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Re: What Cannot Be Undone

Posted: May 21st, '16, 21:46
by XnovaX
Angel sighed again and shook her head a little. "The other one was Flames. He was passed down to my brother after my father gave up his rights as a rider.." She said to him in a soft voice. The princess couldn't help but chuckle lightly and delicately push a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Worry not dear, he really doesn't like anyone." She said to him with a small light-hearted smile.

She giggled and smiled happily when the prince seemed to be enjoying his stay. And she was happy to introduce him to her babies. "What do you think of them? Flames is the aggressive one- but he means well.." Angel said to him in a quiet voice. "..and Aqua's been with me since she was an egg." She added.

Re: What Cannot Be Undone

Posted: May 21st, '16, 23:54
by LLuvia
Dorian smiled. "They are beautiful." He said and looked at her. "I hope I'll get on better terms with them eventually." He smiled. "I mean, I don't want Flames to think I'm here to replace your brother or anything." He said quickly. "Besides, I have no further desire to ride a dragon."

He headed outside and was greeted with Nieve, who headed over to him and nuzzled against him. "I kind of wish I could show you more of my culture as well, but sadly most of the things that was interesting is back home." He said and looked at her. "I do have some very interesting books, if that is something you would find to your liking."

Then he turned to Angel fully. "Do you want to pet her?" He asked. "Nieve isn't fond of strangers, but if I'm here you won't be hurt, I promise." He smiled. He held out a hand for her to place her own in. "I noticed how you looked at her in the thrown room." He said and smiled.

Re: What Cannot Be Undone

Posted: May 27th, '16, 03:22
by XnovaX
Angel smiled and lightly placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry.. In time, they will come to like you- or at least trust you." She said to him in a soft voice. Angel slowly pulled back her hand, looked to the side and blushed a little. "Flames isn't an easy dragon to please..he wasn't just my brother's dragon. He was also my father's dragon.." She said in a quiet voice.

She looked back at the young prince and smiled lightly. "Maybe one day I'll have the honor to visit your home, once we're married?" Angel tilted her head to the side curiously. Angel brightened when he mentioned having books, and she nodded to him. "I love to read, almost more than practicing magic." She found herself blushing, and averting her jade green eyes. "Almost." She added shyly. Angel blinked, and blushed once again when Dorian asked if she wanted to pet his wolf.

Angel hesitated for a moment, then slowly reached her hand out to take the offered hand of the prince. This day was turning out to be quite eventful. "Well, I never could ignore such beautiful creatures..." She said softly in a shy voice, her cheeks cherry.

Re: What Cannot Be Undon

Posted: May 27th, '16, 07:37
by LLuvia
Dorian smiled. "Don't worry about your dragons." He said and smiled. "As long as they are not planning my death, they don't necessarily have to like me. I'll be happy with them tolerating me." He smiled. "And I could lend you a few of my books, if you wish. They are rather interesting." He said and smiled.

He was happy when Angel gave him, her hand. He slowly pulled her Closer, very attentive to the reaction he got from Nieve, when Angel got nearer. Nieve growled a little, but Dorian scratched her behind the ear and smiled. "Friend, okay?" Nieve gave Angel a look. Like debating of she'd rather stay away, or get pet.

"Come on, we want her to like us, Nieve." He said, and the wolf looked at him again, making a whining voice. "No, she's good, okay?" He said slowly, pulling Angel next to him. "Don't be scared." He said softly to Angel. "She might growl, but since you are this close, she have allowed it." He smiled. Then gently guiding Angel's hand over. Nieve did growl a little, but Dorian stopped it with a scratch again. He placed Angel's hand on the fur behind Nieve's ear. "She likes being scratched here." He said and smiled. "Just, no sudden moves, and talk to her softly."

Re: What Cannot Be Undone

Posted: Jul 21st, '16, 03:45
by XnovaX
Angel couldn't help but smile, when the young prince smiled at her. There was just something charming about him. She giggled at his comment about her dragons planning his death, and shook her head lightly. She wasn't worried about that, but she did hope that they would soon begin to trust Dorian- just like she was..

