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Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 6th, '18, 00:32
by Nyuu
Ah yes that makes a whole lot of sense o:

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 7th, '18, 00:50
by February
Not sure why, but work has had me utterly exhausted these couple of days.

And, for some reason I get a burst of energy right at bedtime that isn't helping xD

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 7th, '18, 01:03
by Nyuu
Ahh i know how that feels! I always get more energy at night and when it's nearly time for bed > <

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 7th, '18, 20:37
by memoriam
I get that pretty often actually :mcargh: It's annoying ;>_>

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 7th, '18, 23:11
by Nyuu
Yeah it is annoying! And i am extremely tired in the morning :'c

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 8th, '18, 20:30
by February
I wish I got that burst of energy when I woke up instead. Getting ready for work would be so much faster :mcmeh:

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 9th, '18, 01:52
by Nyuu
Yeah i agree! I need to get up early in the morning today so let's hope i can get up :mcsquee:

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 9th, '18, 02:27
by February
Fingers crossed xD

I had a nap earlier and ended up being out of it for two and a half hours :mcdead:
Luckily tomorrow is an assignment day so if I can't get to sleep tonight, I can actually stay in bed an hour later than usual.
I should have washed my hair but the nap left me feeling so stuffy and sleepy, I can barely bear to stand haha. I'm so lazy <_<

My other tutor returned my first assignment because she said she wasn't familiar with my work yet and was worried that I had copied from the internet. U fookin' wot m8. :mcargh: I understand but that's pretty infuriating. If I knew that was a possible issue I could have supplied her with writing samples prior to submitting work. I offered to show the brainstorming and notes I made to prepare for writing the essay so she can see it's my work. Really hoping I don't have to rewrite it all, currently waiting for her damn reply...

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 9th, '18, 15:39
by memoriam
Yeah, morning boost of energy would be nice instead of the evening one. Maybe I'd be able to get up like a normal person :mcdead:
But lately I've been successful with not going back to sleep after bf goes to work! :mcglee: But I get occupied with apps, then I get lazy and end up doing nothing until like noon, so it doesn't change anything :mcmeh:
Bf goes out after work tonight tho, they have some integrational party going and I'm not in the mood so maybe I can get myself to doing something. Like writing. Can you believe I've spent about 3 hours just roaming my room and making up stuff to fanfictions? Yes, multiple. I made myself cry a ton and I should go do some grocery shopping but I'm too lazy. Although I'm getting hungry so maybe I should get my ass dresses in something else than sweatpants and go out to the market ;>_>
Can you guys virtually kick my ass so I'd get up from that sofa? XD
I woke up in a very weird mood today and I'm not sure if it's becaus of the gloomy weather, the air pressure or the fact I saw and heard my sister yesterday along with her husband and I'm now mentally sick... idk, it's weird... :mcsweat:

That tutor tho! Wth, she should've told you before that she needed some proof. Or she should own some anti-plagiarism program. But I guess that's fancy and only unis have it? idk. I cross my fingers she doesn't make stuff too complicated for you.

Re: ♣~Group Therapy~♣ | For venting, chatting, motivating da

Posted: Mar 9th, '18, 19:19
by February
Oh my gosh, mentally playing out fanfics is so relatable though. I loooove doing that xD One day I will write that one super sad fanfiction that I always picture when I hear indie music. That one storyline is my little fic baby :mclove:

Mem, I am being a virtual kick up the butt! (I might be a little late though, I didn't check what time you posted that xD) Get off the sofa! I believe in youuuuu <3

I felt so bossy doing that. I just want to be nice TTnTT You can do anything you want, Mem bb.

Weird unexplainable moods are the worst. Could be your sister, I know stuff like seeing someone I don't get along with can have a deeper effect than I ever realise :c It really affects your mental wellbeing tbh. And they don't even realise... :mcgloom:

Still no reply from that tutor. I don't know how she expects me to get it done by monday if she hasn't replied to my email all week. This is on her. :mcmeh: