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Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 25th, '19, 06:52
by Moi

Or calamine lotion. That works on sunburns, right?

I was sitting here with my face on fire and my mom was on the phone and was like "Shoosh >8U"

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 29th, '19, 06:10
by Nankuii
Moi: But they will also need teaching experience/working with students :u

Unless someone is half White and half Asian, I can't tell if someone is mixed lol

I also have goldish skin and tan easily!

Kit: Tomato xD

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Oct 30th, '19, 21:11
by Moi

Just pick anyone up off the streets and leave them with children u8
That could never go wrong.

That reminds me - Fallout 4 has "tatos" xD

"According to some old botany texts we found, this appears to be combination of a now extinct plant called a 'potato' and another extinct plant called a 'tomato.' The outside looks like a tomato, but the inside is brown. Tastes as absolutely disgusting as it looks, but will keep you from starving."

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Nov 16th, '19, 12:40
by Nankuii
Wait so a potato that just looks like a tomato?

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Nov 16th, '19, 21:44
by Moi

No, it looks like a tomato on the outside, but looks like a potato on the inside 8u
It's both combined in taste. Which does sound unpleasant.

I love your avatar, Nan 83

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Nov 16th, '19, 22:04
by Kitalpha Hart
That sounds awkward

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Nov 17th, '19, 03:15
by Moi

The tato or the fact my mom shushed me when I was in pain 8u

We went to IHOP today and it was great x3
I chose that one because there's rarely many people there.
We got there and I was wondering if the food was bad or if the staff sucked - why they never had many people there.
But the food was good and the waitress was friendly so I guess it's just...not very crowded xD

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Nov 17th, '19, 04:55
by Kitalpha Hart
But mostly the plant

Sometimes a place is quiet because location

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Nov 17th, '19, 08:12
by Nankuii
Moi: OH lol that does sound not pleasant

And thank you :DD

Was there a Denny's nearby lol

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Nov 18th, '19, 02:36
by Moi

Hmmm....No, actually. There was a Denny's there, but it was removed a while ago 8u

I liked it there. I like quiet and not crowded places x3
And the waitress was talking to us and checking on us, but she was like just talking to us casually. Not, I guess, professionally? Like she talked about her kids and what they do and about a mess they made recently and just really friendly.
And the food we had was good u8