Angel slowly approached the large and beautiful wolf as Dorian pulled her closer. She watched how Nieve reacted, but she didn't get discouraged. Most animals acted similar when introduced to a new person or another animal. She glanced at Dorian and smiled reassuringly. She wasn't scared, not at all. Angel chuckled quietly as she listened to the prince's words. She was pretty sure that if the wolf wouldn't allow it, Dorian would have had to react by now. So, she really wasn't worried.

Angel's hand followed the movement of Dorian's hand and smiled sweetly to the wolf and gently scratched behind the wolf's ear. "It's okay, and just so we're clear.. I think you're a beautiful wolf, Nieve." She said softly to the wolf, hoping she would warm up to her.

Re: What Cannot Be Undone

Posted: Jul 21st, '16, 23:39
by LLuvia
Dorian smiled and stood next to Angel and Nieve. He reached and petted Nieve as well. Nieve whined a little, and her tail lay on the ground, indicating her slight discomfort. She looked over at Dorian, who smiled and spoke in his native tongue. "Don't fear her, Nieve. She is kind."

Nieve turned to Angel and poked her arm with her wet nose. Dorian looked over at Angel. She poked the hand that Angel was petting her away. Dorian knew this gesture. "Hold out you hand for her." He explained. "She wants to know how you smell."

Re: What Cannot Be Undone

Posted: Jul 22nd, '16, 03:16
by XnovaX
Angel took note of Nieve's discomfort and slowly moved her hand away from the wolf's ear. The princess was pretty familiar with most tongues, but she hadn't heard the native tongue of the prince before. So she wasn't sure what Dorian had said to the wolf.

She blinked when she felt the wet nose of Nieve and glanced at her, nodding to Dorian lightly. Why hadn't she thought of that before petting her? Angel slowly held out her hand for Nieve to smell, still offering a soft smile to the animal.

Re: What Cannot Be Undone

Posted: Jul 22nd, '16, 10:18
by LLuvia
Dorian smiled as he kept his hands on Nieve just to keep her calm. Nieve sniffed Angel's hand and looked up at her, before she licked Angel's hand. Dorian chuckled. "Well, she seems to have accepted you." He said as he petted Nieve. "She usually doesn't accept women this quickly." He chuckled.

Nieve then back a bit before lying down and looking up at Angel. She wagged her tail a little back and forth. Dorian chuckled. Then he turned to Angel fully. "She wants to play." He explained. "You can play fetch, if you find something."

Re: What Cannot Be Undone

Posted: Jul 28th, '16, 23:38
by XnovaX
Angel smiled at Dorian's words, rather relieved that Nieve had decided to accept her so quickly. It wasn't surprising that Nieve didn't usually take to women - Dorian was hers after all.. It didn't matter what creature you were, every creature picks at least one person to attach themselves to. "Well, I'm honored to be accepted so quickly." She said softly, slowly kneeling before the large wolf. "Thank you, Nieve.." Angel said softly to the wolf, smiling fondly. After a moment, she slowly stood and glanced at the young prince when he mentioned the wolf wanting to play.

She was little confused- "Um.." Angel began to say quietly, rubbing her forearm. "I'm not sure I have anything to throw.." She said quietly. Dragons didn't play, she was kind of at a loss.

Re: What Cannot Be Undone

Posted: Jul 30th, '16, 03:36
by LLuvia
Dorian looked at her. "Oh, I see." He said, and looked around. There wasn't anything around they could use either. "Nieve, doesn't seem like there is a toy for you here, yet." He explained to her. Nieve sat down and looked at him.

Then her head turned to Angel. Her tail started wagging again. Dorian knew this action far too well. "Nieve, no." He warned, but the wolf seemed to be ignoring him as she prepared herself. Dorian did too. She jumped at Angel. Dorian pished Angel out of the way, but ended up with a wolf right on top of himself.

Nieve seemed confused at first that it was the wrong person underneath her at first, but when she recognised him, she started licking his face.