finished because it wasnt finished coming out yet. but i think i read up to where they all grow up or something... but i never watched it or inuyasha, though i did read a bit of that manga too. i usually download it, or now they have a lot on netflix and they actually have the japanese audio!! im not a fan of dubs. some are okay, like full metal alchemist, the original and brotherhood. those dubs are realllly good and i dont mind watching the english. but usually i cant stand it. xD but im not an obnoxious elitist, i dont care if anyone else prefers the english, i just dont. my partner does, but i tell him if im going to watch it with him he has to suck it up and watch the japanese ehehe

ive never seen arrow but my sister and my mom LOVE it i think they have watched it all. i dont really like real people things, xD im really weird and picky like that, i LOVE animated movies and shows, not just japanese animated but any kind. but for some reason it takes a lot of effort to get me to watch something with real people haaa. both my best friend and partner make fun of me all the time, and they watch movies together without me cause im like nooo that looks boring XD

EDIT: it has been lovely talking to you, but for now i must go because my friend wants to play a game~~ see ya round. have a good night <3 or whatever time it is where you are lol

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 Post subject: Re: Silver Eclipse Teahouse
Posted: Jun 28th, '15, 04:24    

Aisil Basil

Joined: Jun 17th, '15, 09:24
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Wow that's a long time. Hehe. I've grown out my hair for the longest. I wanted to get my hair cut short back in November. But my parents wouldn't let me. And I feel like it was because I was dating a girl, and my dad's a little homophobic, though he won't say it.

I like to see my post count too. But now I can add them all up, with would be like 1000 something by now. c:

And I'm not that picky with movies or shows with real people. It just depends on who's in it or what its about. I'm only on like episode 4, that's as far as I got before my TV failed. xD

And I like when its in Japanese too! But I'm used to watching it that way. I don't like some of the English voice actors, because I think about the original, but I deal with it. I used to watch animated movies in my Japanese class all the time and we had to have it in Japanese. I watched this one movie. I forgot the name of it. It'd old, and its like the lion king, and omgoshness the names of the people. I laughed so hard, but it was so adorable. c:

And okay. Have fun playing the game~ and its like 7:30 where I am~ hehe c: So I stay up all night anyways. But goodnight~ <3 I'll talk to whenever~

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