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Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 5th, '19, 16:24
by Chrizine
Hahaha :D
That sounds like a good plan :)

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 5th, '19, 20:08
by jacobgrey
I also listed a whole ton of clothes on a resale site yesterday and picked out even more today, which I'll do later. Getting proactive on clearing out some room! Mostly because we had this old temporary fabric and pole wardrobe which had been leaning really badly for over a year so I couldn't walk down to my side of the bed past it properly anymore. I eventually got so mad with it (after first tying it up with a rope and securing that to a doorjamb - proper DIY craft project haha - but after about 9 months or so the rope wore through and snapped) that I tore it down rofl. Then we're now using another temporary clothes rail that I had originally bought for when I was showing my stuff at craft fairs. But that one started leaning last night with all the weight, so I was like nope, I need to get rid of a ton of stuff before it keels over because I'm NOT having my passage blocked again.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 5th, '19, 20:42
by Chrizine
Oh my, sounds like you do have too many clothes - or too little wardrobe space ;)
Was the decluttering difficult or more satisfying?

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 6th, '19, 12:35
by jacobgrey
It was fine this time. Sometimes I find it difficult to figure out what to get rid of but I was in a harsh mood haha, so I was just grabbing stuff and putting it in the pile without thinking twice. Mostly just stuff I haven't worn in a few years. I tend to hang on to stuff but when it hasn't fit me for that whole time I had to ask myself whether I would even bother wearing it even if it did fit me again later.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 6th, '19, 17:54
by Chrizine
For me it depends a lot on mood, too. Harsh mood is the most productive for decluttering ;) Sometimes I just hang onto stuff for no good reason, because it was a favourite once and "I can still wear it around the house even if it's a bit shabby by now" and the like... Sometimes I'm happy about this habit as well, though - I had a lot of clothes that had gotten too small for me over the years but that I just couldn't let go of and now after loosing weight they all fit again and I'm happy to have kept them. Some of my newer things are too big for me now, though -.- Fortunately, I can try giving things that are too big for me to my mom or my sis, since their sizes are similar to what mine used to be. And I get to try all the stuff that they can't fit themselves into anymore :D
Generally, putting things on a "show mom/sis"-pile is my cheat to decluttering - because it doesn't feel like throwing the things out that way and then I can just give the pile to them and say "keep what you want and throw out the rest" so I never actively decide that it's being thrown out :D

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 7th, '19, 00:54
by jacobgrey
Haha that's a good way to trick your mind! I have a lot of old favourites hanging around too. And sometimes it's a convenience thing. I found some stuff at the back of my drawer that I completely forgot I had, just because it's always easier to grab stuff from the front of the drawer and never bother trying to organise the back of it :'D It was getting full though so that pushed me to empty out a few things.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 7th, '19, 17:30
by Chrizine
It works pretty well :D

Oh yeah, I also sometimes notice that I never wear the tops at the bottom of the stack :D

But I have my tops stacked in two rows because our wardrobe is pretty deep, so I take them all out twice a year to put the right seasonal stacks to the front (i.e. during winter the long sleeved tops are in the front and the short ones in the back and the other way around in summer), and then I sometimes intentionally put the lower half of the stack that I never wore the year before to the top :D

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 8th, '19, 14:27
by jacobgrey
That would make sense. I don't really do seasonal changes though, I just wear a jumper over the top of my summer shirts in the winter XD

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 8th, '19, 16:39
by Chrizine
That makes it more difficult to employ tricks like that ;)

I like to wear just halter tops (if that's what they're called... The ones that just hang on small strips on your shoulders) a lot of the time in summer, that would definitely be too cold in winter :D Jumper or no :D
I like my sleeves to be either completely to my wrists or at least to my elbows in winter.

Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!

Posted: Jan 8th, '19, 19:37
by jacobgrey
Vest tops or strappy tops :mcwink: a halterneck is where the string goes around your neck, rather than over your shoulders.